I was lucky with my logo. I had a 10-year-old help me in getting it done. He's 11 now, and saw the logo on Substack last week. He said, "I really enjoyed working on that logo with you, Dada".

Melted my heart!

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Oh it’s brilliant too Martin! And it means something special - I love that! ✨

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Apr 3Liked by Claire Venus

Aaw thanks so much! I love my logo but I’ve never really revisited it in my head so thank you for noticing it! 🙏💕🍋

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Oh I remembered it from the audit I thought it really suited you and I didn’t know you like I do now. 🍋✨

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I absolutely love your logo. I immediately clicked.

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thanks so much!! xx

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Claire Venus

it's an interesting topic - I do have a logo, professionally designed for me, but I have chosen to use my photo in my 'logo' space here because I want people to 'meet' me. Am wondering though where I could sit my logo so i can have my cake and eat it!

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It’s a super interesting one.. do you use the headers and footers? Might be nice there?

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Apr 3Liked by Claire Venus

probably not! I'll have a look as I'd like my little leaf to be there somewhere

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You can pop it into my page break template and pop it at the bottom?

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Interesting review and insight into logos. I definitely simplified mine to eliminate text due to accessibility and screen size.

Just in case it's of interest https://coolors.co/ is an awesome tool for creating and finding your palette - if anyone wants to find accents and gradients to play with.

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Love Coolors so much! 💌

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Thanks Casper! Love that image - super intriguing. ✨

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Apr 10Liked by Claire Venus

I like the logo I've come up with, but now, after reading this, I'm wondering a little about color and visibility...


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It's cute - you probably don't need to over think it - go with it I'd say...

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I changed mine after reading this! Still not 100% on it but it does feel more in line with my work and clearer - before the writing was hard to read and the image behind it was distracting. Still need to change the word mark to reflect what I’ve learnt, but thanks so much for breaking it down so digestibly!

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It’s beautiful Bonnie ✨ I don’t bother with the word mark personally.

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Thank you! Looking forward to following along on this journey.

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The logo is great. I like it!

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I have been using a photo of me in a yoga pose on a cliff. My publication is Between a Rock & a Hard Pose. I think the colours mean is ok and stands put. But I’m not really sure.

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I like it Laura! It’s a real visual connect to you and your publication! ✨✨

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Wonderful! My bf mature iPhone photographer will also be very happy it can stay haha

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Thanks for including mine! It was taken from a painting I had started doing at home and decided to reuse it! I love colour so that was the main thing I wanted to communicate xx

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The colours are epic! ✨❤️

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I love my logo, which I made on Canva in a flurry of hyper manic substack activity one day last month. I have a tattoo of the tree of life on my chest, and it is very special to me, as is the phrase that is the name of my substack (I wrote a post about it too!) Every time I see my logo it gives me a little moment of joy, even if I'm not as productive with my writing as I'd like to be at the moment

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LOVE that - I just bought a blanket with the tree of life on it... 🌳

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It's a wonderful symbol. I love the idea of snuggling under a tree of life blanket!

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Apr 10Liked by Claire Venus

I changed my logo! Woohoo lol.

I have been behind the scenes working to shift things (some of which involves my love/hate relationship w/ social media) and finding out about the About Page Challenge could not have come at a better time. 🤗

I am want to lean more onto some of my strengths when it comes to my newsletter. Which is sharing wisdom, offering different perspective’s, also just having the conversation.

So I like it at least for now …

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LOVE this choice for you Navasia!

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Hi Claire! Reading all this about logos has got me thinking.. maybe the writing on mine is too small? It's also a bit plain, but I was going for the simple yet elegant vibe 😁 Do you think I should change it? Or is that a bad idea when people have started to associate me with the current logo.. if that makes sense.. 😊

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It is too small to read on my screens (iPhone 6) If you keep the colour and loose the smaller text would you be happy with that?

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Thank you.. I've been playing around with it, making the text bigger and spreading it out a bit, etc.. and may change it 👍

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I love that you started with a logo. Though my page has the name of my Substack handwritten, I like the logo being a cup of tea. I might be overthinking it now because the logo is a picture, so I'm trying to figure if I want to add my logo there.

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Lots of people don't because a picture/ photo has more depth... connection... to their publication... good to consider but I'd say you don't need to spend long thinking about it...

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OK. That sounds good.

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"Which publication did you instinctively want to click through to read?" Is it me? A good title is everything

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Ha yes it is Richard but I’m in the zone of talking about logos for the set out home page up in a month challenge… we all experience the internet in a unique way and the logo is as much chance for an invitation here as the title don’t you think?

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Okay I'll go with Lemon Soul. For the simplicity. Lots of 'stacks are too busy. Also if the title runs so long there's the three dots, I think called ellipses, that's a turnoff. If the writer can't be concise here I feel like I'm in for it in the article. Sorry Claire this isn't very funny, I usually refuse to be serious : )

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Got you - good to know and helpful for others I think. I am turned off by click bait type headlines so don't subscribe to many people who use those. To be honest the headlines of my favourite writers don't usually come into play as I always read their work. I don't have much capacity to read new writers either.

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I'm only reading not posting yet, though I plan to use this space to write. It's very challenging and may take some thinking through. Most of my publicised writing is in response to prompts. Need to think if this logo represents me or my writing?

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You can keep it super simple - choosing a shell or a flower just so you have something… Pinterest is a great source of inspiration for finding something you like. Have fun with it? ✨

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Thank you for the mention lovely! It was so fun to record that class. I use my photo in my logo space but a typography logo in my header and wordmark… feels right for my publication. Xx

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It looks stunning too!

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