Sep 17Liked by Claire Venus

I love that you're talking about this! I gave up on directly asking people for testimonials because they always sounded like a script. I turned to screenshotting the organic "love notes" my kindreds send me through emails, DM's, and in my community. They are 9000x's more natural + relatable and the screenshots themselves are so easy to share anywhere I want.

Question - do you include these kinds of screenshots in some of your actual newsletters/posts?

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LOVE this. Oh for sure! I definitely would/ do. Often times I’m pushed for time and so done is better than perfect. I had lots of shout outs in notes when I first started sharing my stay creative message but I think they’ve slowed down so maybe I should make time to track back…

I know we have loads from the summit we hosted but I don’t know if any are necessarily about my work. It was such a blur. ✨

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Sep 18Liked by Claire Venus

Ok, cool, I’ll play with that. I love sharing these screenshots, they don’t feel all “look at me.”

P.S. If only we could move file folders to + from our heads to our hard drives, right?! I can barely remember what I had for lunch… if only it was saved on my desktop for easy opening. 🤣🫶

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Sep 18Liked by Claire Venus

This is a great idea! I must admit that I am not used to putting myself forward in that way. The most I do is save lovely comments for me, but don’t think about including it anywhere else. It might be to do with “tall poppy syndrome”.

“In Australia and New Zealand, tall poppy syndrome refers to successful people being criticised. This occurs when their peers believe they are too successful, or are bragging about their success. Intense scrutiny and criticism of such a person is termed as "cutting down the tall poppy".”

In NZ, we play a lot of our success down to a point we don’t talk about it! But if we aren’t going to stand up for ourselves and our value, who else will. 🤷‍♀️☺️

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Oh my goodness this context is so so helpful! I definitely had some of that but when I realised the words were really healing and helpful to others to help understand them make decisions on joining paid I saw it all as the same act of service. ✨✨

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This is always SUCH a good idea. I remember writing a post earlier this year about asking your readers and clients for testimonials and if you don't feel comfortable, sift through your comments and save the best ones to use as testimonials.

Great reminder, Claire!

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Such a good reminder to us all - its a gratitude practise really and changed everything for me. I only had a handful when I first started my business and I read them over and over. 🥰

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Do you need to ask permission before reposting them? Thanks!

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On paid sub notes they choose whether we can share. On my google feedback form I ask them to check a box. In notes it’s public so that would be ok but if you’re second guessing then definitely ask. ✨💕

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It always brightens my day to see a nice comment. I haven't reached out for testimonials yet. I might need to add this to my Tuesday list.

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Oh please do it’s such a day maker!

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Yes!!! 👏🏻 I love this! I’ve actually just been adding some new testimonials to my website, and I’ve just added one to my about page here on Substack. 💖✨

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Yay! It makes ALL the difference! ✨🙏 and more are already on their way!

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This is such a cool suggestion (as always) Claire.

From reading this post it inspired me to shared a readers survey as I’ve now been on Substack just over a year and found a Readers Survey in the Stats dashboard, which was the perfect starting place. 🤎

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Perfect - is that headed out in your welcome email or are you sharing in posts?

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I’ve just shared it as an email to all my subscribers and about to share the link in Notes.

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Mmhh, link doesn't work, guessing this is because it's an email rather than an actual post?

Maybe I share as a post when I receive the results and can then include in my welcome email.

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The link doesn’t work in the app… could it be that?

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I tried on the laptop too and no joy 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I’ll look into it…

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Well...for someone not subscribed, this post contains such value that it is one that would convert! As for testimonials, I had recently thought about copying lovely notes --- or where someone mentioned me in their pub as a fav or shared an issue of my publication - this girl needs to take some action! Starting a spot on my writing spreadsheet NOW to do this!

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Love this and yes there are ALWAYS surprises on the upgrades but there is no call to action to subscribe to paid or clear lead to further value as such here... So this is a service and reminder of how I work post. Let me know how you get on. I could start regular reminders in notes or chat to help.

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See I took it as such value I would sub whether I saw a CTA or not, but yessss I do see no clear CTA. Which is a good reminder to myself for my own issues - to remember to add CTA more often.

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I think we just need to be shown what to do sometimes don’t we and we are all having unique experiences whether that’s a quick read in a queue in the app or in our email etc. GOOD stuff! Keep checking your stats to see what’s converting x

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I just love your words!!!!

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Also, I didn’t think about screenshotting the recommendation notes- so clever!

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So good and recognisable too! This work has super charged my publication in terms of time of conversion from free to paid. 💕✨

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Great to know!!

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This is really helpful!

In response to the quiz — I would call this a service post rather than a conversion post, as the Sparkle Summit you embedded wasn’t paywalled.

Did I pass? 🤓🤣

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Yes CORRECT! although there are always surprises this post was for everyone as an act of service and to model the way I work.

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Yay!! I feel smart today, then.

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👩🏻‍🏫 ✨🏆🪄💫

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Epic way to build confidence and remind yourself how bloody good you are! 🙌🏼 Definitely second this.

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I have a whole file of compliments I’ve been stashing on my phone and other than sharing them in insta stories I haven’t done anything with them!

Thought I asked for my first linked in testimonial on my healing through writing paid space here and it’s so comprehensive and glowing💛 this very post inspired me to ask for another one that’ll come through when it’s ready. I’ve saved the sections ready to share somewhere. Could probably do with updating my love notes file as you say 🥰🙏✨🔑📈🚀✨🪽🪽

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Yes definitely - so pop one or two on your about page, hero post if you have one, turn into tiles for your Instagram, pop on your book proposal… the first step is saving them, the second is organising them. ✨🥰 then remembering that they are P O W E R F U L and we should use them. ✨💕🙏

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