
Nothing. My answer is... I wouldn't change a thing. Told you it was kind of a trick question... โœจ

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Nov 20, 2023ยทedited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

I still feel like I'm only just starting and I think that's the beauty of Substack. It doesn't feel like a place for regrets and 'what-if's'. It's a place for learning, creativity, collaboration and growth. There is no set way, and it is beautiful to explore and experiment. We can start again with it every day and always try different things and that's really special ๐Ÿ’•

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Right?! Every day is a gift here and in life too. ๐ŸŽโœจโœจ thanks for your beautiful insight Emma!

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Thanks for the reminder. It's easy to get caught up in doing more and being more. That model doesn't fit my mindset or my life.

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exactly that - doesn't fit mine either!! We just need to try and keep gently finding our way through x

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I think about this a lot! Iโ€™ve been publishing weekly posts since July, I think? I used to do a newsletter that was more of a monthly magazine round up containing everything including the kitchen sink. I run creative writing workshops regularly and the Q&A at the end is such a learning experience for everyone and *feels* like community. Iโ€™ve been thinking of how to replicate that on here but am coming up short, so perhaps some more thought on how I create conversation two-ways before I hit launch. But... if you always wait for the perfect approach, weโ€™d never start, right?!

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Abigail! You know I love your work I donโ€™t know how Iโ€™m not subscribed! I fixed that! Do you feel you have community here or readers? Or both?

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I think initially it was both and quite a few of my subscribers were new to Substack when I shifted my list over, but the chatter is definitely more quiet now, except on my witchy motherhood post which reached beyond my circle. Something to mull over!

P.S are you going to the Substack writerโ€™s party tomorrow? I am!

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I feel very similar. I have been writing for a year, but I am now more focus on showing up more. I am writing weekly, but my readers are shy. I don't get many comments or questions. Sometimes I feel like I am writing to a void. I am trying to envision the big picture. That helps me keep my momentum going forward.

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I wrote for 5 years into a void (also to 300 people) and I learnt so much about myself... if I hadnโ€™t have written there I wouldnโ€™t have written here. Your people are listening I promise. Ripples are flowing out - itโ€™s happening. โœจ

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Oof Iโ€™ve been feeling this lately. I had great engagement when I started and now itโ€™s dwindling. I shifted directions which felt like a better niche for me, and am guessing some folks arenโ€™t for it but havenโ€™t unsubscribed, but itโ€™s hard not to take it personally.

But, I shall keep going because it means something to me, and I know some people really find value in what I write. Even if itโ€™s not thousands, it still matters.

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I found it really shifted after notes was introduced as folks just had less attention for commenting... often times people tell me in the street how something has landed with them but theyโ€™ve never told me digital and I hold that in my cells and give so much thanks. โœจ

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I didnโ€™t get an invite? Is it an invite thing? Iโ€™m fine! Itโ€™s fine! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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God, I have no idea, I'm piggybacking on someone else so I am fully going in as a gooseberry!

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Was it fun? I stalked Emma G's instagram stories from my bed with a snoozing toddler and a cuppa!

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It WAS fun, but I spoke to a very small handful of people very furiously rather than 'working the room,' so to speak, because I have no idea how to do it any other way and I find entering someone else's conversation so horrific I'd rather perform a naked salsa out the fire exit. To be fair, it was like a real life version of the Notes section, so kinda fun, kinda overwhelming, kinda interesting!

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Aw I LOVE this for you though... please tell me all the things and if you can swindle an invite for both of us next time I'm in!! xx

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My answer is, I HAVE started again on Substack. Seven whole times! My first one was back in 2017 when this platform was brand new. It was a paid extension of my blog and it was a great success until I retired my blog.

I've launched here many times and learned something new with each one. The biggest lesson though, is that your Substack has to be FOR somebody. People have to be able to see themselves through what you write or it'll be difficult to hang onto them as readers.

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I love this for you Kristi - what a learning curve - do you feel settled in what you write now?

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I do. I have shifted gears several times due to where I was at in life. Grief took up a big chunk of my writing in 2020-22. But I'm back to taking positive steps in my life and inviting others along to do the same.

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That sounds really beautiful! โœจโœจ

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This is really useful. Thanks Kristi. I am going to keep this in mind because I mostly write about myself hoping my stories will resonate with the same sort of people. Maybe I need to experiment more... :o)

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I don't think it's wrong to write about yourself but you somehow have to be able to include the reader. There has to be a common thread...at least for me there does. I don't need to know every detail of someone's life unless I can pull something out of it for ME.

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Yes totally get it. Just watching Sarah Fay's workshop on this and she suggests starting with a bit of your story then the core of the post being the topic and circling back but not having to have everything worked out. xx

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That is perfectly said. I think that's why the writing has to be authentic, from your heart. Otherwise, I think it sounds off - and doesn't resonate with people. That's where the secret sauce is.

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Yes! And the secret sauce adds ALL the flavor!

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I'm in my first few months of substack so I'm still figuring things out. I think for me if I were to start over I wouldnโ€™t stress about "going paid" and if I'm providing enough value. Instead I would enjoy writing each post and learn what I can to continue improving my writing.

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Oh thatโ€™s so beautiful Victoria!! Leaning in yes and listening...

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The paid part definitely added an element of stress for me too. I also thought "how will this ever happen when I have 10 subscribers!

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My subscriber count is in the lower hundreds and I dont yet have a paying subcriber. It sometimes feels like I need to have thousands of free subscribers to get 1 paid. That may be true but I'm choosing to focus on writing instead ๐Ÿ˜Š

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I wouldn't subscribe to so many other peoples' Substacks, since I'm drowning in them now and find it hard to squeeze my own stuff in.

Also, I would try to be more on a regular posting schedule than I am now.

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Interesting David... thanks for sharing - could you unsubscribe? Could you set a posting schedule for Jan and reflect on how it goes?!

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

As a reader, lurking on the sidelines of writing one day, I need to find a way to manage my โ€œpaidโ€ subscriptions as I want to financially support everyone but am going to end up in hock to support my Substack supporting ๐Ÿคฃ.

I love the โ€œBuy me a coffeeโ€ option as it means I can just show support in a way that I can manage. Although I do understand that this may be less satisfactory for someone who relies on Substack for their income. I have a fear of recurring subscriptions - that I may have overcommitted myself financially, especially as I head for retirement.

So if I unsubscribe from a financial subscription, I hope people donโ€™t take it personally - just trying to find a way to โ€œshare the loveโ€ - and keep my nose above water!

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Share the love yes!! So for me my subscriptions are all annual and part of a self development budget I set each year. I already know which ones Iโ€™m keeping next year and thereโ€™s probably space and head space for one more... โœจโœจ the monthly is odd for me although I embrace stripe sending me the odd ยฃ6 here and there itโ€™s hard to hold steady if people come and go... I donโ€™t have the answer but Iโ€™m embracing the journey!! Iโ€™m sure glad of this space and being paid in the wake of yet another unsuccessful funding application this year. Thanks so much for being here Sarah!

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I know! I keep subscribing then unsubscribing as it's too overwhelming! But it does help me to remember that others are probably doing the same with me. Ha ha.. and not to take it personally... :o)

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Yes just maths as Sarah Fay says

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I did this too! And now can't bring myself to unsubscribe from anything cos I know how disheartening it is for the writer!

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I wouldnโ€™t change a thing. Iโ€™m learning, trying things out, finding new inspiration from people like you, and having fun. Some posts, like my last one, totally bomb. Thatโ€™s ok, because I then know what works, and what doesnโ€™t. I love Substack and I love being here.

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Sally! Having fun yay!! When you say totally bomb? No comments? Low open rate? Whatโ€™s the feeling for you?

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Both. It was long! Too long. It was written in too flat a tone.

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I often say to my husband do it as part one and part two and that massively helps too as he seems to loose himself in the research and finds the edits hard. Edits are hard! I do like some long posts but I read at night so Iโ€™m often tired... itโ€™s a big ask of our readers isnโ€™t it?

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Yes. A big ask! Iโ€™d already made a part 1 & 2. My daughter edited for me and later said I should have cut into 3 parts. I thought about that too at the time. In the end, I just wanted to get it done. Now, Iโ€™d cut and pare down to keep it more succinct. Thanks for the discussion.

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I think it's takes some of the performance pressure off to just keep sharing.

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I think I'd have turned on my paid subscriptions. I find it hard to do now.

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Could you turn them on today? What would you offer? โœจ๐Ÿ™

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Real life examples of the cards for a personal touch. Tarot spreads and private chat about the card of the week. I am doing a,poll this week.

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I can't turn them on. Too scary. I will. I will.

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Do it Claire! Weโ€™ve already had this conversation this week... come on, Iโ€™m cheering you on ๐ŸŒŸ

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Aww. I hear you. X

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Do it, Claire!

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I agree. Do it. If you feel that the time is ready and you have readers that would be interested...turn it on. I struggle with this too, as I have a small readership. I'm journaling about what I could offer within the paywall. I have a ton of ideas, but I want to be of service to who is already there.

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I'm getting there. I hope you find a solution

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I hear ya! Feeling the same over here ๐Ÿ˜„

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This is such a great question - and like you I don't think I'd change a thing. But part of the reason for that is that I still feel as though I'm at the beginning. Like so many of us here I feel as though this is just the start of the journey and that there is a real permission slip to explore, to experiment and to try and do things differently.

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I wholeheartedly agree Louise!! I was so nervous when I did my first collab and I had two in a week last week itโ€™s just all possible and magic and lovely!

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YES! To be open to play and experiment. To have the freedom to explore and create what feels right for me.

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I feel like Iโ€™m still so new to this space that Iโ€™m still *in* the phase that people think about when they consider starting. Iโ€™m looking through the comments for gems of wisdomโ€”thank you, everyone, for sharing ๐Ÿ’•

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So so many gems!! Itโ€™s such a new space to navigate isnโ€™t is Esme... I agree. I love trying new things here as youโ€™ll probably have noticed! Iโ€™m like an open book so so ask away if you have questions! โœจโœจ

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Thatโ€™s so kind of youโ€”thank you! Iโ€™ve been watching your workshops and learning a lot, plus am so excited for your business course โค๏ธ

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Aww so glad itโ€™s serving you I have SO much more to share next year too!! โœจโœจ

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The comments are the best.

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What a great question, and thank you for all the insightful comments. I started here over a year ago, and I am finally feeling a groove. I am posting weekly and engaging in the community more. I do get a bit overwhelmed with the amount of posts, because I want to read them all. I am putting boundaries on my time, otherwise I would read and comment all day long. I wouldn't change anything. I needed to start slow, and dip my toe in the water to test it out. I wanted to take the time to poke around and see if this was a place I wanted to be. Now, I am spending more time learning about the platform and soaking up the information. Thank you Claire for the support and inspiration. It has helped me take a look at my Why? and Who? I am excited to continue plugging away at my site and cotent.

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In some ways I think perhaps I should have spent some time on Substack observing what others do before I dived on in. But actually I may have just got intimidated and my 'not good enough' voice would've got louder, so I think perhaps it's better I just dived on in, launched my page on day one and have just been figuring out as I go along ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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I had my horsey blinkers on and just wrote for months and months - I donโ€™t think I would have stayed if I didnโ€™t the quality of writing here is insanely good isnโ€™t it Vicki?

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Yes! It's a very inspiring community to be a part of, but can trigger the old imposter syndrome quite strongly!

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Yeah this is why I settled into being a creative who also writes. There is room for us all I know there is! Iโ€™ve seen so many changes and changes of tone and style here - itโ€™s actually exciting in lots of ways. โœจ

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Yes, I like that. And that's very much how I think of myself at this stage - a therapist who also writes ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Dr Vicki- as someone who is currently stuck in compara-phobia I resonate with this comment. Thank you for helping articulate it.

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Yep. So many great writers on here. It's super-inspiring but at the same time super-intimidating ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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One of the lightbulbs for me was calling myself a creative who also writes. Yes it was set up for writers but they are also encouraging mixed media, audio, video, photo and lots of ways to set out your stall here... ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒ€โœจ

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I also wouldn't change anything about this past year because every step I've taken (and mis-step!) has taught me so much and helped me to grow as a writer, facilitator and as a business-minded person. This last one has been the steepest learning curve as I attempt to build a financially-viable income stream here on my own terms. I actually just pinch myself that I've finally found an online home where I feel I can be me and provide value for my growing membership. If I'd been told a year ago that I'd have over 40 generous souls willing to pay for my words and courses, I wouldn't have been able to tell you how I'd do it, so there's been a real shift in terms of believing in myself (and seeing every day as a work day but that's another story!)

I also need to say just how sustaining creatively it has been to meet and get to know so many wonderful creators, writers and thinkers by being all-in on Substack. It's a hot bed, and we are still only really at the beginning... Oh, wait: have I been an early(ish) adopter for the first time in my whole life?!

I'm sharing a 'first year on Substack' post in a couple of weeks' time and this thread is giving me so much to think about!

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"Sustaining creatively" sounds wonderful. This is what I wanted when I started my business. I think I floundered at the start, because of the typical business models out there. I didn't resonate with most of them, and I didn't have the time to dedicate full time to it. I need a space that will support me as I try and fail to offer something of value to my readers. Giving myself that permission feels open and wide.

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Absolutely agree with you on all of this!

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I feel like I have only just started - and so far I wouldn't change a thing. My motivations have been driven my building my own body of work first and foremost - and that has been happening steadily. Substack has supported me in holding me accountable and making me 'show up' - and that remains true now as in the start. I certainly hope that this space grows and grows for me, but I don't want to lose sight of my creative goals.

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100% agree and feel so aligned with your thoughts on this too :)

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Ah Raj this is the first post to mention accountability and itโ€™s so true!! Even if itโ€™s self imposed we want to show up for it here I love that! โœจโœจ๐Ÿซ–๐Ÿ™

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I feel like I needed to get a lot of self expression out first before finding what I am meant to be doing here and I am shifting back to coaching which is a bit of a surprise but it is where my gifts lie. I thought I was going to just be able to write and express myself at first and get paid! But I can now see this is a place to build a real business and I LOVE IT!

I think the only thing I might have changed if I could go back was to turn on paid from the beginning. Not to get more subs but just because it felt really scary.

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I'd like to do more creative writing. Right now, it's once a week. But that's all I have capacity right now. It's much easier to push out an essay or observation or an update on writing.

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Could you do a part one and a part two? Once a week is great though?! People donโ€™t expect lots of volume here?

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Clarify. I put out fiction once a month. The other three weeks are updates, interviews with authors, and my fridge philosophies.

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Love the sound of all of this! I went with seasonal offerings for my first publication so I could change it up... it feels nice to do that!

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