Brand new to Substack?


I’m so glad you’re here. Substack is a wonderful platform where people have time. They have time to read your work, join community, leave thoughtful comments.

Want some Simple Substack Advice - head here where you’ll find a video and some articles to help.

Yes, you can make money here if you want to but you don’t have to turn on your paid option. Your Substack is a “new engine for culture” and so knowing that is knowing we get to design it the way we want.

Hi, hello, it’s lovely to meet you.

Cafe working forever!

If you are new to my work. Let me introduce myself; I’m Claire. I live on the Northumberland Coast with a view of the sea and a lighthouse. I’m a mum to two bright sparks and we live life in the slower lane tending to our very wild allotment and pet chickens.

For work, I’m an Engagement Consultant and Mentor and I started my journey with Substack in April 2022. I started teaching here on Substack a year later and now have hundreds of members and thousands of readers here.

My community are made up of artists, wellbeing practitioners, best selling authors, writers, creators, influencers, illustrators - it’s a lovely creative HUB of people and place. I started working online to make space for the life I wanted to create for myself and my family. My clients include Andersen Press, Action for Children, BBC, Creative UK, National Trust, Tate Modern and Substack!

What feels right to you here right now?

If you’ve found your way to my resources, feel free to have a dig around and see what resonates, what you need and when you might need it.

There’s SO much to say about Substack.

I seem to end up saying these three things over and over to new folks here so I’ve made a page for them. If you’re new I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.

Part of that work is deciding what you want your Substack to be…

Is it…

  • Your seasonal/ monthly newsletter?

  • A space to write/ blog

  • A place to grow community, a podcast?

  • A space to host video?

  • A space to read?

  • A brand new community hub for membership?

I wrote an A-Z of Substack for you if you fancy a read?

There’s time; we have SO much time. Lots of us want to help you to get to know the platform and what it can be for you.

Here’s a tonne of help articles and videos from


Here’s a checklist you can work through if you like that sort of thing…

Substack Get Set Up And Go Paid Check List
578KB ∙ PDF file

  • Here’s a free 5 day mini course delivered to your email I made just for you.

  • Here’s a video on how to make a post. There’s a full playlist of videos I’ve called ‘Joyful Growth where you can get creative on Substack’ to help newbies over on my YouTube channel.

  • I share my journey in real time and teach two classes a month over on

    members. It’s great value as you get access to the library of resources; over 30 hours of workshops/ ‘how to’ posts.

  • There’s a collection of posts aimed at beginners right here.

  • There are MORE resources that get sent in your welcome email if you subscribe including a canva template for page breaks and a check list to help you get set up.

a page break, 108 designs to play with arrive in your welcome email…

I hope those resources meet you where you’re at. Do ask if you need something specific. Everyone is very friendly here.

My paid Substack chat is open once a week on Mondays or you can post on notes and ‘tag’ me in. I’m @

there. You’re so so welcome! ✨

Let’s joyfully grow our Substacks together!



PS - How to protect your peace 🕊️

If you are looking to turn on ‘smart notifications’ on to keep your email inbox from overflowing here are the steps.

You’ll find this in your profile (picture) settings not your writer dashboard settings.

Toggle the smart notification button on and you’ll read solely here on the website or app.