Art on Substack


“A rising tide lifts all ships.”

This platform is heavenly for creatives and artists. Our creativity loves structure right? Oh and a platform that doesn’t glitch or break!

have got us!

Here I will collate and share people who are using the platform in WONDERFULLY creative ways and if you have any suggestions or would like to be added please comment below.

This list complements my Substack Resources and Writer-y groups list - there’ll be some cross-over because art’s like that isn’t it?

Share this post far and wide and let’s support each other’s work and lift each other up on this platform!

Share Sparkle on Substack

Invites to Creative Writing

  • - and are two ‘early adopters’ to the Substack platform and have so much to share on publishing fiction here. Read their about page for more and subscribe for their fun and thoughtful updates!

  • - Kerani is an incredible photographer and mother artist and has the most BEAUTIFUL writing prompt project running - she is 4 weeks in to a 100 prompt project - go check it out here.

  • Another shout out to

    who as well as being a keen Substack educator who chats with Substack directly also offers classes on serialising your memoir here.


Photography & Film

What I want to say us disgruntled insta-grammers made our way here to share more of our photos in a thoughtful way - that’s perhaps only true for me (?) but I’m saying it! The rest as they say is history!

  • - Andy is an incredible photographer and as he puts it; “photography has changed his life” - he’s very active and supportive on Notes and has lots to say and share about how we support photographers on the platform. You can even send him a submission;

  • If you’re looking for other photographers to subscribe to

    did a shout on out Notes which has over 150 replies;

  • Graeme Cole at Unfound Peoples Videotechnic runs an ‘absurdist roaming filmmaking academy’ through Weekly micro-essays on the esoterics of film and video making (although hopefully inspiring for other artforms).

  • Sara Tasker - Me & Orla - the Queen of Instagram is here on Substack! Dreamy updates from her ‘do-er - upper French home’ and from the Yorkshire countryside - you could read her AI imagery post but you might not sleep soundly afterwards! Regular classes for paid members (of which I am one) on all things creative online.

  • Lastly, check this magnetism out from

    (but only if you have time to get lost a while…);


In my head - could I tag all the illustrators here? I probably could…could I? Should I?

Just for now I’ll just share

and her wonderful list of ‘traditionally published’ illustrators which she is curating and growing over here.

Debbie offers a treasure trove of super helpful and well thought out resources for illustrators. I loved this post from her;

Inkygirl by Debbie Ridpath Ohi
News Round-Up: Generative AI and Artists
As I mentioned in my Substack About page, I have backgrounds in both computer science (formal) and art (self-taught, currently a professional illustrator). I also had a keen interest in A.I. back in university, specifically in natural language processing…
Read more

Art in other ways

I expect this list to grow exponentially but for now I’m going to loop you in with

and who offer so so much of their process and their art for us to better understand and enjoy!!

I’d also like to shout out to my first Substack pal and featured Substack writer

who writes a series called Art and Treasures. It’s mixed media and so so beautiful.

Lastly, you’ll also love connecting with my IRL friend

who is a paper and book making master and has so so much to share about life as a solo parent and the way she curates her life, work and art around a chronic illness.

National Trust’s ‘Pages by the Sea’ community event - Artwork Yvette Ja with local children, produced be me. 11.11 - We will remember them.

I hope that list has brought some new creators to your world and do let me know if you think someone should be on here - there’s only so many reading hours I have so I want this to be a community led resource so I need your help to grow it further.

Let’s lift each other up and celebrate this wonderful platform,

Thanks so much for reading and supporting

. I’m going ask an artist pal to write a guest post for us on the commissioning process as I’m sure you’ll find that fascinating AND I can see us commissioning artists left, right and centre here on Substack - words and art have always been firm friends!

Claire x

MORE, more and a few more…

(An EDIT - other artists who reached out via my shout out Note…). You know that feeling where you’re not ‘good enough’ to be in the exhibition or cool enough to be invited to the party - yeah it’s not like that here

- I genuinely want to support you all because it’s my belief we were born to create! Societal rules, privilege and judgement push us away from creativity as our birth right and we can choose to reclaim that any time we choose.

Here’s my original Note and listed below are all the folks who reached out and claimed their space as artists.

We LOVE the power of the network effect here. ✨

For now, I’m just listing in alphabetical order by first name as I got ‘told off’ for doing that the other week and this is my space so I’m doing it again… 🙊

As I said, I think it will grow exponentially;

  • I’m going to shout out to

    because he’s one of the first artists I found here because he poses a lot of questions and invites and I really like that. He’s also one of my paid subs here at - thanks Adam! ✨

  • Aimee wants us to check out her Good and Beautiful things - sounds a lovely invite to me… Thanks

    for making them!

  • is sharing beautiful art cards here at Take a Moodle with Me.

  • The Light on the Seaby Gillian O’ Mara. Gillian illustrated the front cover of my second Creativity and Wellbeing Journal and I adore her and her work. Her Substack and her writing is just other worldly gorgeous! Gillian is an incredibly advocate for ‘arts for all’ and does incredible community work. She’s always been so supportive of me and that means a lot. We are going to meet IRL soon. ☕️

  • at The Wild Gathering is an Australian fine artist and writer delving into honouring the wild in pigment and words. Called to create realistic, intricate wildlife portraiture, and imaginal elder-woman archetypes and their weavings with the wild, and examine our own wild-hearted relationships to the wild world.

  • writes the quirkily titled ‘The SneakyArt Post’ - I haven’t had chance to have a look at this yet but I spotted a F.R.I.E.N.D.S gif on their home page so I can tell we’ll be friends!

  • Travel sketches and escapist scenes from

    - I’ll be spending some time here… I often day dream of solo day trips to Paris…

  • Susan launched just 20 days ago, but you know us friendly lot here at

    - it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been here it’s really about whether you want to stay for the party! I hope Susan does;

  • - A one click subscribe from me - those bold colours were a TREAT and a surprise for my eyes;


Did you know it was organic and the company recycle all their cups. I’m not advocating for big corps by the way BUT it’s nice coffee if you live in the middle of no-where there’s no where else open.