Writer-y groups


Sometimes we need a little bit of accountability, support or witnessing as we do our work.

I host a twice monthly sessions on zoom for creatives who want to grow (both personally and professionally) here at


Head to the calendar to see what’s coming up this month and next.

We cover a different topic each session and then spend time working on enhancing our Substacks, problem solving or perhaps all three.

You can get access to the workshop and co-working sessions and all recordings of ones you’ve missed by upgrading your membership to ‘paid’ right here on Substack

Read more about my paid community Membership Sparkles here.

Other writer-y groups I LOVE or have heard really GOOD things about.

  • ’s Heart Leap Club. Writer meet ups every Tues & Thurs 9-10am UK time on zoom. I ADORE Suzy and this group of brilliant women!

  • runs a writers group for her paid subs - I have had too much imposter syndrome to join but one day soon!

  • runs a monthly journalling get together - usually Sundays 7.30pm UK time. She’s a huge advocate for journalling for gratitude and a great coach.

  • runs a beautiful guided connect to Julia Cameron’s book and guide for creatives ‘The Artist Way’ for her paid supporters - there’s a meet up on zoom every few weeks as part of that too.

  • Over on

    (my other publication), I have tools which offer ‘Ways into Creative Journalling’ - these video tool kits are designed to get you unlocking and using your creativity and really help you get out of your own way when it comes to sharing your beautiful voice online. There are some free resources and some for paid subs. Give me a shout if you need a hand finding them.

  • On the technical side if you write or want to geek out on tech,

    offers a group and community for tech enthusiasts and writers. The term ‘tech’ is used broadly - check out their comment below.

  • Best selling author

    offers loads of delicious writer-y invites for her paid subs as does . I’m in Cait’s paid community and it’s honestly like therapy - she’s such an incredible space holder.

  • offers a beautiful invitation into spellbound fiction - I’ve not joined in yet but I hope to soon. More here.

over at The Wild Gathering has this stunning invite and it’s really testament to her unique way of seeing Substack.

Opportunities to Guest Post

There are lots of publications offering the opportunity to guest post on their platform. I’m going to do a shout out (on Notes) to find out who is currently offering space in their publication for guests and bring your more details.

Here are some I do know offer guest posting opportunities as well as me;

I couldn’t wrap up this page without mentioning the visual side of what’s possible here.

This list of published illustrators curated by

is a wonderful resource - I’m not sure who is offering illustration services here but does and it might be worth reaching out on Notes if you’re keen to commission an illustrator for your Substack.

You can head over to my Art on Substack page for more visual inspiration.

Know some other writer-y groups folks can join? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add them here.

Sending sparkles,

Claire x

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