1. I’m Claire and I write Sparkle on Substack and Creatively Conscious

2. Video Podcast because I like the medium and it’s more efficient for me.

3. I was interested in podcast swapping with Sarah Fay as we chat often and I wanted to align my work and brand with her as she is one of my top referrers and based in the US. I knew, it would enable me to reach new readers and share more of our unique skillsets and the essence of Substack education. There is a lot of noise about Substack Education now and I wanted to re-align my voice with Sarahs.

Here’s the link if you fancy a listen. https://www.writersatwork.net/p/quiet-the-noise-on-substack

This collaboration drove 138 new free readers within 24 hours. ✨

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Thanks for this, Claire. Hi everyone 👋

1. I’m Amanda and I write The Mindful Writer and The Tao of Storytelling. I also publish a literary journal, WestWord, sharing other people’s short stories.

2. Written interview as I can fit writing the answers in around other jobs. And in writing the answers it helps clarify things in my mind about what I’m doing. And, you know, words!

3. I want to connect with more people and grow a community of writers who share my passion for mindful storytelling and using our words to bring us all closer together. 💙

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Amanda - you had me at mindful storytelling… I love this. My first narrative non-fiction book is being published in the UK soon, and it had shared stories at its heart. I interviewed women all over the world about our relationship with the open water and navigating the ebb and flow of life. It’s been so beautiful to interweave those stories with my own, and I’d love to collaborate with you if you’re interested in speaking further.

My purpose here is all about connecting and helping others know they are not alone. We have such an opportunity to bring people together with our words. 💕

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Emma - your book sounds fascinating! I am a wild swimmer too and I often write about that on my Substack. I long to build a community, but I admit often feel a little unsure how to do that amidst so many incredible substacks. I love the way your posts are so honest and thoughtful. Let me know if you’d be interested in collaborating in any way!

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Bonnie, I love your writing and the way you take us along on a journey with you. It’s so lovely to connect with you 💖💖💖

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Thank you so much Catherine! That means alot

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Hi Bonnie, thank you so much, you’re so kind. It’s lovely to meet you!! We will definitely have much to collaborate on I’m sure 💕 whereabouts are you in the world? Xx

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I am based on the SE border of london and Kent - until I don’t need london for work it’s a good base and I can still get to the sea in under an hour! Where are you?

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I'm in Dorking so not too far from Kent! Would be lovely to have a swim and a chat? x

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Hey Emma, can’t message you privately as it’s only allowing paid subscribers- feel free to message me!

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I would love that, yes Dorking not too far from me! Will have a look at messaging directly, I think you can do that here now?! 😂

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I write narrative non-fiction books, too, most based on in-depth interviews with other people explaining the complexities of their lives – one on people with AIDS back in the early 90s, one on people who work in hospice care and one on how it feels to be a grandmother. Also published a book on why I like being older, based solely on my own experience (title same as my Substack).

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Oh how interesting - what a great range of topics Anne x

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Emma, how exciting. Celebrating you as you publish your book!! 💖

And I agree!! Amanda’s mindful storytelling Substack is so lovely!

So wonderful to connect with both of you 🫶

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Thank you, Catherine! 😊

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Hi Emma, nice to meet you! 😊 Your book sounds great. I love open water - being by it and swimming in it. I shall look forward to reading it when it comes out. Sounds like we have lots in common with what we want to do with storytelling so yes, let’s chat! 💙

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Hi Emma, the water in Australia where I live is currently 10 degrees. Your book sounds interesting as our swimming and the connection of women to the water is something magic.

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You know words - YES! Love this!! Thank you xx

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This is off the collaboration topic, but I need to upgrade with you and learn story-telling from you, Amanda! I admire anyone who's a skilled storyteller!

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Hi Jana! Come tell stories with me anytime! I love reading and writing stories and helping others develop their craft. 😊💙

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oh yes, please, count me in... I am currently gently excavating my long buried inner storyteller & would love some inspiration... Looking forward to exploring your Newsletter :-) <3

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Hi Amanda, I just had a read of your Substack and I loved it. Mindfulness in writing - and in life! - is a fascination of mine. I write Wild Quiet Folk, a nature blog woven through with folklore, feminism and a quiet curiosity for the every day. To be very honest, I still struggle with knowing if what I offer here brings value to anyone and I shrink back from any self promotion- bit what I always come back to is that writing mindfully teaches me to be more mindful in my day to day life, and that is a worthy starting point. I would love to collaborate if you would be open. Do you want to be interviewed or interview someone, or both? Best, Bonnie

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Hi Bonnie, it’s nice to meet you and thanks for reading and all your lovely comments you left. 😊

Your Substack sounds great and I’d love to collaborate. I have an interview series where I ask people the same questions each time about mindfulness and writing and I’d be happy to feature you on there. The only thing is, it proved very popular when I first launched it earlier this year and the schedule is full until next year. So I couldn’t feature you until then (unless someone pulls out). I’d love to do be interviewed by you though in the meantime, if you’d like to do that. 💙

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Thanks Amanda, it was a pleasure to read! I’d love to be part of your interview series - I read one of those articles and thought the format was great - and am happy to wait until you have space. An interview with you would be great - I will need to work out a format and questions etc as it’s a very new area for me!

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Great! No rush at all 😊

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Hi Amanda, I write about conscious living which involves a lot of mindfulness. I would be interested to see how mindful storytelling will help in concious living. Are you keen to explore? :)

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Hi Rachel, yes definitely! Sounds like there would be lots of ways our writings would crossover. 💙

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Hi Amanda - I'm a writing and book coach with an MA in Psychology, so I share about writing craft and the psychology of creativity. I think we definitely overlap in a really interesting way. I love a written interview, too... maybe we could swap interviews?

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Hi Caroline, I think do have some interesting overlaps. Yes, let's chat about swapping interviews. I will DM you.

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Hi everyone 👋 I'm Sophie from This Is Sophie Today 😊

1. This is Sophie today is a newsletter about personal growth, and life lessons distilled from living a life off the grid. My focus is very much on aspects such as slow living, mindset, mindfulness, self care and mental health. With some off grid tiny house stories mixed in.

2. I'm open to interviews, posts, post-swap - anything really

3. My goal is to connect with others in a meaningful way and provide value. Connect with other writers, but also new readers.

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Hi Sophie! 👋 another fan of slow living. I'm curious on to allow room for it as a newbie to it. Feels like I'm swimming upstream a lot of the time because the world pushes you in the other direction. Would love to collaborate on something to help my readers start their own slow living journey. Dm me if you're interested. 😃

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Ohh, I love this! Slow living is one of my key interests as well!

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Hey Sophie.

I'm also into slow living and this year I'm pretty much pushing for the off-grid type life now that I'm living mostly in the countryside.

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Have sent you a DM

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Hi Sophie!! 👋

Love this!! Slow living is something I feel so drawn to in this season of life. I love the beautiful work you’re doing. So lovely to connect with you! 💖

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Hi Catherine 👋 lovely to connect with you too! 😊

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Hi Sophie, I love this idea of slow living!

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Hi Sophie! I live very much on-grid but love to talk about mindset, self-care, mental health, and intentional living. I’d be happy to chat about a writing collaboration or podcast swap if it sounds like a fit for you. Feel free to DM. ✨

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Have sent you a DM

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1. Hi lovely people! The name of my Substack publication is Knowing Self Knowing Others. It's all about self-aware leadership and how increasing our self-awareness makes us better leaders and prevents us from making other people's work lives suck

2. I'd love to write articles together! I host The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast which is an interview based discussion podcast. We can do the same on Substack using our love of the written word! Unless you'd rather join me on my podcast - you could do that too!

3. From September my podcast will be moving from weekly to fortnightly so that I get more time to write more good stuff on Substack. Collaborating is a brilliant way of getting my writing out to your people and your writing out to my people. I'll definitely be using my writing to publicise my book, 'The Self-Awareness Superhighway' which is out in stores now

Here it is: https://knowingselfknowingothers.substack.com

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Thanks Nia! 🙏

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No, thank you!!!!! 💐

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This sounds super fascinating! I couldn't agree more with what you say about self-awareness making us better leaders. I have noticed this big time when realising that I am autistic – the learning curve was steep, yet thanks gaining awareness of my neurotype, my whole self-concept has changed completely.

I love to share about my experience and story with this, if it sounds like your readers/listeners could be interested, I'd be more than happy to write something together, or be a guest on your podcast.

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Just subscribed! You are exactly the person I aspire to collaborate with, as I mentor facilitators in sacred leadership and am a spokes person for redefining leadership roles from loud and proud gurus to those practicing what they preach (without needing to shout about it) and walk alongside others to help them empower themselves.

I personally write about shadow and inner work and would love to have your guidance for my readers to experiencing someone aligned with my values in the big world out there making a change! I’ve been interviewed for many podcast and love the format and would create a written form for Substack.

Let me know if you think we would be a match ✨

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Oh this sounds interesting Laura. I've had a few podcast guests talking about introversion and introvert leaders. I have a section on it in my book - and I am one!! Let's DM!

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Hi Dr. Nia

I am a paramedic firefighter with a lot of field experience. I write about getting out of a reaction mindset into resilience.

Your message resonates with me. I'm up for collaborating. Perhaps we can interview each other.

Here is my latest article.


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That’d be really interesting. Here’s an example of a podcast I did early on with an Asst Fire Chief https://open.spotify.com/episode/6xJfH4JXr2eBU4s5nIbS5E?si=g2R3xvPIRWeOM4JOZDvG_g

Pls do drop me a DM

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Hi Dr. Nia, I'd be interested in joining you on your podcast! I'm a holistic doctor and I write about mindfulness and natural health however my background is in force-free horse training, animal behaviour, and life coaching. Perhaps I might be able to add something of value for your listeners? :-) Warm Regards, Chesica

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Hi Nia, your Substack really resonates with the work I'm doing - finding our authentic voice to become inspiring, confident leaders. Would love to explore potential opportunities to connect here, or on your podcast. I'm a voice coach, supporting women to seek confidently so they can shine! Let me know if it sounds appealing, thanks, Claire

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Well that sounds interesting. Please do drop me a DM!

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I love this, Nia! I am a "Intuitive Transformational Coach" - for lack of a better term - and Self-Awareness is the pillar around which all my 'work' revolves. My focus is less on leadership and more on how to become aware of old patterns so we can release & learn to embody our most joyful & fulfilled version of self...and all the ripple effects that roll out from there into all our interactions in the world.

I am looking forwrad to exploring your posts & podcast :-)

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Hi Dr. Thomas,

I'd be really interested in being on your podcast or write an article together.

A bit about me. I write https://jotjustonething.substack.com/, JOT aims to give folks one short useful tip for young (and young at heart) professionals every Friday. My audience is mostly US based young professionals with a heavy lean of legal and tech folks (I'm located in Silicon Valley). It might be fun to do a post/podcast on leading as an individual contributor . Please feel free to DM me if you're interested in working together!

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1. I'm Claire and I write Wild Voices. I write about the voice and how women can harness its power to thrive, both professionally and personally.

2. Would love to interview people about how they use their voices in their professional lives and beyond. Happy to explore written, audio and video. Whatever feels most comfortable. Also open to creating something about how to use the voice to deepen your connection to your community in a way that feels authentic to you.

3. I am new to Substack and am keen to connect and be of service to others. I'd like to really know how people are using the spoken word, why they might be hesitate to and what value it brings. So, joyful growth and making friends with like minded folks. I can start as early as next week :-)

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Hi Claire, your work sounds fascinating. Communication for me is so much more than the words I choose. I've always felt that voice is my superpower, but I don't know how to use it to its full potential. Tone is also central to the sexual health education I do. Here is my substack: https://substack.com/@winningsexed?utm_source=user-menu. I'm sure there are some fun collaboration possibilities. You are onto something; I look forward to exploring your work. Please reach out if the spirit moves you.

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Hi Tara, the spirit moves! I think there are lots of collaboration avenues here. Montessori, sex ed. Tone, pacing, physicality of a voice, judgments we make about the sound of a voice. Juggling school holidays this end but will send you a DM x

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Take your time ~ enjoy the school holidays, and I look forward to connecting. How exciting!

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Hi Claire, I'm super intrigued by your work and look forward to checking out your Substack. I've had to think about my voice quite a bit in my work as a documentary filmmaker - the subtle ways I change my voice when speaking to different types of contributors, how to use my voice most effectively as an interviewer and more recently when I had to record some VoiceOver - my first time in a professional studio on that side of the mic! And there's a fair amount of gender and class stuff bound up in there too. Let me know if you think there's anything in any of this that might work for you as a potential collaboration 😊

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Hi Vicki! Thanks so much for reaching out. I think there's loads in this that has potential. Gender, class, the different voices we use for different people. I'll DM you 😊

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Great! I'm gonna be a bit less active on Substack for the next few weeks cos of the school holidays but would love to chat about some of this stuff whenever you're ready so I'll look out for your message 😊

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We have similar backgrounds-but I left

my opera program to be a rock and roll singer songwriter. In the 90s. Recently someone on Substack, who runs a radio station, found me because they liked my voice reading my Substack aloud! This was new for me. I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about my speaking voice, but my training and experience definitely affect it. Now I’m doing a podcast for the station - see today’s post for more info. Not sure if I am your target - I left corporate America long ago to focus on writing and teaching. I left my rock band in LA after 20 years of amazing fun. My voice defined me - now my written voice does. Loved hearing your story and history. Wonderful!

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Hi Camille,

Thanks so much for your note.

I love that you left opera and became a rock star!!! I kinda ditched opera for jazz and folk.

The responses I’m getting have got me thinking about a possible podcast series - talking to women about how their voices have changed through the seasons of life. I’ll DM you with more info. Thanks again for reaching out, Claire

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Sounds fun!

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This is a beautiful topic, Claire! I help people overcome fear and other blocks to writing. -- My substack is Book-alchemy.com because I see writing as transformative, with the kind of power you mention exploring with the voice.

I think of writing, both in fiction and nonfiction, as an important way to share one's voice. I am open to any format, written, audio or video.

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Caroline, thanks so much for connecting. Fear and blocks with the writing voice - yummy! I've actually worked with quite a few writers, currently two screen writers. Could see some delicious cross over. I'LL DM you.

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Oooh- please do! There’s nothing like delicious cross-over, is there? :-)

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Thank you Claire 🤍

1. My name is Jo. I write Seeds, Weeds and Wildflowers which is for seekers of untamed edges, the imperfect and the meaningful. It’s a journal where the natural world meets hearth and home, explored through writing, photography, crafts, watercolour, poetry and music.

2. I’m interested in post swapping, Q&As, writing, podcast, audio and perhaps a photography swap if that could work somehow? I like the idea of doing Q&As outside the usual written medium. For example responding to questions using drawings, photography, craft, audio, music etc.

3. I’d love to collaborate and explore ideas with others, making connections with like-minded creators and writers. Or perhaps even the opposite and connecting with people doing something completely different to me!

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gah i love how similar the motivation behind the names of our newsletters are! i call mine in the weeds to capture that sense of being immersed, in awe of something messy and imperfect. would love to chat and see if a collab might fit for us!

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Hi Cana, I totally relate! Messy and imperfect is my kind of place :-)

Looking forward to reading your Substack, and I'm very happy to chat :-)

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Hi Jo - I would be interested in doing a photo swap or finding another out of the box way to collaborate :)

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Hi Catriona, sounds great! I’ve been reading your About page, and what you wrote about navigating inner landscapes really resonated. I’m glad the idea of a photo swap appeals and I wonder whether a visual representation of inner landscapes could form part of that? Just an idea and happy to explore others… :-)

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Oh that is an interesting idea Jo - you have me thinking.... I did a photo exchange from Scotland to Dubai which I really enjoyed a few months back - it is a format I have found a lot of fun experimenting around. let me reflect and get back to you properly.

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Jo your Substack sounds truly beautiful and I would love to connect and potentially collaborate.

I’m also a poet and write about slowing down and romanticising life through the small moments 🤍

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Hi Jo,

Your focus on the untamed edges, the way you collect moments in your writing, gathering them into a breathing snapshot of a moment is beautiful. I would love to collaborate on something - the idea of picture interviews is a great one! I take lots of photos and do very loose messy sketches and these visual practices help root my words - and my mind! Let me know if you’d be interested in connecting 😊

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Hi Bonnie,

Thank you so much :-)

Yes I'd love to connect and see what we can collaborate on. It seems like we have a lot of shared interests so I'm sure we'll fine something :-)

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Hi Jenna, thank you! I’ve just been reading some of your posts and I really love the sound of your Wild Love offering. Let’s connect and see what ideas percolate :-)

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Aw thank you! Yes, definitely. Feel free to drop me a message and we can chat 🥰

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Hi Jo! I love the idea of a photography swap... I could see creating a prompt and then each responding to it based on our surroundings? Since I live in Berlin, there are a lot of untamed edges, even in an urban setting. Could be fun...

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Hi Caroline, so sorry I missed this.

That sounds like a cool idea! I imagine there must a lot of untamed nature in Berlin. Let me have a think about prompts and how we could make it work 😀

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No worries at all - there’s so much to pay attention to on here. Let me know if this sounds fun and if there are prompts you’re excited about. Looking forward to collaborating if it suits. xx

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Hi Jo. I will shortly be launching ‘Step It Up’ to support people who want to walk more. I loved your piece about walking to the bluebell woods. Maybe we could do a post swap at some stage, once I have a few posts for you to choose from? I realise you can’t tell what Step It Up will be like, so I’ll make a note to contact you again in a while.

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Hi Julia, thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the piece on Bluebells :-) Step It Up sounds really interesting and a post-swap at some stage sounds good. I will look forward to reading more once you’ve launched.

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Hello! I’m Jillian and I

1. Write Humans Leading (and produce a podcast of the same name) which is aimed at helping people reduce overwhelm and learn to live the lives they truly want rather than being caught up in the hustle

2. Am interested in a writing collaboration here on Substack or possibly a podcast swap if you have a space of your own

3. I would love to meet new people by collaborating because I’ve felt a bit lost on Substack at times. Ideally, we’d collaborate in August or later as July is already quite full for me.

Looking forward to collaborating!

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Hi Jillian, I’m interested in a collaboration! I’m a yoga teacher and I write here on yoga and rock climbing. I also have online yoga classes I share on substack. Send me a DM if you are interested.

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Wonderful! Sent you a DM.

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Yay got it!

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Hi Jillian,

I'd be really interested in a post swap!

A bit about me. I write https://jotjustonething.substack.com/, JOT aims to give folks one short useful tip for young (and young at heart) professionals every Friday. My audience is mostly US based young professionals with a heavy lean of legal and tech folks (I'm located in Silicon Valley). It might be fun to do a cross post. One week of Humans Leading for one week of Jot? Please feel free to DM me if interested.

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Sent you a DM!

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Hi Jillian. I would love to do something with you, once I have my new Substack up and running. It’s called Step It Up, and my angle would be about the benefits of walking to reduce overwhelm.

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Hi Jillian! Sounds great. I left the hustle behind 12 years ago - best decision I ever made!

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Sounds lovely Amanda! Would love to hear how you made that decision and what you’ve learned from it.

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It’s a bit too long a story for this comment section! But I’d love to share it with you.

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Thank you for this great opportunity Claire!

1. Hi I'm Sonaakshi and I write Zingy Zen. I write stories inspired by my personal journey of overcoming my demons through mindfulness practices.

2. I would be more interested in post-swaps and written interviews. Although audio and video aren't my thing but I'm open to it if the collaboration is something unique and demands for it.

3. I hope to connect with like-minded individuals who're on a similar journey and of course, grow my community in the process.

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Hi Tugba and Sonaakshi. You're both interested in mindfulness and I wonder whether I could do an interview with you both together?

I recommend using mindfulness as a way for people to start their self-awareness journey - particularly for people who don't know the physiological impact of stress and then that impact on their behaviour.

What if I were to write a set of questions and you were to both answer them??

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Hello Dr. Nia! I would love to do an interview with you. Yes it is very true that stress does have a physiological impact and those who're dealing with stress can use simple mindfulness practices to manage it better. Let me know how you propose to go ahead with that.

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1. Hi! I'm Izel and I write Spooky with Izel. In the newsletter, I write posts on personal development with psychology on Thursdays, horror stories/ true crime investigations on Sundays and I started a tiny habit challenge this week on Tuesday!

2. I'm really interested in posts, post-swap, and written interviews. Audio and video aren't really my thing.

3. Mainly I want to meet new readers, and make friends with colleagues! And maybe expose my newsletter to a wider audience! I did a cross-posting with Jana from the Coffee Break newsletter on my Tiny Habit Challenge! It was a fun experience!

Thank you so much for the opportunity, Clair! So excited for this 💕

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LOVE! Thanks so much Izel!

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Hi Izel,

Thanks for subscribing earlier this week. I'd love to do a post swap of a tiny habits challenge for one week of JOT. DM me if your interested.

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Wow I’ve loved reading everyone’s introductions. So many of you I’d like to interview / collab with.

1. I’m Tanya and I write ‘with ease’ which compliments my therapeutic journaling program “Rage on a Page” and my writing retreats business where I cohost with a variety of authors and creatives

2. Podcast and video is where I’d like to explore a collab with others.

3. I’m on a mission to help more women fit ease-y journaling into their day and make it a non-negotiable wellbeing ritual.

Life can be lonely as a solo-entrepreneur, so please connect if you’re like to join my Substack Sisterhood because Rage on a Page is changing lives one word, one day at a time.


Huge thanks to Claire for championing this community. I had the honour of being interviewed on her podcast. So much fun!


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Hi Tanya!

I love your mission and what you're bringing into the world! Your community and retreats are closely aligned with what I do and with what I write and share on Substack.


Pathways of Connection fosters curiosity through journaling, dream guidance, and storytelling. I post journal prompts on Janine's Journal Jam, Essays about the space between grief and hope on The Pause Place and am launching Dream Travels tomorrow!

My through line is how journaling creates a space for self-awareness, healing, and writing our preferred stories that bring us joy, shine our light, and lift our voices.

Would love to connect!

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How wonderful. Loved reading about your journey and the community you’re building. Would love to connect. 🙏

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Hi my love! Maybe it's time we did a substack collab??

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Yes defo!!

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Hey Tanya I love your prompts and just the words - rage on a page - inspired me to sign up to your newsletter. I would love to explore a collaboration that feels aligned. I write about my 20 year journey in the aid sector, and I am interested in unconventional journeys and the skills we need to navigate them. You can see more here: https://notesfromcatriona.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile

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Hey Catriona, thank you for connecting and for your very kind comments. It’s most appreciated. I’ll have a read through your Substack and DM you some collab ideas 💡

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Thank you Claire for this wonderful opportunity! ✨

1. I’m Jenna and I write Magic & Musings. I write about how to notice the small things around us, the magic of the mundane, and to romanticise life through poetry. I also touch on feelings, mindfulness and slowing down.

2. I’d be interested in doing a post as a collaboration or a writer interview.

3. I’ve recently published my third poetry book (a coffee table poetry book with dreamy images of the Mediterranean), and am currently working on my next autumn themed one. I’d love to connect with more writers on here on a deeper level and maybe even find some writing buddies 🤍

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Hi Jenna - congrats on your recent publication! 📚

I really like the ethos of Magic and Musings from an initial look around your Substack and catching up on a few pieces. Just subscribed and look forward to reading more!

Over on The Navigation I write a series of essays around "musings" - on various topics linked to navigating life. Perhaps we could consider what a collaborative post might look like for that series? If of interest, let me know 😊✨

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Hi Lauren! Thank you so much for your kindness 🥰 That sounds like a lovely idea! Feel free to pop me a message and we can chat about ideas and how to incorporate them x

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Sounds good - thanks Jenna!

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Hi Jenna! 👋 love that you've published your poetry. I've been trying to do that for years and keep getting distracted. I'd love to collaborate on something around self publishing if you're up for it?

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Hi Danielle! Thank you so much 🥰

Yes! I’d love to. I do actually have a post that’s scheduled for this Sunday about my journey. But drop me a message and we can chat about how to make things work x

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Thanks for this Claire! I'm coming in as writer #100 - amazing stuff and I'm so glad to connect with other writers.

1. I'm Kayleigh Pearce and I write Joie de Vivre - Notes on Nature and Magic which is all about connecting with my Earth based spirituality, eco-conscious living and my journey as a late diagnosed autistic person.

2. I am interested in a post-swap collaboration because I would like to write some guest posts within the community and to open up more of Substack to my readers.

3. I am here for joyful growth, and having a community to write alongside with. I would love for my work to reach more people and to build a network of nature and magically minded writers.

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That’s so beautiful “nature and magic” ✨

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Thanks Mika 🙏🏻

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Hi Kayleigh!

I'm also a writer. Have written fantasy time travel, non-fiction, memoir. I also am a lifelong journaler.

I'm always interested in any magical as that's the foundation of my writing.

I teach dream guidance to bridge the gap between astral adventures and daily synchronicities. Magic is always present in the dreamworld!

Happy to connect if this resonates!

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Hi Janine, thank you for your message. I’d love to connect, dream guidance signs very interesting and I’d love to learn more

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Let me know how you'd like to connect. Can message me here or feel free to connect through my website www.pathwaysofconnection.com

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My name is Mackenzie and I write The Lovely Road here on Substack. I have a love for words. I find beauty amongst them and the ways a single sentence can just take your breath away or move you to tears. I write to be an encouragement to others 🌿

I am interested in written interviews and find it easier to articulate what I am trying to convey but I definitely am becoming more and more interested in podcasting and curious in diving into that capacity 😊

I love the conversations and connections I have made here on Substack and look forward to making more!

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Mackenzie… I could not scroll beyond “a single sentence can just take your breath away or move you to tears” without saying hello and connecting and the possibility of collaborating.

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Oh thank you Charlene, that is so nice 😊 Hello to you as well, looking forward to connecting!

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Hi Mackenzie! Your Substack sounds beautiful 🤍 I’d be open to collaborating. I write poetry and love to notice the small things around me.

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Hi Jenna! This sounds lovely, let’s see what we can make happen! 🤗

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Wonderful! Feel free to drop me a message and we can work out the details 🥰

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Hi Mackenzie. There is NOTHING like a knockout sentence. As a writer, I so live for finding them and, once in a while, realizing I've written one. I could see a fun written interview about our favorite sentences, perhaps?

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Hello Caroline! Yes, knockout sentences are such a treat, aren’t they? That sounds fun! 😊

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What a great idea, thanks Claire!

1. I’m Bonnie and I write Wild Quiet Folk, a nature blog woven through with feminism, folklore and female stories rooted in the land. I write to share my curiosity about the natural world and the escape it can offer from life’s pressures.

2. I would be interested in post swaps or written collaborations. I would also be very interested in forming a writers group to connect with other writers who are focused on curiosity, creativity, and quiet noticing at a gentle pace. I don’t know quite what that looks like yet!

3. My goal is to share the joy of the tiny, quiet, often overlooked moments that build a life, to find a community of like minded creatives. I also hope to be traditionally published - I have a novel near to completion - and I would love this space to be a place to connect with potential readers so I can share my stories as widely as possible.

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I love your writing Bonnie - and would love to collab or exchange in any way that feels aligned for us both. I am also seeking to build readership for an unpublished novel and I think some of our themes overlap - I have started to calendar my posts and have one of yours tagged as an inspiration on an upcoming article.... Let's explore together?

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That sounds great! Interested to hear which post you’ve got in mind. Let’s message and have a chat?

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So much of this resonates. Looking forward to reading more, Bonnie.

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Thank you Jo!

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1. I'm Christine and I write about life as an expat in Europe. I'm originally from the US and live in Switzerland. I write on Life Over, https://ouendag.substack.com/

2. I'm interested in doing post swaps, writing together.

3. I'm trying to increase my readership ahead of my debut novel launch early next year.

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That is so exciting! Celebrating you as you launch your next book! 💖

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Hi Christine -- Fellow writer also originally from the US and now living in Germany. Sounds like we'd have a lot of notes to compare? Maybe something on how living abroad has influenced our writing? Congrats on the novel coming out next year!

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Thank you for this, Claire! Well done on the episode with Sarah Fay; I loved it and found it so helpful 🧡 It was so calming and did help quiet the noise. You and Sarah are my heroes!

I'm Jana, and I write the Coffee Break newsletter.

So far, my publication is a collection of articles on personal growth and development, overcoming burnout, and rethinking productivity and (over)achievement topics.

This month, I plan to start the "Behind The Substack" series, in which I will interview the Substack writers and extract all the learning nuggets about them, their journey, their writing process and routines, and, of course, the idea behind their publications. I tailor each to the specific publication, for example. If Claire agreed to the interview with me, I would focus on how she's coping with running two publications, her family life, her thoughts on productivity, and any tips, etc. No pressure, Claire, it's just an example.

The interviews are going to be in written format (due to my strong Eastern accent)

I see Behind the Substack as an opportunity to collaborate and crosspost with writers, share readership, and, most importantly, don't we all like to know how others do things so we can learn, repeat, rethink, and apply them to our own lives? Anyone is welcome; DM me. To do my job diligently, I will need time to get to know your publication so I can ask appropriate and relevant questions. Thank you for this, Claire and all.

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Hi Jana! I hope you’re able to find a lot of interesting people here who are interested in collaborating! Such great timing!

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Hi Mika! It's very thoughtful of you to check back in. I did find many exciting writers to interview. Most came from "Find your tribe"---Thank you for creating this space 😊. Here's the link to the first interview: https://coffeebreaknewsletter.substack.com/p/behind-the-substack-with-lauren-powell. On 7th August, I've got a second interview coming out, then the third on 21st August🤞

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Your interview was excellent! Looking forward to your next one! 😊

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Aw, thanks, Mika! That means a lot 😊

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Thanks Claire and hi everyone!

1. I'm Rachel writing at Conscious Living. I write about living consciously, interwoven with my reflections, personal stories and experiences.

2. I am open to any kind of collaboration, for now I've only done the written interview collaboration. A video chat / podcast would also be interesting, I just did not have the time yet to look into that. My focus is on my writing at the moment.

3. I'm interested to reach more people who wants to live consciously with my writing and also to connect with likeminded writers/creators . As I'll be on a trip in August, a collaboration in this month of July or else starting end of Aug/Sept will work!

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Hi Rachel, I'm interested in conscious living as well, and I'm exploring it through the lens of living an off the grid life. I'd be interested in exploring maybe a two-way written interview, if you'd be keen as well?

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Hello fellow Substackers!

1. I'm Juan and I write Supercharged Learning. A newsletter about learning and developing skills in adulthood for professionals.

2. I'm open to posts, post-swaps, and written interviews.

3. Looking for joyful growth, meeting new readers, making friends with colleagues, and talking 'bout writing.

Open to collaborate for this month and the coming one.

That's it! Looking forward to connecting with you. 😄

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Hey Juan. I'm interested in self-awareness within leadership. My podcast guest who's joining me on the show next week actually mentioned that he thought teachers were leaders and leaders were teachers - even if leaders and teachers don't know it! So, maybe we have an opportunity to connect and write something together?

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Hey Nia!

Thanks for the comment. I believe self-awareness is quite an underrated skill.

And I like that notion that leaders are teachers because it's true for the most part.

I follow you now so we can have some time to talk about a Collab sometime this month or the next 😄

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Jul 6Edited

This is absolutely a lovely idea, and thank you for this opportunity, Claire! And hi everyone!

1. I'm Sara and I write weekly posts on Your Medical Data Scientist, https://sarasousi.substack.com/. I write at the intersection of wellbeing, nutrition, longevity, medicine & holistic health. I'm a medical & health researcher by background so can assess information critically, and present my findings in an easy to understand and digestible manner without all the medical lingo.

2. I’m interested in anything and everything, I want to try and explore new things here on Substack!

3. I'd love to do this to meet like minded people where I can learn from and also build a community. I don't have a specific timeline for this. I have interacted with some truly amazing people here on Substack from all walks of life, and want to continue doing so! :)

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Hi Sara! I look forward to reading your newsletter. I write about celiac disease and gluten-free living in my newsletter. https://celiacselfcare.christinaheiser.com

If there’s any way to collaborate in the future, I would love to!

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Hey Christina! I would love to, I’ll drop you a DM & check out your Substack! :)

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Hi Sara! Your writing is fascinating! I was a data scientist in education, not medicine, for many years. Most recently I co-founded a school and now a learning organization across schools and sectors. I write the School of Thought, where I share insights on listening, learning and leading that come from research and experience and offer ways to put them into practice. Would love to connect if this is of interest to you! https://schoolofthought.substack.com

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Hey Jane! Thank you so much! Would love to, I will check out your newsletter it sounds truly interesting! :)

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1. I am Jane and I write and illustrate School of Thought, a blog about mindfully reinventing learning and school. Here is the latest: https://schoolofthought.substack.com/p/pay-attention-to-what-youth-pay-attention

2. I am interested in connecting with others for a video interview on any topic related to how we learn. I also would love to connect with those who might like to add illustrations to posts.

3. I love to learn about people and ideas through the creation of visual stories. I am working to tell visual stories and would love to find ways to expand with others.

Right now, I am working on a project to co-create a concept I’ve been calling People Based Learning- focused on the ways we learn through people as resources.

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Jane, I run an interview series and think you would be a really interesting guest. Check out my Substack and the Interviews tab. If you are interested message me. :)

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Jane- Love this concept! I teach creative writing and ESL, so I have a lot of thoughts about how we learn. I write about creativity and psychology and use a concept for adult learning which is, essentially, creating your own curriculum for a dream class in order to learn something new. I am comfortable doing video interviews and would love to chat. I also recently published Writing through Fear, a book about --you guessed it -- fears that come up in the writing process, as I find overcoming fear is a big part of trying to learn something new as an adult. Let me know if this sounds like a good idea for an interview.

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Hi Jane, I had a look at your substack and you have some interesting writing! I would be interested to connect and explore more - I am really interested in understanding how we create change in our world - especially having witnessed so many techniques and aspirations which don't work working in the aid sector. Do reach out if that is of interest.

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Catriona, Your writing and your graphics are beautiful! Creating change in our world is also a gorgeous way to describe this mission. I am in this as well, finding ways to engage and grow communities of action. Will DM! ♥️

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Hi Jane! Your work is outstanding and deeply interesting to me. I’m unsure what a collab would look like, but feel the pull!!

I write essays on the intersections of cultural/societal and personal experience, through the lens of curiosity and with the ultimate goal of stimulating change and new perspectives. (And, obv need to tighten my elevator pitch 😆)

I’m also a personal development coach, and devote a good amount of time to exploring how we can learn from each other’s experiences and then promote positive effect outward.

Feel like there’s a commonality there worth discussing?

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Bree! I would love to connect and learn from and with you! I am ALWAYS working on explaining my blog as well. It evolves, so its explanations are always changing.

Your description reminds me of the work around human libraries, a concept that fascinates me… I would love to explore threads and ideate!

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Huzzah, Jane! Will dm you shortly.

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Via email, PS ☺️

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Thanks for this space Claire - and I think I've said this before, but really enjoyed your chat with Sarah Fay. A great example of how two colleagues can compliment each other!

1 - Hi all! I'm Lauren, and I write The Navigation 🧭 - sharing musings on, meanderings through and methods for navigating modern life as a millennial women, so everything from friendship to grief to worklife to travel, plus some culture round-ups and recommendations.

2 - I have a written interview series called Career Compass, where I chat to other millennial women about their musings, meanderings and methods, with a focus on their career paths. You can read more here - https://laurenkatepowell.substack.com/t/career-compass - and if that sounds like something you might be interested in being part of, do reach out!

(ps - I of course love learning from non-millennials, it's just that's the focus of the series at the moment! 😊)

I am keen to collaborate with others more broadly through post swaps, new posts, and written interviews, but have also done a bit of podcasting so trying to get more comfortable with that medium too! 🎧🖊

3 - Joyful growth and connection, and the opportunity to learn, is why I'm keen to collaborate. My growth journey on Substack has been slow because writing has always been the key focus for me, but in recent months I've been making an increasing number of lovely, organic connections, which I'm keen to keep experiencing. 🥰

July is a little busy (and I'm excitingly working on one collaboration at the moment - more soon!), but open to new collaborations from August onwards! ☀

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A fellow millennial here, whose career is a non-career actually! Having chosen to focus on traveling, financial freedom and then building family. If you're interested in this angle, do reach out!

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Hi Rachel! I would love to hear - and share - more 😊

I have the next few intereviewees lined up but will be reviewing the upcoming schedule and be in touch to chat!

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Hi Lauren, thanks for sharing. I have had a meandering unconventional career path as an 80s millennial who just made it into that generation : ) I trained in law, then transitioned into the aid sector where I worked for 15 years across 10 countries, working with women farmers in places like Myanmar and Nicaragua and about 4 years I transitioned again and to designing global events. Would be happy to share more :)

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Hi Catriona, thank you for sharing - sounds like you've had a super interesting path! I also worked at an aid sector consultancy for a year, so would love to hear more about all your experiences in that realm.

I have the next few interviews lined up already, but will be reviewing the schedule and get back in touch to discuss further. So glad to hear you're interested! 😊

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Really interested in the career compass. I developed a self-awareness compass to support leaders on their journey of self-awareness. It's a 9-pointed compass that has a set of directions (behaviours) to help people grow their self-awareness.

Maybe there's an opportunity to combine compasses?!


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Hi Nia - love the idea of combining compasses! 🧭

I also have a Cultural Compass column so there may be the possibility to share in that realm too ... let me think more about it and will be in touch! 😊

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Hi Lauren! I love the Career compass series idea. I’m an elder-millennial that always knew I wanted to be a physician but have found myself also wandering into wellness, coaching, writing, and podcasting in the last few years. I’d be happy to chat to you for your series or speak about what a different collaboration might look like if it’s of interest. Feel free to send a DM. ✨

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Hi Jillian, thank you for letting me know! Sounds like a really interesting mix of interests and experiences 😊 Just been looking through your podcast archives and looking forward to having a listen!

That's great, thank you - I'll review the schedule for the coming months and be in touch to discuss more!

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Thank you, Claire 🖤

I'm Tuğba 🙋🏻‍♀️ a Turkish-Greek artist (she/her) living in Berlin. I work in various mediums, including writing, ceramics, and sculpture 🔮

I have also completed a two-year Mindfulness Teacher Training (very interested in this area) 🧘🏻‍♀️

I'm writing my first book about being an immigrant child and not finding a sense of belonging in our world.

1. I write as "slow as possible" to share reflections on the in-between spaces of our lives that we may not always notice — things, emotions, and experiences I pay attention to.

2. I'm open to any kind of collaboration. I have already participated in a written interview and have a podcast session scheduled for next week with someone. Additionally, last year, I wrote a poem for a visual artist on Substack.

3. I'm eager to connect with creative friends and believe in collaboration's power to create magic together. Collaborations are a true blessing!

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Creative friends yes!! Love this and thanks so much ✨✨✨

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Happy Weekend, Claire 🖤

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Hi Tugba and Sonaakshi. You're both interested in mindfulness and I wonder whether I could do an interview with you both together?

I recommend using mindfulness as a way for people to start their self-awareness journey - particularly for people who don't know the physiological impact of stress and then that impact on their behaviour.

What if I were to write a set of questions and you were to both answer them??

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Hi Nia, I would love that :) Sounds great! Shall we take the conversation to DM? Happy Weekend 🖤

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Hi Tuğba 👋 nice to meet you! I write about mindful writing and I’m also a nomad who’s never really felt at home anywhere. Although there are a couple of places in the world that have made my heart swell when I’m there. One of them is Greece. I’d love to connect and collaborate with you 💙

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Hi Amanda, aww, that is so nice to hear! Yes, I stayed in Athens for two months this spring and loved it. Would you like us to take our convo to DM and see how we can collaborate? I would love that! Thank you for messaging 🖤

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🌺 Hi, I'm Tara from Quiet Reading with Tara Penry. 👋 Claire, your July theme of joyful collaboration fits something I’m announcing on my Stack tomorrow. Here's a preview.

1. At Quiet Reading, my mission is to inspire confidence in our human struggle through stories about writers in their hardest times, readings of the present through the eyes of a book, and golden interludes about anything at all. Periodically, I host collaborative writing events (such as a Five-Word Reading Party and a recent memorial for Alice Munro) that can be viewed on my home page under the “Community Pages” section. (I'm a literature professor, and I think I'm happiest on Substack with a combination of reading, writing, and gathering.)

2. From tomorrow until July 26, I’ll invite contributions answering the question, “When were you enchanted by a book, poem, or story?” Participants will post on their own Substacks in any medium (text, visual art, video, audio, combo) and share a link with me. My July 8 post to subscribers will have more details. On July 29, the event will culminate with a collated index.

3. My goal with all community events is to grow connections with others who nurture peace, love, enchantment, and delight in our troubled world and to explore what’s possible on the Substack platform. With this particular prompt, I want to create the sensation of walking into an enchanted garden of stories about stories, affirming our faith in our imperfect but radiant neighbors and selves.

Readers who've been with me a full year will remember the first round of "Enchanted by the Book" essays last June and July, all excellent and unique. I made lasting friends through that event. This is round two. Details tomorrow. Thank you, Claire, for this thread!

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“nurture peace, love, enchantment, and delight in our troubled world” - what a beautiful mission!

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Thank you, Mika!

What good timing. The writing challenge just wrapped up with this post this morning. So far, it sounds like we're on-mission. :-)


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Congrats on your writing challenge. From the comments it sounds like the challenge and the post were a hit!

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Oh wow, Tara, you are speaking my love language. I am a book coach, novelist, and obsessive reader. I could talk about this all day long. I would be honored to contribute to Enchanted by the Book. I wrote one post after reading Rebecca Solnit's Reflections on my Nonexistence, that was also about getting a tatto, but was largely influenced by my enchantment from that book: https://www.book-alchemy.com/p/when-its-time-to-rewrite-the-story?r=m4847&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I've been pondering writing something similar that centered completely on a book I've read that has really stuck with me. Let me know if this sounds like a match!

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"A hideaway for book lovers" : What a cozy, inviting tagline! Glad to meet you, Caroline. I love that you saw the tattoo post as also an enchantment post. Sometimes we think of enchantment about just a mental or feeling thing, but you're showing it in action, on the body, with after-effects. Yes, by all means, I'd love to see the next story you have to tell about a book that stuck with you. Here is the post with guidelines about how to participate: https://tarapenry.substack.com/p/enchanted-by-a-book-2024. The most important thing is to tag me when ready so I can include it in the index. I look forward to it!

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Brilliant! I’m excited for this. I’ve been reading a lot of really delicious books lately, so I’ll reiew my list and see what I dream up from that. Thank you for creating such a wonderful project.

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Excellent! ❤️

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Hi! I’m Sarah and I create Gather & Grow on Substack. I am a mindset coach, have run my own businesses since 2007 and my focus is on supporting creative women to get more of what they want. So that’s who I speak to in my own Substack and would like to reach more of through collaborations.

Would love to be on more podcasts, video or audio, as I think that’s where I come across best and I enjoy the process too. Love a chat and sharing ideas. I’m also interested in swaps of gift subscriptions with others who have paid memberships here based around additional content that would be attractive to my members, and mine to yours.

I want calm, joyful growth, I want to connect with people, be of service, sharing what I have to offer which I believe is valuable. I’d like to make more Substack friends and support others to grow too.

I’m an avid reader, mum of a teen, dog lover, live a simply happy life semi rurally in a lovely community where we all care for each other grow stuff, look after our environment.

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Swapping subscriptions is such a great idea, Sarah! 💡

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1. I’m Ayesha and I write about life, dealing with loss and grief, navigating throughout and never stopping, finding hope again and moving on - mostly.

2. I write Stacks and Subs.

3. I want to connect with more people and share a feeling or two here.

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I love that Substack is a safe place to write about all those things. I hope you’re able to find your people. 💕

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What a fab opportunity!

1. I’m Holly and I write ‘Telling Their Tales’. It focuses on early medieval history (book reviews, historical discussions, monthly roundups), and my paid membership get weekly historical fiction short stories.

2. Interviews (misconceptions of the past) and short story contributions (historical fiction, early medieval). Because I love to hear about what others think about history, and I’m sure there are great historical fiction writers out there on Substack.

3. Joyful growth and connection with people who share my passion for untold stories 🥰

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I think you’re right, there will be a lot of historical buffs out there. Hope you are able to connect with them. ☺️

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Hi, I'm John Christy, a retired SFFD paramedic firefighter who recovered from severe PTSD.

I write about resilience and developing a proactive mindset to prepare for uncertainty.

I call my substack Building Resilience: The Fire Within


Here's my latest article.


I'm looking to interview leaders who value resilience. If you have any references or are interested in collaborating, please reach out.

Your support is appreciated!

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I appreciate the work you’re doing in the field!

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Thanks, Mika. I'm doing my best to get the word out. 🔥

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Hi guys. Thank you for making this post and thread!

1. My name is Aun, I went do med school and am a health care professional. I write Elephant in the Mirror, a scientifically informed substack about mental health, trauma, PTSD, philosophy, every conceivable mental health and physical intersection, some poetry, there’s some storytelling in the works as well.

2. I’ve been a guest in one podcast, and I have the addition of video posts coming to my channel. I quite like the freedom to speak and use my hands as I often try to explain complicated mental health topics to my audience, but I’m always down to write!

3. I’m an introvert who happens to be a people person as well, and some of you all sound so cool. I’d like to start or be a part of a community with some likeminded collaborators (read friends), who I can write with, work with, bounce ideas around, and who can help me spread my message, which is compassion for the mentally ill and traumatized. I would be thrilled to have a chat with you guys about possible podcast/video collaborations to amp up the depth of detail I can deliver through conversation and visual media.


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I think I might be an extroverted introvert. 😄

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Thank you for this initiative, Claire! ✨

Hello everyone,

1. I'm Neha, and I write Healing Echoes on Substack. My publication is about a soulful journey of resilience and writing for a purposeful life. I've also been published in anthologies and magazines, sharing my work mostly through poetry and storytelling.

2. As I mainly express myself through writing, I'm interested in post and post swap collaborations. Although I haven't tried written interviews yet, I'm open to exploring that as well.

3. I'm interested in swapping collaborations to connect with people and grow as a community who share the same passion and purpose for life. I've embarked on a journey of introspection and discovered that my purpose here is twofold: learning from different perspectives and expressing myself through writing. My aim is to contribute to growth and foster a purposeful life, both for myself and those who join me on this journey.

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HI Neha- I write about the psychology of creativity over at Book Alchemy and your approach to storytelling and poetry sounds like we think about writing similarly. I'd be interested in a post swap if this feels like a match to you?

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Hi Caroline! I would be interested. I want to try. Let's discuss the details in DM.

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Yay! Looking forward to it.

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What a special possibility!!

1. I write Sovereign with Laura Durban about mythopoetic alchemy, from mythology to modern magic and bridging to practical inner work for reconnection - with oneself, nature and fellow humans.

2. I love written interviews and accompanying audios as a busy mama I don’t always know when I prefer reading or listening. Totally up for video though to explore and be adventurous in media a little :)

3. My first mythic fairytale will be published next Friday and I would love to collaborate with someone who is keen to talk about or exchange thoughts on: Embodiment • Nymphs, faeries and goddesses • nature connection and belonging • heart and home • how to reclaim our voices • from numb to enchanted • finding our path in a world of despair • Arthurian legends and Avalonian tradition

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OMG yes, Laura. I call myself a Book Witch as I love all of these concepts. Mythology and magic are so delicious and I love talking about them any time. Perhaps an audio conversation about mythopoetic alchemy that had an accompanying transcript might be a fun joint post?

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Sounds perfect! I’ll message you directly Caroline!

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Thank you so much for this opportunity, Claire! Hi, I'm Klara! 👋

1. I write Starborn – an Autistic Mystic's Diary, all about living life as a neuro-spicy creatrix with a passion for grounded spirituality & new paradigm entrepreneurship.

2. Written interviews, audios and co-writing posts are all things I am curious about.

3. I feel that the experience of autistic women needs to be more out there, and I am especially excited about discussing where being a mystic and neurodivergence meet, how it all connects to leading a poetic life, and making the most out of the gifts and sensitivities that come with being neuro-spicy. I'd love to inspire and be inspired, reach more people, and most importantly: bask in the joy of meeting YOU, learning about your experience, and helping more folks feel truly seen!

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Hi Klara, lovely to read your post here! I'm Kayleigh and I write Joie de Vivre which is all about nature and magic. I am a trainee priestess of Brigid and newly diagnosed autistic. Let me know if you would like to connect!

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Thank you so much for commenting, lovely to meet you! Just read your Autistic Witch's Guide to Navigating the Normal, and relate so much. I'd love to connect, will send you a message!

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1. Hi everyone and thanks so much to Claire for holding this brilliant space for us all 🥰 I’m Vicki and I write Meandering Over the Pebbles, a space for me to record my current life & work adventures as a somewhat frazzled perimenopausal mum and documentary filmmaker developing new independent films (finding that there's no longer really a place for me in factual TV where I worked for 20 years) and starting a new business based around capturing life stories. My debut cinema documentary was about the history of nuclear power and as well as writing more about documentaries in general I also plan to write more on atomic culture & history too.

2. I’m very happy to do written interviews, write guest posts or be a guest on a podcast (audio or video) - topics I could talk about include pivoting in a creative career, midlife transitions, combining creative work with motherhood, being an older mum (I had my children at 37 and 43), money and creative work, stories from my years working in TV, perhaps curated lists of recommended documentaries on different topics tied into whatever a publication’s focus is? And very open to suggestions too.

On my own Substack I’d love to experiment with some of the new video tools. I’m going to be launching an ongoing written series on my favourite documentaries and was wondering about trying to do some companion video posts with guests talking about their favourite documentaries - could be a video chat with me and the guest but edited in with the trailer and clips from the film perhaps. It would be fun to play with this if anyone likes the sound of it. I’m also planning something specifically around grandparents & grandchildren for my new life stories biz and it would be lovely to include some guest posts from anyone who wanted to write something about their own experience as grandchild or grandparent (or both!)

3. My aims in collaborating are twofold really - definitely to find new readers and bring people into my orbit for my various creative endeavours but also to meet new creative friends (to steal Tugba’s delightful phrase). I love the creative buzz of working with other people and am not getting to do as much of it as I’d like at the moment - luckily Substack is full of amazing, warm, creative folk so I’m excited about what connections and collaborations may emerge 🤩

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Really excited to see your storytelling and documentary skills on Substack!

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Hi Vicki, I started my family later too - 37 for my first and 39 for my second. I’d love to collaborate. I love watching documentaries

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Hi Julie! Great stuff, I'll drop you a DM. Gonna check out your Substack now too - love the name 😃

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Hi! What an amazing idea! Thank you

1. My name is Kylie. I write Intuitive Legacy which is for people who desire to learn more about their own Psychic abilities. I also write about shadow work, Empath thriving, intentional healing and slowness with a spice of witch life.

2. I am interested in post swaps or written collaboration as I’d love to open up to more community

3. I am interested to connect and collaborate with more writers and creatives who have a similar vibe. I am also self publishing a shadow work journal for highly sensitive creatives and I am also writing a book about thriving as an Empath

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I can’t wait for your book. My three daughters and I are all empaths. 😁

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Thanks Mika! I will be sharing about the release on my account. You are most welcome to subscribe to keep up to date 😌

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Followed you! Thanks! 😊

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1. Hi everyone! I'm Katie Bean and I lead the Write to Heal community which posts a Sunday newsletter about aspects of my healing journey: writing, vulnerability, yoga, mindfulness, community - and always includes 3 journal prompts to get readers reflecting and writing.

2. I'd love to do a written interview with a few writers in the healing space to highlight the power of writing from other's perspectives. I'd like to showcase the written interview as a guest posting to my followers.

3. August and September are my busiest months at work (I work in higher education) and so I'm hoping to schedule a few to go out then. Looking for 3-5 people. Let me know if interested! Thanks ✨️

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Hi Katie!

I write about how Ayurveda and Yoga philosophy help me deal with motherhood in modern world. I'm passionate about mental health and women's health.

I have just started, so no expectation. But if it sounds interesting, I will be happy to collaborate and share these wonderful tools 🙂

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Hello Sparkly folk (Sparklers?)

1. I'm Katherine and I write The Inkwell. I'm a novelist and writing coach, writing about creativity, publishing, and building a fulfilling and joyful writing life. I'm slowly growing a community of ambitious authors who want to build a writing career in the way that works for them.

2. I'd like to host some guest posts over the coming months.

3. I'd love to bring some different voices to my people over the summer (while I have some time to finish my current novel-in-progress). I'd love personal stories and reflections from the writing trenches, especially anything with useful lessons learned. Personal essays or thoughtful advice pieces are my vibe. Especially anything out of the ordinary. Not so much writing craft advice. Very happy to do a post swap, but I'm also keen to be a guest on podcasts / video interviews and can talk about lots of different writing topics.


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Would love to talk to you Katherine, see if any of my mindset/ business growth stuff might chime with your people?

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Hello! It looks like we have quite a bit in common! I’d love to chat about possibilities. How would you prefer to do that?

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Do you use WhatsApp? We can swap numbers in DMs?

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Yes, perfect. Will DM you now!

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Hi Katherine -- Fellow book coach and novelist over here. I write more about the psychology of creativity at Book-alchemy.com, my substack, rather than straight craft. I'd love to share a post over the summer (I am also working to finish my current novel-in-progress, but I enjoy having essays and posts to work on at the same time.) I tend to expand to writing life as well as moments I've encountered that spark creativity as well... this post is a good example: https://www.book-alchemy.com/p/to-balance-on-a-wire?r=m4847&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Let me know if you're interested in something similar! Happy writing.

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Hi Caroline! Yes, I think our worlds might align quite nicely! I'll DM you!

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Hey everyone! I’m Christina, and I write Celiac Self-Care, a newsletter about celiac disease and gluten-free living. My goal is to help provide science-backed information and helpful tips to make navigating gluten-related disorders easier.

I am always looking for experts to feature as sources in my work, and I also run written Q&As with other gluten-free Substackers, as well as people living with other chronic conditions or dietary restrictions. And I’ve written guest posts for a few other newsletters as well.

If you’re in this space and would like to collaborate, let me know!

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What a lovely supportive space for people who can feel quite isolated.

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I’m a nutritional therapist in my day job, my business Substack is www.nutrition4performance.substack.com I’d love to collaborate.

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I will DM you, Julie!

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Please do!

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Hey Claire. I absolutely love this!

1)Hi everyone, I'm Kara. My Substack is called home. I write about recovering from people pleasing, being a "fashionable" ADHD type and finding those moments of illumination in human messiness.

2) up for any collabs/ guest posts/ swops that feel good & offer value to all concerned!

3) I'm up for finding my community of writers (& would love to create an in person meet up for us in the north west of England!) and also bringing in excellent folk to guest for my community on Substack

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Fellow recovering people-pleaser and ADHD’er here. There are a few of us here. Welcome!

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I love that concept - recovering from people pleasing!

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Hello wonderful people! My name is Ami and I publish Finding Your Inner Pizza. It is about exploding out of your comfort zone, learning to finding the beauty in little things, and learning to love yourself. I have Tell Me More Tuesday where this introvert reveals something about herself. I then leave the thread open for you to share. I use the written post, but have one audio post. I hope to make connections and relationships. I would love to grow my community.

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“Exploding out of your comfort zone” - I love the that!

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Hello all! I'm new to Substack. Claire, I saw your post in my Notes feed and I've been trying to figure out how people connect on here, so I decided to heed your call.

1. I'm Erik and I write Your Daily Writing Prompt. I'm a screenwriter and playwright. During the beginning of the pandemic, I created a TikTok account called Your Daily Writing Prompt, which took off in a lot of fun ways, and led to a bi-weekly gently guided writing sprint that I host on Zoom, as well as the Pop Prompts book series (writing prompts paired with songs, using the music to tap into your emotions as you write), and now I'm branching out into Substack.

2. I'm open to any kind of collaborations. Like I said, I'm still figuring Substack out so I'm down to try anything. Written interviews in particular sounds fun.

3. Timeline is open. I would love to meet new readers and expand my community of writers.

Thanks Claire!

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That’s so near that your TikTok led to so many cool things!

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1. My name is Dr. Amber Hull and my Substack is Under the White Coat: Lessons They Didn’t Teach Me in Medical School. I write about a variety of topics including the corporatization of the US healthcare system, women’s health, relationships, sobriety and kink. https://dramberhull.substack.com

2. Writing is my strength so I’m most interested in post-swap or written interviews. I’ve done a number of videos and audio podcasts so I’m willing to go there but more selective about interview structure on those media.

3. My goal is to collaborate with other professionals and grow my audience with other creatives. My stack is showing steady organic growth and I’d like to gain more exposure. I’m open to collaboration any time but will ask for at least 2 weeks to compose a well researched article.

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I love the name of your Substack! So good! 👌

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Thank you! I’m currently working 1:1 with Sarah and switched my short description to “A Physician’s Guide to Human Sexuality”. I’ll still produce a variety of content with a broad focus on integrative health but the lens will be how overall health impacts intimacy and relationships.

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That's fantastic. People will know straight away what your focus is. You must feel excited to have someone guided you on this journey.

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Ok, here goes!

1. I write under my given names, Jessica Alice, and I recently started Neurodivergent Notes here on Substack. Currently I write about neurodivergence from a late-diagnosed perspective, but eventually I would like to incorporate some of my other interests (including but not limited to!): minimalism, slow & simple living, thrifting, dogs & horses, walking... the list goes on!

2. I am open to anything! Surprise me!

3. I would like to collaborate to meet like-minded people. As for timing, by the end of the year would be great.

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Hi there! I’m Kayleigh, I’m a late diagnosed autistic person and I write Joie de Vivre, all about nature and magic. Let me know if you’d like to collaborate ?

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Hello everyone, lovely to connect here.

1. I write Notes from Saving the World - vision, solace, heart and grit for those on unconventional paths and wild journeys. Inspired by 20 years in 10 countries in the aid sector.

2. I am open to any sort of collaboration - so feel free to reach out if my story or content is interesting to you. Soon, I would like to start an interview series about unconventional journeys in all their forms, so if you would like me to keep you in mind for that - please also do connect.

3. I am seeking collaboration for joyful growth, building creative connections and staying connected to my purpose for showing up here.


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I’d love to collaborate with you. I’ve travelled a lot in the past and it changed me in ways I’m still working out

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Potentially I could qualify for having an unconventional journey 👋 open to being part of your interview series if my journey qualifies 🙂

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1. I’m Ruth (or RCD or Coops!) and I write Coffee with Coops.

2. I really want to start a podcast, whether audio or video I don’t mind!

3. I was interested in collaborating with someone who has a huge interest/expertise in classical music!! Whether you’re a musician, composer or expert. Classical music has played (and continues to play) a massive role in my positive mental health. I’m a positive psychology practitioner, trauma informed coach and published researcher on the topic of post-traumatic growth. I would love to bring these two together 🙏 putting it out into the universe ✨

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Love the idea of music to help heal trauma. 💕

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Can I just say - I simply love this community!! It really does sparkle...;-D

1. I am Brighde, and I just started offering Tea-Time In The Mystic Corner; ...it's a bit of a lot of things still finding their own unique rhythm & groove, but the underlying connecting thread is inviting the magic back into this human experience of growth, expansion & oh so many challenges, and living a down to earth kind of meaningful & spiritual life...

2. Writing is my chosen form of sharing; Voice-overs will hopefully feature more and more, as I love the experience of being transported by voice and word; Videos are definitely my growing edge...;

I had not considered things like post-sharing etc, but I am intrigued - also by sharing interviews, audio & perhaps video chats...

3. I am here to, yes, have a platform to share my writing & find new readers, but more than that - I'd love to create and meet community, new friends & connections.

Writing and connecting with other writers on here is fast becoming an incredibly joyful & healing experience... Where have you guys been all my life??? :-D

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Hi Brighde! I just checked your page, and it looks like we have a lot in common. I'm also working to weave the magic back into the human experience by connecting astrology and real life. I'd love to explore something with you!

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Hi Kaitlyn - I’d love to hop over to your page & meet you there…or somewhere in-between 💫😊💫

I’m in a bit of a Substack-overwhelm right now & finding my flow & balance as I am meeting so many lovely new people & communities here - and yes, also still very much looking forward to connecting deeper 😄✨🥴💜

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Yay! I'm excited to connect here. Take your time, there's a lot going on in this space! ❤️🥰✨

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Claire, thank you for your continued generosity!

1. Hi all, I'm Gladys and I write The Break which features soulful stories & guided practices that help us receive grace in life's big moments that break us.

2. I'm creating a collaborative piece that tells the story of grief through various mediums: it could be a painting, poem, song, essay, audio interview, video of interpretive dance...anything that evokes the depth and multifaceted nature of how we experience grief.

3. As a thought leader in the fields of grief & loss and managing change, I want to go beyond us thinking about & understanding the vastness of our emotions and gently guide people to feel their expansiveness through the creations made by our Substack community that inspire our senses, bodies, hearts, and souls to be part of the experience. I'm letting this emerge organically so there's no timeframe but I'm excited to chat with anyone who feels excited by what I'm sharing and would like to explore how they may contribute!

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What beautiful heart-led work. 🥰

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Thank you Mika, I appreciate your words.🌹

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You are so welcome! Cheering you on!

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Hi Everyone!

So excited to participate in Sparkle On Substack, collaboration for joyful growth theme!

1. I write JOT https://jotjustonething.substack.com/. JOT aims to give folks one short useful tip for young (and young at heart) professionals every Friday. My audience is mostly US based (with some international coverage) young professionals with a heavy lean of legal and tech folks (I'm located in Silicon Valley and I'm a lawyer).

2. Open to post swaps, doing written interviews, or being on your podcast. But to maintain my audience, guest posts on JOT should be short, actionable and to the point.

3. I'm looking to expand my subscriber base and meet other emerging authors like myself. My posts tend to be evergreen advice for the most part so timing isn't quite as critical for me.

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That’s so great that you are able to use your background to help others!

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That’s a genius idea Terri. Your audience is similar to mine on my business Substack www.nutrition4performance.substack.com. Maybe we could collaborate?

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Hey, I think there’s a typo in your substack link. could you DM me instead?

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Kathryn from Create Me Free, exploring the complex relationship between art and mental health. I love learning from others and amplifying voices. I am open to a variety of collaboration ideas throughout the year and all the details on that are in this post:


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Your collaborations are always so great!

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I am Ann and I write The Granny who Stands on her Head. Although there is a video of me standing on my head on the site, I am basically a writer and love to use words. I write my thoughts arising from being an older woman (I am 82 – a wife, mother, grandmother) but also thoughts from my life as a writer of books, choir singer and so much more. In my lighter moments, I say I write about anything from Annunciations to orgasms (both topics covered). I would welcome meeting like-minded people and would be happy to be interviewed or to offer a guest post on someone else's site.

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I’m extremely new to Substack and still figuring out what my publication The Vignette is going to be about, but I love everything you are about and I would love to learn from you. If you would be open to any collaboration with a nascent writer, please let me know!

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Thank you. I had a little look at your site and my first comment is that I am an American by birth (but renounced my citizenship, about which I wrote a funny piece but it's not on Substack, it's in my latest book) living in Belsize Park, so at some point we were neighbours. Why not write to me at ar@annrichardson.co.uk for further discussions.

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Hi Ann, great to see you in the comments here 😊 I'd love to chat to you about some possible collaborations - shall I send you an email? Thinking either something about the experience of being a grandmother (as per your own Substack and your book on the same, which I also hope to read) and maybe something too about the value of recording ordinary people's stories as you've done in your other books.

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Sure, send me an email. Thanks.

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On second thought, here is my email address: ar@annrichardson.co.uk. Thanks.

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Ann, this is the best Substack name ever! I am interested in posts from writers over at Book-Alchemy.com and it sounds like yours would be incredible. If you're interested discussing guest posting, please send me a DM.

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Caroline, that does not seem to be a working link. I am always happy to discuss guest posting. Can you try again the link or write to me at ar@annrichardson.co.uk. Thanks.

And thanks for your comment on my Substack name. It is also the name of my latest book, about why I actively like being older. You might like it.

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Gratitude for your post, Claire.

I'm Lenny and write "Lenny's Newsletter" (a name I no longer like and would love to change). I originally used it to offer samples from my fiction, but I have decided to use it instead simply to offer commentary on various topics: chess, literature, (classical) music, and sports for sure, and possibly also politics (generically).

I'd love to get started on podcasts myself, since they appear to be the best medium for authors. However, I do not yet have one (or even much experience as a guest on one). Still, I am quite certain that I would be an interesting guest!

I also enjoy doing (written) interviews. My interviews are more accurately "conversations" -- cf., my five-part exchange with fortepianist Daniel Adam Maltz. [Part 1: https://lennycavallaro.substack.com/p/a-conversation-with-fortepianist, with the much shorter Parts 2-5 appearing between 29 October and 5 November 2023]. Something along these lines -- of whatever length -- would certainly be most welcome.

My interests are diverse, and I would be delighted to encounter authors who share some of them:

• I am still involved with classical music (pianist and composer).

• My literary output crosses numerous genres: e.g., Greek mythology, Greek tragedy, Shakespeare, boxing, chess, Sherlock Holmes mysteries, classical music, Jewish paranormal, romance ("dark-erotic, spiritual romance," if such a chimerical blend exists; hard-core sadomasochism; also paranormal), and reincarnation.

• I am involved with "alternative" therapies (hypnosis, reiki, et al.).

Many thanks to anyone who might feel inclined to collaborate.

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When I first started I did a bit of experimenting before I knew exactly what I wanted to write. I found it was a perfect time to do it at the beginning. 😊

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Hi everyone

1. I’m Lori and I write Roots! on plant-based living and finding joy in the kitchen. I share ideas to educate on the state of our current food, how to slow down and enjoy real food again, and find joy in putting it all together each day. Wellness from food.

2. Right now everything is written. I’m a writer at heart and have been posting for years on various platforms. But I’m hoping to branch out more in the coming months and looking at all kinds of opportunities.

3. I want to collaborate with others focused on wellness, whole food, and slowing down to enjoy life. I’m Gen X and write to a midlife audience.

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You might enjoy Paolo Peralta from Make Pure Thy Heart and Kelsey Abbott from Find Your Awesome Sauce 😊

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Thanks for the recommendations!

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You’re so welcome! 😊

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