My goal was to try and get to 100 subscribers by the end of the year, but I somehow managed to hit 106 today after my latest Slow Sunday Letter (mind blown) ... so I need some new goals! I have started to outline my posts for over the Christmas period, and I am also toying with a couple of weeks off posting over the Christmas/New Years week, but I do feel a little nervous... I don't want to lose any momentum! Will try and join you in the morning! Thank you for holding space for us Claire.

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Congratulations, so wonderful to have already exceeded your goal. I’m planning to take some time off over Christmas but am going to schedule some bits for the community to enjoy. And of course if inspiration strikes I won’t be able to resist! ❤️

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Thank you so much. It certainly was a surprise but I'm in no doubt it is a lot to do with the generosity of the community here on Substack.

I think it is important to take a little break but as you say, if inspiration strikes you have to follow ! 💕

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I have been bowled over by the growth within the network to be honest! It’s just magical x

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Same !!! It's really love to be part of 💕

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Congratulations, that's a huge milestone!

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Thank you so much 🙏 I'm so pleased!!!

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Love this for you Emily. How are you doing with recommendations? We could weave a beautiful goal around that feature... it really helps you grow.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

I'm not really... there is a LOT about Substack I don't understand/use ... so I think I am in the right place with Sparkle on Substack!!!!!!!!!! I will certainly look into Recommendations. Thank you Claire

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Thank you! That's so kind.

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Here on Substack I’m planning to send out one email next week and then go into hibernation mode. Meanwhile I’m slowly laying track for my self publishing course, but without urgency and deadline it doesn’t feel heavy. Of course, after setting up the first half Substack went and changed things (you can now add a cover images for podcasts in a different way.) It looks great actually, but it means I have to go back and do that bit over. Just taking it all in its own time. It will be done when it’s done. And no one wants that in December anyway.

For life, I want some expansive space for baking and crafting ornaments and holiday films (Davy sat through the whole of the Snow Queen on Cebeebies and loved it.) He’s at that magic age for Christmas and I don’t want to miss it in a fog of stress.

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Ooo Sarah thanks for the Snow Queen tip - will try that one tomorrow with Moons. Great re December and your publishing course which I'm so excited for. I need to do more digging around in podcasts here... I'm on the fence as to whether to do the edits in garage band as I have let them all build up and I don't know whether to just put them all out over the holidays... I'm a little stuck as I love the music and the edit treatment but I'm struggling to find time to edit...

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I’m definitely in my scrappy podcast era. These are almost like voice memos (but with my good microphone.) I was telling Nathan it feels so anti perfectionist to do it this way (versus video) and he reminded me some people will prefer it. Somehow I’m still learning there is no “right” way only different creative choices. 💫

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You’re so right! I wanted to do it with edits and learn and I’ve enjoyed learning BUT it’s the concentration bandwidth. I exported one the other day and it was totally blank/ quiet. It will be a simple fix but I feel like maybe my energy is best spent elsewhere for now... maybe I’m frightened of being judged for it not being “as professional” but at the same time I want to model a reality here - my reality! If I get a sponsor I could out source the edits BUT as it is it’s perhaps more important folks have the info and the conversations! ✨

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All of this. The edit and music can be a really creative outlet. I have one set up for Neurodivergent Spacetime that I love, but it's all about bandwidth and time. I'm much more likely to be able to release a podcast if I can just pop it up and this has shown me that.

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Team rest! I like "seasonal" last 3 months I've has scheduled writing and now for December I feel rest is my first amd foremost thing. This is also my first year not working retail and I cannot express my bodys need to do nothing. It's such a weird feeling to not hustle for once. Lots of things to write about. But zero urgency to do them.

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Ah what a welcome relief... I worked in retail one Christmas and it felt so bonkers to be there boxing day... very hard on the body! I think it was triple pay... we have time to write, there is so so much time.

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I've been I retail since I was 13... I'm amazed at how we can go from greatful to greedy. I quit my 9-5 job back in February I'm 31 now. I put in my retail time! Hahaha

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December’s substack goals: to wrap up my Autumn seasonology cards and start Winter ❄️ and schedule regular weekly posts for the full month.

Otherwise, lots of rest, and planning some reflection time for the magical twixtmas gap - a blissful time where I do my Word of the Year, draw a new year planner and other various journaling / creative goodness.

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This sounds very lovely Sarah... yes also very much looking forward to closing the year and emerging a new too. So much inward exploration this time of year it's really very lovely. Tell us more about the cards?

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Oh I just can’t wait to dive in… last December I’d just got a new puppy and I was a wreck (no one tells you it’s like getting a newborn!) so I kinda missed the deliciousness of it all… but this year… I’m alll in 💜

My cards, ohhh a lovely project that’s been in my heart for so long… until I realised Substack could be the place to air them ahead of publishing… they’re called seasonology and they’re all about seasonal energies; nature’s seasons / our internal seasons / projects & lunar cycles too - I’m sharing them here, and hopefully publishing some real decks in Spring next year…

https://quietlycourageous.substack.com/s/seasonology/archive?sort=new They are almost all for paid subscribers but I’ve turned on free 7 day trial throughout December for anyone who’d like to indulge 😘

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Oh how beautiful. I can’t tag but Laura Oldfield would love this and currently has her 12days of Christmas offer open for you to advertise if it feels right?! ✨ it’s in her latest post! ✉️

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Ahhh fab! I’ll go and take a look, thanks so much Claire! 💫

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My goal for December is just to keep it steady and write as clearly as I can, every second week

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Love the clarity Helen! It’s so funny my daughter was playing yesterday and everyone was called Helen and I asked who Helen was. Here you are! ✨

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Personal Goals: stop pushing, slow down and let my winter energy levels lead the way. I have longer term goals for next summer season. Lots of rest and good books and podcasts this season. Maybe find something nourishing to watch on TV but find that tricky! I want to spend a bit more time with female friends (I live with 3 adult sons as well as my husband!) just hanging out and having fun. Taking in art and colour, long walks. I want to do some sewing but not feeling I have the energy at the moment to start anything. I am enjoying the feeling of the impulse to get creative though.

SS Goals: Gaining more clarity on what I am doing and who for. Working with Sarah Fay has helped but also scares the shit out of me. 🤣 It's like... if I get THAT clear they're going to be banging on my door!! 🤦‍♀️ I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety (old survival energy meeting 'Oh my god what am I doing here' energy!)! It's quite interesting to observe. Anyway I realised my passion is to help deeply caring but over giving people pleasers to shift from Exhausted Caretakers to Empowered Caretakers.

Sarah suggested doing group coaching within a community but I feel like I want to keep away from coaching (and too much responsibilty) and really be Fascilitating. Anyway, main goal for December is to tidy up my substack and be ready to have that clearer pitch for January. 😊

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I LOVE how much clarity is finding you Karen. Sarah is sharp and brilliant! You'll have to meet her with your intuition and give yourself space and time because your soul already has it written. Sounds a lovely restful time. I love Call the Midwife - it reminds me of my father in law - he loved to watch it - I always have a good cry. It is hard to find TV that's nourishing I agree.

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😂 Yes looking forward to the next Call the Midwife. I read it will be the last series. I have actually postponed my second session with Sarah. Letting myself have more time to integrate changes. Allowing myself to take my time. Allowing some peace and grace. Honouring my energy. Recognising and being honest about how much capacity I have and knowing my limits. Can feel the inner me gratefully relieved and maybe beginning to relax a little.

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Thank you for this morning's Zoom, sorry I had to duck out towards the end - the cat brought in something unspeakable 🤢

I haven't set goals for Dec as I find it a bit of an overwhelming month. But I am trying to focus on starting the new year on an even keel and writing a bit of content for January - by way of easing myself into things after the new year break.

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Louise! We've could do with your cat's help - we've got a resident mouse - I've mainly been ignoring it but last night he shredded the bottom of the toilet roll so the humane trap is coming out today so he can run free for christmas!

That sounds so sensible and lovely - so nice to see you in the call again. Looking forward to a snuggly month myself.

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Oh we have two very determined and slightly sadistic mousers who would be happy to help

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🐱 🐱✨✨✨🙉

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My goal for December is actually to enter the world of substack daily and to find more writers that resonate and speak to me more deeply. I want to engage more with not just my community but the larger community that I haven't met ! I am also doing a 31 days of gratitude in my threads which I am excited about, I wanted to shake things up from the usual around this time of year...all about goals and resolutions and comparing one person's accomplishments to another. Some groundedness in Presence I thought would be supportive to us all.

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Oh this sounds so generous Aleksandra - engaging more deeply is my absolutely favourite too. We all need that gentle reminder to be present. There's no bigger gift hey?

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I completely agree, and nothing has reflected back to me the importance of presence more than being a Mama has, these short and yet sweet 3 months with my boy.

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For Substack, I will be continuing to write everyday for the mindfulness advent calendar I am sharing with my paid subscribers. 25 days of mindfulness activities! I will also be sharing winter/holiday themed posts for the month of December. AND I am creating a second Substack newsletter, but it won’t be going live till January so more of just planning on that right now.

For life, enjoying being home for the entire month of December, spending time with family, exploring, braving the cold and trying to stay warm, making gifts for my friends and family and trying to be present throughout it all

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Oh sounds beautiful Leanna - a second Substack is always fun - what's the intention there? Substack created sections so we didn't have to set up multiple newsletters but sometimes there's just no other way...

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My goal for December is to reach 50 subscribers by the end of the year! I launched in mid-October without a big following elsewhere, so 37 right now (with a 64% 30 day open rate!) feels so wonderful, and I’d love to round it out to 50 by the end of the year.

My goal is also to plan out my Substack year next year. Right now there are vague ideas floating around, and I’d like to pull out my butterfly net and grab them before they float away.

Otherwise, my goal is just to slow down this summer (I’m in the Southern Hemisphere) and try to enjoy it.

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Just popped over to your Substack. It’s lovely and was just what I needed to read today.

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Oh thank you so much for reading! This is exactly what I needed to hear today! <3

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Oh I’m so excited for the magic coming! December my intention on SS is to share a rest practice every Wednesday, and have some scheduled for over the couple of weeks of Christmas when I don’t have childcare so that I can still nourish the community. I also have a collaborative post to write with a beautiful writer friend I’ve met here, and maybe... maybe... a name change here and little rebirthing... not sure if it should be this side of Christmas or in the new year... 🙊

Off here I have two websites to complete and I am working on my DIY branding course...

And as much rest and nourishment with my family as I can soak up, hopefully some solo walks in the countryside too! Xx

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

My goals for December is to keep letting my ideas percolate so I can formalise my strategy in January. I will also keep up with my weekly writing throughout December.

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Perfect. Love this! ✨✨

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👂🏼✨🍿📽️❄️🏡👀 those rubber bandits won’t watch themselves! 😂

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The WET bandits and the STICKY bandits - get them queued! 😃

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Oh right...I’m thinking of blindboy 😆

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Sorry to be a little late! Just joined in on Substack last week and I’m mind blown by all the incredible inspiration and communities.

This is a personal project for me, where I’m starting from scratch again for the first time in 7 years - it’s thrilling and scary at the same time! As opposed to having a set subscriber goal, this first month is all about getting into the habit of writing daily. Whether it means complete essays or snippets of them, the daily habit is what counts and I’m praying readers will find it interesting enough to create a ripple reader effect.

From previous experience in growing an online following for my art business (mainly on Instagram), I noticed how powerful it is whenever you concentrate on the passion to create rather than staring on metrics (easier said than done as our societies push for competitiveness! But I think I’ve managed to detox)

Just grateful to be here and can’t wait to see what the coming year has in store as I aim to give this passion project my fullest.

Hoping to join in on some workshops whenever the kids allow me too as well! Thanks Claire,

Elin X

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