
Ok, I'll let you all in on the question and answer.

I said something about how I struggle to find the words to record the speaker intro for my podcast and Emma said "Oh I love that bit, it's the journalist in me." and that's when the penny dropped - I'm not a journalist!

So I might not ever like it or even want to do it it. More than that, I thought it's my podcast I don't HAVE to do that part of it. And so for 20+ episodes we get right into the chat without an intro... and I smile now about it all because all the rules are (and were always) made up. Sometimes hearing your questions out loud is the key you need for the lock you didn't know you had to open...

Would love to hear from you in the comments of this post... mindset work really helps shift the paradigm here on Substack; our new engine for culture. 💫 💖

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It would boring if everyone followed the same formula. Some podcasts I listen to have such a long, predictable and sales-y intro that I always fast forward the first 3 to 5 minutes

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Ahhh.... same...

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I skip the intro anyway in most podcasts, if it's always the same I don't need to hear it over and over.

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I love that the rules can be made up to suit different talents.

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right? 🫨 💫

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I’ll jump in! I’d ask my grandpa about his time

Aboard the USS Ocelot in the Pacific theatre. He rarely talked about it, and what was passed on turned out to be mostly incorrect or incomplete based on first-hand accounts I’ve since found. Grandpa was a hero, no doubt, but the stories he shared were markedly different than the recorded history. I’ve always wondered why - was it he’d blocked things out, was it that he wasn’t the one telling the stories?

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Fascinating Lori… what a wonderful time capsule to explore ✨🌀✨

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It’s one of those “tomorrow” projects I work on every few months before convincing myself no good will come from it. Some day soon I hope to have a good comeback.

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Yes love that. I bought my grandad voice transcription software to record his story but it never quite happened. He did write some of it down - it’s super precious ✨

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Aug 10Liked by Claire Venus

So resonate with this. It’s easy to fall into doing what is common instead of doing what is congruent. For me it’s usually becuase l rattle around with ‘what if’s’ about doing it differently. Yet, when l do, it feels like raw energetic momentum haha so, to hell with (some of) the rules?

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Oh so powerful Rachel - love that!! Thanks for sharing - it’s helps when we set out our stall and others say “hey me too!”

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It is so refreshing to read this. ❤️

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This is more inviting and exciting to break out of the norm.

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Oh, I absolutely LoVe this conversation!! I find it so refreshing to hear others share about their journey and the ways in which they followed the paths that felt aligned for them. It reminds me to pause and check in on my path and the choices I’m making. Recently I’ve been feeling a pull to simplify things not only in my business but in my life as well. Noticing the things that I’ve been telling myself I “should” do, and really feeling into whether that’s actually true and what lights me up. Thank you, Claire, and everyone for your heartfelt shares. 💖💛💖💛

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I am in a similar place. I feel stretched and my brain is tired of following all the “should’s” especially with business. I keep asking why? Why does it need to look one way or another? I have been going against the grain for years. Why should my business be any different? Thanks for the reminder. ❤️

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Blythe, I love your courage to do what feels aligned for you. Celebrating you and sending hugs! 💖

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I’ve been rattling one round my head all morning in bed, I think it’s been telling me to get back on my podcast. Probs a year since I last did one now! I’ve written a bit of a plan out. But my podcast page looks terrible and I have no pictures because they have to be a certain size and it throws me off. How do I do them, any tips? It’s also the blurb writing but maybe I’ll be better at that this time round now I’m so much further on in my Substack journey? And really, it’s just another set of rules that it has to be anything more than it is😆🙃🙂

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Ah yes I have a canvatemplate I can send you!

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Yes please🙏🦋

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