I am currently visiting an old school friend in very beautiful Exmoor. She is a poet and wants to set up a Substack and I will show her how. I was just telling her last night how nice people are on Substack, unlike what I have heard about other social media (I have limited presence anywhere else, so don't really know). It seems such a shame when you are doing everything you can to help other people that some are unkind to you. What can I do? I send you a hug.

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Aww thank you Ann! Yes it's only started recently and I do think it's because my platform has grown to a size where folks see me as different to the person I am - I'm the same as I was when I started just with a LOT more internet experience. Hope your friend sets one up and comes to join us in Sparkle!! Have a lovely break. xx

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The b*tchy people clearly don’t know you, and are probably extremely jealous of your success. It hurts though. There is this weird thing about people, that if a person is well-known in their sphere, it sort of dehumanises them in the eyes of some other people, who then seem to feel free to verbalise praise and criticism equally. Whereas if nobody knows who you are, you are immune from that. Sending lots of love and support.

I hear what you’re saying about learning how to take praise, too. Somebody wrote a lovely comment about one of my pieces and I was so shocked I clicked off the thread, and then sort of crept back a couple of times later until I really processed. Good old imposter syndrome is still whisoer in my ear that they commented in the wrong place… Thank you for the mini course - it’s in my diary

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Haha oh my goodness Julie that was me - close it down and creep back. So relatable!! Yeah there is something in what you're saying - I've chatted to Russell about it a bit as he's got a bigger audience than me and I guess I've just been quite shocked you know. I'm a pretty fierce space holder and it feels so important to support folks in that.

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It’s doubly shocking when people write unkind things when it’s absolutely not something you’d do yourself.

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Yeah for sure. One person told me I’m the most selfish person she’s ever come across.

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I’m not sure a heart is the right response, because that’s shocking!

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I think we all need a little magic and sparkle in our lives, especially now that the world is in such a weird place. Thank you for sharing Nicole’s hardship, I’m going to try and organize some sort of raffle or contest to raise some money for Evie too. 🙌🏻

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This is so so beautiful Margarette- thank you!

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Brilliant - I’ve signed up as I think this is just what I need ! I haven’t really experienced it online, but the fear of it really stops me from showing up consistently and sharing things on here & other platforms and from being properly ‘me’. It’s such a block.

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This is exactly what I wondered because I felt alot of this when I started my newsletter in 2017... there are some real key moments and breakthroughs I can share both in mindset and action. See you there love!

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What a creative response to this phenomenon! Not just “here’s how to block and mute” or “when to kick someone out of your community” but also “here’s how we can develop the internal tools we need to manage this strange new world of inviting thousands of people to tell us their opinions.” A really wonderful response to this challenging new world. Kudos.

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Aug 2Liked by Claire Venus

Thanks so much for sharing this, Claire! ❤️ I love your honesty and your voice. And I really want to join this workshop, but won't be able to make it live. If I just catch the replay, do I still need to sign up (because you wrote the replay will become available for Sparkle members)?

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Yes the replay will be posted here for paid members Shirley - pretty much straight after - I'd say within 7 days. xx

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So sorry you had that experience. It is something that worries me as I know i am sensitive to these things and am not sure how I would feel! Hope you’re doing ok!

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Yes same Bonnie and I can tell you the first few felt absolutely awful and I don't know if anything helps until you process it. Emma Gannon and Farrah Storr did chat about it on a podcast I listened to and Sara Tasker has written about it too. Helps to have folks chime in with kindness and solidarity - thank you. x

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Thanks for this beautiful and encouraging reminder.

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You are welcome Bee! ✨✨✨

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I read this earlier and had to take it away and think, really reflect on the first part of your post about dealing with negative feedback.

It feels like a gut punch doesn't it. Especially as it often comes out of the blue as a seemingly innocuous email or comment.

I love what you said about learning to love the compliments too - that's definitely been an area I've been working on.

Dealing with the negative is harder but I like the way you described it as being outside of you. Like they land but you don't allow them to sink in.

We need a kind of bat cape don't we, to deflect them off before they have a chance to wound.

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Haha YES a sparkle cape - when I'm back on the gram I'll send you a perfect one we can all wear!!

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It's such a shame that people still waste time their time writing hurtful things to another person. So often, the negative comments stem from their own negative energy, be it insecurity, jealousy, whatever it is. When they see other people operating in a positive sphere, they will do whatever they can to bring that energy down, instead of working to improve their own.

Nobody is perfect, we all judge someone we don't know at one point or another, but purposefully bringing them down without genuine justification to do so? That is not what women should be about. Here's to those bringing their positive energy!!

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It’s true Amie! I think it’s important for me to share the ups, the downs and the possibility. ✨🙌🏻 thank you for being here. ❤️

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Thank YOU for having me! ❤️

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I would like to do your course.

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The workshop? Sure lucy - link above to grab your spot. I'm capping it at 30. xx

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