Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Author

Just here with my morning coffee and remembered I said I'd go first and then some of my lovely over seas pals are already here! 🙌🏻 I'm here in service to creatives.

So my why here is two fold - over at Creatively Conscious I want to write the words out I've longed to speak my whole life (it's a process) and share behind the scenes of how we've designed our own life and our businesses to inspire others to design theirs the way they truly want to.

Here at Sparkle I want to remind you of the fact your story is already written for you, all you have to do is listen to your soul whispers long enough to learn it, make friends with it and step into your unique space with it. That and teach you that Substack might just be the platform to learn to share it all. 🥰 ✨🤓

We've been through a lot as a family the last couple of years and Substack has been the place I've circled back to again and again for connection, for possibility, for inspiration, eduction and hope! 💜

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You know this, but my big why is connection. It’s lonely growing up neurodivergent and it’s been so wonderful finding kindred spirits online. What I’ve noticed over the past year is that I’m not out to connect with just anyone and everyone. It’s specifically with creative, sensitive souls who just get it. I feel like I’m 10 years old again and just want to start a magazine, but this time I have friends writing too. 💫

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I love this! Our youngest is autistic and I can see how lonely she feels sometimes just because she thinks and experiences the world differently. Places like SubStack give me hope that one day she will find her tribe too 💜

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This thread melts my heart. We’ve had ‘school refusal’ from our eldest this week as we try to transition to a new year and in all of it I always focus on creativity. One morning he sat and looked through my YouTube Channel with me and I saw how things spark for him and what he sees as fascinating and entertaining in my YouTube shorts and it was just magic! ✨✨

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I feel for you. We home-schooled last year due to our youngest being unable to deal with the school environment. The lesson I learned was to listen to my child, not the authorities!!

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Yes this is it - I notice this language in a lot of pals who are in a similar situation - they are 'waiting' for authorities to do certain things where as I've learnt waiting is not the one for me... Interestingly the EWO I spoke to last week had just done a training on Neurodivergence last week and said "it blew my mind" - I was equal parts pleased and taken aback - we've come so far...

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We're kindred spirits Sarah! When I was 10 I was always making tiny magazines and attempting to get my younger brother to contribute stories and pictures to them (with zero success - he couldn't have been less interested!). Substack is full of people that 10 year old me would have loved to meet!

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Thats is so so cute and sweet! I love that. Sarah's work is like a lightning bolt to my soul.

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I write to be an encouragement to and for others. I know that through the ups and downs of life, someone else’s words, someone else’s journey has inspired me and gotten me through. I hope, in my own small way, to be of service to someone else 🌿

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Thanks Mackenzie! 🌸

I was listening to Leonie Dawson’s recent podcast and they said this exact thing. They said they thought they might be done but then three new people found her after her speech and she was like “this, this is why.” And I just adore that... I always hold three specific people in my mind when I write for lots of reasons but the main one being I write straight for their heart and hope it’s enough for more than that too. ✨🥰

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I hope to also be of service and offer encouragement even if it's one woman. However, for me, I wish more people would have shared their journey. I believe it has and gives power to others to thrive.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

I am here to gain greater connections with other creatives who just "get it" . I'm not one for small talk and here I feel I gain deeper more meaningful conversation xx

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Oh totally - I get that too... there is a real nuance of conversation and connection going on that isn't available anywhere else online...

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

I could not agree more Caroline 🙌🏻 👩🏼‍🎨🙋🏼‍♀️

Looking forward to connecting with your words!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

I agree Caroline.

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I started my Substack as I felt I had finally found a safe place I could share my thoughts and my life journey, and hopefully inspire others whilst doing so. It's been amazing to chat to so many like-minded people and to support others and feel supported back. And I love coming across new writers and building up a little community 💜

I also love that it gives me the opportunity to work on my writing each week.

I love this space you have created Claire!

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Thanks Lyndsay. I'm totally with you on all these reasons for being here too... 💜✨

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I've enjoyed reading everyone's 'why'.

I think coming into Substack that can be vague at first, but connection seems to be a common theme. The originality and quality of the reads on Substack is extraordinary, each has a unique voice burning to be heard. I am also astounded by the authenticity, so rare on other platforms. I haven't seen it said before, but the level of support is helping everyone to give the best of themselves, driving evermore quality content. However, it never feels competitive.

My own why, in a long round about way, is to give hope. There is a quiet social movement gathering momentum, coming close to a critical mass that could turn the tide. I want to put a shining light on ordinary people doing big things, who aren't seen in the midst of all the doom and gloom, but whose impact is HUGE.

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Me too! So fascinating!! What a brilliant mission to be on - that's amazing! Thanks for sharing with us all Safar!

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You are so correct in all that you say above!! I love this idea of ordinary people doing big things ✨✨✨

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I think I have a writer in me. She's giving it a go

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🥺💜 oh this is so so precious - I love it. Thanks for sharing that Claire.

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I’ve long been a writer and this space is such a wonderful way to build something in a unique way. I love that there are so many quirky Stacks and we can support each other to take risks in this way.

I had previously kept my fiction separate from Substack but will be adding that to my work here. And I never imagined starting a podcast, but I began one related to my writing back in March and love the personal element of voice.

Thanks Claire ☺️

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Oh wow Kathleen - I love that you are brining all the parts (and possible) parts of your creativity together - what a thrill it is to be here isn't it. 🌟

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

Hello from my studio in Australia 🇦🇺

As an artist i value Substack because of the way the community here is engaged. People are here because they choose to invest in the full story not just the quick flick and like.

When I sit to read through substack I do so in the same way I choose to sit and read a book. With a cup of tea, a comfortable lounge and an intention to fully engage and learn in the process.

I love it here!

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That's exactly it Korynn - it is like a book here - a beautiful interactive book. 📚✨

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💯 absolutely love it here!!

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That puts it into perspective well, Korynn - that these are treated in the same way as a book would be. You have lovely work btw; the ability and skill to work in abstraction is never not fascinating to me.

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💜 doesn't it. Love this perspective on Substack!!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

Thank you! So glad you resonate!

... My work continues to teach me something new every day to be honest. I love that work is in control. Make my life one hell of an adventure with no predictable outcome 🤪😅

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Yes, I do that too, always with a cuppa, settling into my favourite chair to read my "substack book" 😊

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I have made it part of my daily routine to set 1 hour to sit and read. So many talented people on this platform who have such incredible messages to share!

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To be honest I started on SubStack because I heard so many people I admire talking about it and I was looking for an alternative to social media. But since starting here my why has developed into creating a community to build awareness around autism, and specifically, parenting neurodiverse children. Now it doesn't feel like a chore to write, it feels like talking to friends 💜

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Oh that's SUCH a beautiful quote Gráinne - talking to friends - YES! It is that here.... ✨

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Fun, play, connection, growth, supporting, alignment, pushing out of my comfort zone, finishing stuff, creating a body of work.

A few of my from the heart reasons!

Thank you, Claire. Love how you pivoted and followed your intuition on this.

And love your beautiful reasons. Great to have those as beacons when we can get so pulled into the 'right' ways to do things.

Our reasons are the right reasons for us.

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Oh YES! Our reasons are the right reasons for us and mine have grown and been shaped by showing up regularly and interacting with what this space is and what it can be.

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I am super super new. Substack is currently serving as a way to organize and post my writing experiments. just starting on subscribers, so always happy when I get any, although that isn’t my main focus. I am experimenting with using tarot and intuition for my stories to build up themes, plots, characters, etc. it’s the driving force. Eventually I think I will be a novella length collection. Currently working on the first of eight stories on a specific tarot card driving the theme and plot. It’s bananas so far, it has a life of its own, channeling this story to the page. Check it out if you are curious, I have two stories up right now.

Other factors: Forming connections with a community of writers is also really important. Finding tricks to make Substack better for me and my current and future subscribers. I write stuff that is fiction but on the weirder end, and finding that audience has not been too difficult to find. I am trying to find my voice, and this is the platform, also a good friend of mine is sort of mentoring my new found path, and it’s been wonderful having resources and support.

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Erica!! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time here... so much rich creativity to bring to your subscribers and for folks to dive into. It's lovely to have a mentor isn't it? I really value it too. ✨

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It really is. I followed him onto Substack, and have not regretted it! He’s the best kind of instigator and cheerleader for my writing.

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Ohhh!! Does he offer services I could list? Or more causal? ✨

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It more casual. He is a published author I made friends on good reads almost 10 years ago. He challenged me this year to attempt writing with a prompt, and I was shocked that I can do it. But asked him if he could help me out with figuring out this new fiction writing thing, and he agreed.

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I'm a musician and I basically wrote my album with Substack.

In the first several months. I used my posts as a way to explore the themes and ideas that I was writing about (geology, and how stories of the Earth can reflect our own human experiences). And I also shared my demos in my posts! Now that the album is written I am using Substack in a more free way, sharing updates on my progress in making the album and the creative challenges that come along the way, still sharing geology stuff through my fun perspective, and also reaching out to the wider world of things which fuel my music-making.

I've always liked writing because it gives me a way to connect with people and share all the ideas in my head. I love Substack because it puts me in a community.

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It really does put you straight into a community - what an incredible way in for your creative work and passions Olivia!!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

Wow!!! That’s incredible ✨

Congratulations on the album and what a great story!

I’m an artist based in Australia and I love how vulnerable I can be on this platform.

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Thanks Korynn! Substack is definitely the place where “realness” goes a long way, which is so refreshing on the internet.

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So refreshing!!!

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My 'Why' when I started at the start of the year, was to make a commitment to my own personal creative practice, my sketchbooks, my projects, by making the commitment to show up and share here every week. So, quite a selfish 'Why' - I also wanted to prove to myself that I had the stamina to go the distance, and that I COULD commit. Turning 45 this year seemed to trigger all sorts of existential mini-crisis in me, although mostly positive ones, and I had a real 'if not now, then when' moment. If not now, then when would I prioritise the development of my creative voice? I just hope that enough people are interested to join the journey!

Now that I am almost at 40 posts, I am evaluating how its been so far. I'm proud of myself for sticking to it, and I have enjoyed a positive momentum to posting and sharing. However, I do wonder how I might offer more value to my readers in a paid tier. My ambition is to make this space grow into a valuable space for my paid subscribers. I'd love to hear from other artists and Illustrators on how they decide on what to offer?

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I have a call coming up on this very topic next month... it was the most popular request by far when I did a poll here... it's interesting because it's NEW. We've had other ways to 'be paid' in the past but none quite so simple as Substack yet somehow because it's primarily a writing platform it's hard to find that balance... The writers with bigger followings charge 'less' and offer 'more' (calls, q&as, etc) but for us smaller folks that would have us in burn out if we continued so it's about the balance and about being 'super sure' when we do open paid that it aligns with our why AND it's what our subs want too. Hope that helps - do feel free to jump into the call Raj. xx

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I started mine a year and a half ago - I decided to stop procrastinating and begin writing, and then to continue a regular practice so I can keep improving. I’ve always thought of wanting to write more, even publish someday, and it’s given me the connections to support that endeavour. I appreciate this (re)focus on the “why”, Claire, because it’s very easy to get lost when things slow down or shift gears for a time.

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It is isn't it - and the why can be complex or simple - it's just a GOOD questions isn't it. I like the 'ask why 5 more times' prompt - have you tried it... ?

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I have, it’s a great exercise!

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It’s also really HARD! Don’t you think? I end up very ethereal when I answer it! ✨✨🙏

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I read this last night but I was too tired to reply, so I'm back (although, I did get up at 6:30am so I'm not exactly chipper today.)

I kinda struggle with a why at times. I write, knit, and craft, so a big part of my why would be getting people to discover me and my creations and buy them. I often feeling like I'm being selfish saying that I'd like to earn from my creativity, but it's not really just "gimme your money!" for me. It's also about delighting people with what I create. I want people to escape from reality in my books. I want them to rock a hat or tote around a familiar and take them on adventures. I also want to meet people who love those things as much as I do. The making money bit is more so I can keep doing it. I mean, I only have a small apartment and I can't fill it up with my knitting and books. 😜 Another part of that aspect is I don't want hubby's income being the only thing paying the bills. We're partners, after all, and we share everything. Am I weird for wanting to bicker with him over who pays what bill that month? LOL

I guess my why is I want to keep creating for as long as my hands allow it and to see people enjoy those creations. I want to put a smile on people's faces. But it'd also be cool to say I knit and write for a job. (Kinda like when I had a day job as a baker and my job was literally to make cookies and cake. That was pretty awesome. And creative!)

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Love this Patricia and all the nudges and questions within it... what I'd advise is to write out that last sentence on a big piece of paper and have it somewhere you see it everyday - see what grows from seeing it there... it's very powerful! ✨

"My why is I want to keep creating for as long as my hands allow it and to see people enjoy those creations. I want to put a smile on people's faces. But it'd also be cool to say I knit and write for a job."

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