Mar 23Liked by Claire Venus

Hi Claire, as you know, I’m still very new here and lapping up the warmth of both your communities here on Substack!

I write about softening into life as a deeply feeling person and parent over at Tether & Tend (https://tetherandtend.substack.com/).

What matters to me most is developing a consistent caring voice that people turn to. I’ve already had feedback that what I write is grounding and comforting and that’s exactly what I want it to be. A kind of anchor point of regulation and reassurance in a life that can feel like an overwhelmed news feed of noise (like the internet arriving at your door!)

So my goal is to post what feels alive and interesting to me, but in a way that feels like an old friend to my readers. I realising from being around some great writers here that it takes a lifetime’s skill to do this. My rather more parochial goal is to just keep going and publish one post a week!

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Oh this is so so beautiful Ali. Welcome to your Substack home - this sounds so congruent and measured. ✨✨

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Mar 23Liked by Claire Venus

Thanks Claire - it does feel like home already, and I'm realising that I get to create the kind of home I want here (for myself and my readers). After a long while of jumping through hoops I didn't particularly want to jump through on social media, that feels very liberating 😌

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Oh it so liberating I’ve felt that way for two years it’s magic! 🪄

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Ali, I am enjoying your posts and insights. Good luck with your goals 💫

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Mar 23Liked by Claire Venus

That's lovely to hear Carol, thank you. I'm so encouraged by the comments I have received so far. Makes me feel much less daft for putting myself out there!

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I have just subscribed... what you write sounds beautiful and caring and loving...

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Mar 25Liked by Claire Venus

Ah, thank you so much, I certainly hope it is all those things. I'm just beginning but I do want it to feel like a soothing place to land 😌

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My goal at the moment is to relax and have fun. I set up quite a structured posting schedule when I started on Substack, so that I knew what type of writing to do each week. I enjoyed it but realised recently that I find it a little restrictive. I loved doing something different for the IWD post and am leaning more into that for March & April: posting what I want to rather than what the schedule dictates. I’ve found much more of a creative flow doing this, and want to feel that more and more 🥰

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I flit between a content calendar and free flow… I think it’s actually liberating isn’t it to swap and change…

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So liberating! I’m a very routine-oriented person so it feels a little wild to be going off piste! But I’m also leaning into the types of content that gets the most engagement and positive feedback, so that I’m producing writing that readers seem to have enjoyed in the past. Here’s hoping they continue to find value in it 🙏

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It’s super interesting when you see the stats side by side isn’t it??

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Amen to that

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Isn’t it such a great feeling, to lean into what’s on our creative hearts? 💕

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My goal this year is to continue to grow - free and paid

My paid members have gone up nicely and I feel really good about my paid offer. People are engaging with it all too and it feels really nice ❤️

I relate to what you’re saying about struggling to keep up and reply and so I’m very happy with the slow growth there.

My free subscriptions are slowing down loads - I think this is because people are following now instead of just subscribing, which isn’t what I want really. Though I understand and often do similar…

I understand the Substack workflow but I wonder how you get followers to become subscribers?

It’s a whole new world 😅

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Someone else asked me this too Zoe and I’m going to weave it in the class for May. Until then my advice is to completely ignore followers/ following and focus on your community, ask them to recommendations and share your work - it’s enough, more than enough and it works. I have 2k subs from recommendations here. I remember when my goal was to write a newsletter to 1000 people - that was it then I’d feel like that was it - I was enough… ✨

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My social media absence has hindered my growth here. For now, I aim to unwind and have fun while clearing my head of social media's influence. I want substack to be my happybplave but it is hard with all the crickets, haha.

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Totally here you on the clearing your head this Danica - I wrote here for a year before Substack Notes (the social media thread) was brought in and it was so spacious and healing for me. You can definitely set your own rules here.

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Let's energize those crickets! ❤️

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your goals for Substack: Grow. Why not?

How has it all felt so far this year?: Good

What are you tightening up: Actually trying to loosen up a little : )

where have the surprises been?: Don't give up on Comments, Claire! The work of writers is lonely. We gotta talk to someone besides the dog, who only agrees with us on two things. Eating and going for a walk : )

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🦋 Hi Claire, thank you for this post, and yes, welcome Spring! 🐝

I think you encapsulated my thoughts here very well, 'I’m creating consciously in an act of service and growing my business and knowledge too.' I am really proud of and thankful for each and every subscriber that I have to this date and all the engagement I have started having within my posts. I think that for the next quarter, I would like to focus on growing my subscribers through collaboration and sustained presence here on Substack. I am also at the phase of revisiting my Publications' goals and values, so my writing and knowledge serve my readers in the best way 🩷.

Happy Saturday everyone!


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That's brilliant Aleks and don't forget about recommendations too - the tool works so well...

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Absolutely Claire. Slowly I'm adding new recommendations as I go through weeks 🙂

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Such a valuable and feel good thing to do. ✍️💡🪄

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Hi Claire,

I'm not to focused on how many followers/subscribers I have right now. all I am focused on now, is to just start writing more, I actually wrote my very first short fiction story the other day. entered into another writing competition just for fun, we don't know who has been chosen to take part in it, but it was pretty cool trying to write a 250 word story.


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Ooo that's a challenge isn't it - wow brilliant JP - thanks for being here. ✨

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Thanks Claire, I didn't make it. but we can still take part in it, no harm in doing that hey?

they said they will even give us some feedback on our writing once the comp has ended, one can only learn from that...

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Feedback can be really affirming or if you don't like it put it in the fire and watch it alchemise!

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ooh, I love the way you put that.

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Mmmm I’m loving the new season vibe and so grateful that I spent winter thinking and getting super clear on where I’m taking Quietly Courageous https://quietlycourageous.substack.com/ and Claire’s Sparkle Audit has helped me with that a lot!

I’m writing here because

a) I love writing

b) others love my writing & some do pay ✨

c) my writing brings me lovely new clients & collaborators!

So my goals here for the next quarter are to create one new collaboration, support more new 1-1 clients (I do have this a number goal!) and establish as the go-to person for human design expertise in my current circle.

Feels very exciting!!

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That IS exciting Sarah! It sounds like you are such a great fit for this platform... long may it continue hey?

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So much recognition for the thoughtfulness and intention you bring and model here, Claire! You’re shepherding such a beautiful community.

I used to post essays multiple times a week. Now, I’m giving myself permission to post “just” 2-3 free essays a month (in addition to exclusive content for paying members). In January, I started working with an editor and this resulted in: 1. Reducing content quantity. 2. Improving content quality. I prefer this version, and it contributed to finally earning that hallowed check-mark badge 😊.

Like you, I devote quite a lot of time to responding to every comment, engaging with my subscribers’ writing on their publications, and cultivating a sense of connection and community. I’ve had to declare Substack inbox bankruptcy a few times but generally try to read everything I subscribe to - plus comment, re-stack, etc.

These “non-writing” activities on Substack sometimes feel like a full-time job! (Thankfully, I quit all other social media so can focus on Substack.) I don’t plan to discontinue these activities, but I am rethinking my tendency to place equal weight on all “to dos” (on and off Substack). For instance, if someone emails me a random question, I’ll place the same weight on answering that email as I do finishing an essay, doing paid writing assignments as a freelancer, scheduling a family call, etc. My sense of priorities and boundaries is off kilter, and I find myself wanting to do everything for everyone as promptly as possible.

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That is really so smart Dana - I try to have that mindset too and answer in block and chunks. I update my welcome emails every quarter and make new recommendations each month - there is some admin but it does help with subscriber flow and growth which is unique to Substack. Thank you for being here - it's a joy to witness your goals.

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Claire I love how your stack is read across 99 countries! Any tips on how to grow your publication globally?

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What a great question! One of my biggest tips is to use the audio feature - people love my British accent - that's what started the snowball! Becoming a real person not just some one who types... 😉

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Hey, Claire. I enjoyed reading this post! I think goals are so important and neccesary to grow. The challenge comes from holding yourself accountable on difficult days, of course. This is something I struggle with but I am hopeful for the future. Two things I am proud of is I am starting to give myself grace about getting things done while trying to manage my day-to-day life and cutting back tremendously on the amount of time I consume scrolling through social media. Hoping the next quarter is great for both of us!

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Ah grace yes we can always give grace can't we - I hear you. I delete socials off my phone and go back to using it as a camera - you might be interested in this free class too - https://creativelyconscious.substack.com/p/if-you-chose-just-one-online-space

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Claire I was reading a book the other day that talked about happiness. The author proposed that happiness is just the absence of desire. Unfortunately for us writers, it's so easy to desire more views, subscribers, etc. The only way to be happy is if we stop focusing on it so much. Tough thing to do when the stats page is one click away! Thanks for this post.

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Love that - what a way to frame it Thomas - we have to feel congruent at the keys - this is why I write in service to three people - two I only know online and one I know in real life - I write from my heart and I don't second guess anything, then I edit and post... the flow is very important for me.

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Mar 30Liked by Claire Venus

I'd say my main goals here are to gain more paid subscribers and be more consistent in terms of my interaction with other writers on Notes. The key point for me is to be more active on Notes.

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Cool beans - yep Notes is a good ole 24/7 party of writer/ reader colleagues - it's fun in there!!

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After almost 2 years on Substack my goal is to learn how to not be frustrated with my lack of growth. I will have to embrace Notes and be more social here 😂 I resisted the social media aspect on this platform not wanting to turn this outlet into another Instagram experience but I think it’s time for me to just lean into it ✨

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You can lean in for sure Michelle but you don't have to - there are other ways to grow - check out the article going live in a couple of moments...

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Love the transparency in this Claire ✨ I don't think that's something that gets talked about enough, how overwhelming it can feel to try and stay on top of comments and things. There's the actual work of *making* whatever it is that we make, then there's a whole other piece of labor when it comes to managing sharing that thing online. In this era of social media and viral posts, it can be easy to slip into the more-is-more mentality - but it's worth asking yourself, would I really have energy for that much engagement? Do I want to be online that much? Valuable questions to answer.

For me, I've been asking myself these very things lately. I've just been playing with Substack for the past year, trying out different patterns and types of posts. I still want this space to be my sandbox, but I also want to have something that's sustainable for me to keep up with, especially now that I have book stuff to work on.

Part of this is reframing how I've been thinking of Substack. I got sucked into Notes for a while and was starting to treat this more like social media - which I do NOT want to do. I've been reframing it back to being a 'newsletter' in my mind, a space where I can send updates to people interested in my art (paired with a little gift of a photo story or short fiction piece). I'm loosely committing to two letters per month, each with a piece of art, essay, or story, along with an update on my current projects... with the caveat that I'm also letting myself post more if I feel inspired! I like the balance of structure and freedom so far - it's like giving myself a ritual to encourage me to show up, but also letting me be spontaneous and experiment when I want to.

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Yes Kerani - the re-frame and we get to test and adjust what feels good don't we. I love that we can get a surprising amount of eyes on our work here outside of our subscribers - that feels special and possible and we can also 'just' show up in service, turn off comments, do the dance in notes - whatever feels good to you - it's a giant permission slip here for me and I don't want to tangle myself up in the shoulds...

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I’m just having fun publishing and reading. My substack posts are a bit different from my blog or my sewing newsletter. I’m still working on what my posts will look like. I have big plans though.

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That's exciting Val - making space for yourself is really such a fun part of Substack!!

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