Definitely important to protect yourself Claire and hold your boundaries 💝🙏🏻 I can see you do a lot of good here!

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Thanks love

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Very inspired and impressed to see you're taking August off and well done for maintaining boundaries and sorry that people were yucky. Hope you have a joyful and rejuvenating August!

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It’s disappointing but not surprising that some people are people-ing on you. I’m glad you’re holding your boundaries and hope you are free of the nonsense in the future and have a wonderful holiday. You help make Substack better for all of us through the creation of helpful content and an otherwise supportive community, and that’s hard work. 💕✨

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Jul 28Liked by Claire Venus

Sorry to hear of your boundaries being trampled and pleased to see you reinforcing them. Enjoy the time off, you deserve it!

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Thank you so much Rahma - it’s been a joy to support you as a diamond 💎 looking forward to getting energised and up levelling more ✨💎✨

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I hope you have a lovely break!

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Thank you for sharing Claire, I really find alot of value in everything you share. Thank you for that ☺️ , there is so much to catch up here and I am trying to read and implement as I can! Also I want to mention I LOVE the name 'sparkle' it jus brings me joy to read sparkle.. thank you for all the wisdom truly grateful ✨😊😊

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Jul 28Liked by Claire Venus

I hope you have a lovely break. It sounds like it’s perfect timing to take a step away and recharge your batteries with sun and family!

I find that so many creative ideas come up when we do! 💕

I hope that interaction that you had was just a blip. xxx

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One bad apple spoils the whole cart as they say. I’ve seen from others with massively successful membership programs that it’s essential to turf those out who trample all over your values and continue to disrespect boundaries. This is most often ignored in organisations and business but the payoffs to these difficult decisions benefits the whole.

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🍎 love this and thank you for bringing your sparkle every bloody time - couldn't do it without you. xx

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I really love and value the space you have created here Claire. Unfortunately some people will always push boundaries and you need to do what you can to protect yourself from that.

Can I ask a really daft question - I feel as if I should know the answer to this. How do you create the Threads section on your navigation bar please? Are they your Weekly Chats that you have saved and reformatted into a page/post? The format looks different somehow to what I see when I go to create a new post.

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It's OK. Ignore my question - I think I figured it out 🤣

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I did it as a tag I think... and thank you lovely you've been here since day one and I appreciate your support and wisdom more than you can ever know. xx

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Thank you for the support and holding space. I’m grateful for the help and encouragement as I continue to develop as a creative in this space. Enjoy your much deserved holiday. ❤️

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Thank you Blythe dear - hope you are finding lovely pockets of calm in your work too - I'm sure you are with those mountains as a backdrop. xx

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Thank you for all the wonderful work you do ✨️ ❤️ Have a fantastic and very well deserved August break 😎 xx

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Thanks my love! ✨❤️✨

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Thank you for bringing joy and sparkles to this space. Look after yourself!

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