
Wrote this in response to Lauren but actually sharing as a separate note. 1. Claire doing this with you was so much fun and SO USEFUL. 2. I LOVE video, but not IN PEOPLE'S FACES! I think it needs to be on our readers' terms, no autoplay, and ideally always with an audio only option xx

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I’ve just finished watching… what a joy, so much generous and honest sharing, I loved getting to know you both better 🌟xx

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Aw yay!! Thanks for being with us Sarah!!

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Loved it too! Yes, yes and yes!!

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

I really like video but on MY terms. For example, I happily pay to subscribe to Youtube so i don't have to endure the f*cking adverts :-) I always look at Instagram with my phone on silent so i have the option to listen (or not) to the noise that's over there. Autoplay needs to die, frankly. As for substack -- videos will very likely be an element of my paid subscription offering...... that's all i'm saying. 😂

edited to add - i LOVE using videos in my teaching, so video has a lot of value... just gotta wield that power mindfully

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Ooo more sneak peeks!! ✨✨ yea I’m with you one hundred percent. Captions are the best! ✨ I’ve lost hours watching video in silent with captions. I find it so relaxing. ♥️

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Yes, I do this on YouTube too rather than listening with sound on. Way more relaxing experience.

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Agree about paying for YouTube, and agree about vid being part of a paid offering. Also, hi Susannah! Funnily enough signed up for my 2024 workbooks from you just last night! x

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

hi lovely! Enjoy the delicious silence of the workbook page! 😂😍❤️

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well quite! I'm going printed too to enjoy the power of a hand-written doc!

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Just sent mine off to print!!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

Sharing this response re: video on substack as a note because i'd love to hear what some of you think as well.

I am feeling really torn about Video on here. I am definitely against autoplay and I don't know that I even want video to be anywhere scrollable, if that makes sense? This place is pristine to me and i'd love it to stay that way. On the other hand, the intentional inclusion of video I think can be great, I'm particularly interested in paywalled teachings and in community where It isn't just out there grabbing all our attention. I get that all media platforms are how we use them, but it is hard to control entirely what is thrown at you (ex when IG went video focused it was really really hard not to move with it because that is what is pushed at you).

So intrigued for sure, but hoping it is tamed, for lack of a better word.

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Yes I agree curate, reflect and stay true to us as creators! I’m curious to share this to Notes but I don’t know if I will as I don’t want auto play personally. 🙏

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

So, I like that we’ve got the option to add video, especially for interviews, watching the interactions happen. Or sharing a replay, especially as the transcripts are great, then people can choose how to consume. I’ve started doing this for a new series of human design interviews I’m sharing and I like that I don’t need to go via YouTube.

I think it’s a great way to be heard and seen, and if that’s how we’re comfortable showing up, hurray for that! My main channel will always be writing, and I trust my readers to sit through or drift past videos without too much upheaval if I use them in alignment ✨

I’ve missed the thing about videos auto playing? Yours didn’t in this post so I guess you can choose for it not to? I completely agree that auto play is dreadful, and not missing scrolling IG/FB for that very reason - for anyone remotely sensitive (HSP 👋) or discerning, it’s just invasive.

Love your share Claire 🌟

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So I think it would auto play in notes IF I shared it there but I haven’t tested it yet... ✨

Thanks so much for connecting in - love that we are figuring all this all out together! ♥️

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Ahh got it.. just in notes... but then that starts to make notes like IG and dratted reels doesn't it? Hmmm... I'd love it if Substack could hold its nerve and be confident enough to NOT morph into everything else 🙏🌟

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

Looking forward to watching this. I’ve been contemplating how I could use video... I love it but agree with it being consensual and a choice, but I think it opens up lots of additional creativity options IN ADDITION to writing. Xx

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I LOVE video, but not IN PEOPLE'S FACES! I think it needs to be on our readers' terms, no autoplay, and ideally always with an audio only option xx

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Exactly Lauren - it was perfect for Laura and I as we are comfortable and happy sharing our creative process and it means you all get a bonus look into how we do things. I still feel a little odd with their being in front of the paywall - just a preview though...

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

I’m looking forward to playing and wondering how I could use it for my community. Xx

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I’m hoping, down the track, to use video to offer an online yoga studio as a paid complement to my ‘philosophy school’ style Substack. Integration the teachings into the physical practice in a way that we don’t often see in traditional studios. It’s an idea very much still in progress but it’s very exciting to know I can offer it all in one platform and not have to create a whole new one to try to get people to connect to.

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Ooo this is very interesting Erin!! So much potential. ✨🙏 ✨✨

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Yes! Looking forward to video. I have avoided video in social media before because I tend to get tongue-tied, forget key words as I’m talking, or on odd occasions completely go blank (ADHD much 😉). So I never thought I could ever be one of those articulate speakers who can talk off the cuff. However, this year, as I reflect about what I want...It’s connection...It’s engagement. In person, I am warm, empathetic and caring. I want to somehow incorporate that for my community. I’m not sure how. I’m a little bit scared to do a zoom in case no one turns up. But I definitely want to move away from one-sided content - talking at people - or for people to just consuming and moving on with a swipe.Ultimately, I would love for us to have a moment. Something raw and personal. Not sure if it’s possible, but that’s my dream. ✨

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As much as I love video, I do find autoplay invasive, and it’s one of the reason I stop engaging on Instagram. But unfortunately, it’s the new normal. What I still find confusing is why posting a video appears as if it’s part of a podcast, even though it’s just a video. Why can’t we separate the two? I might as well then use YouTube so I can reach a wider audience, unless I want it to be behind the wall of course.

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So I just checked on Apple Podcasts and this is there! It makes ZERO sense to me either. I mean it’s ok because it kinda fits BUT whaaaaaaa...

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Probably goes through same RSS? Xx

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🙈✨ but whyyyyy it’s a totally different medium! Fine for this though?

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Oh that’s amazing! Perfect way for you to combine video with podcast :)

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Yes I’m not sure though... I’d rather give permission or not?!

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Thanks Claire and Laura! I have two questions, one unrelated to this post. First, is there a way to edit the video you make on Substack? I apologize if this is obvious, I haven't had a chance to dive into it yet so it may be self-explanatory.

Second question Claire, I know you have various posts and lists of things you get help with, the illustrators, the biz course etc. Do you have a list of anyone on Substack who is available to hire to help with the back end of the work? This is in response to Jeannine Ouellette's article this week about her success on Substack and the help she received to be able to pull it of. I am looking into getting something similar. I don't mean what you and what Sarah Fay do, rather a regular hire a few hours a week. Any ideas?

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No I don’t think so Donna... no editing tools yet!

Do you know what you’re looking for exactly? I work with two VAs who know Substack well...

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Thank you, it’s to know it’s all live video.

I am looking for someone to work a few hours a week on the back end stuff like the about page, emails and information to go out about upcoming presentations etc.

I’m going to get help with planning topics and direction but I’m looking for a bit of nuts and bolts help that I just don’t seem to get to.

Hey, a great post idea for you (don’t you just love it when people say that😉) might be what, exactly, you get help with that allows you to focus on your writing and work!

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Just coming to say thank you for sharing this as it’s inspired me to be like you and a couple other commenters and use it was a paid element in a way that’s safe for me and my people. 💛

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Aww I’m so glad! Yes it’s huge! I’ve been thinking about our chat yesterday - I’m going to email you...

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I’m really sad to see that if I restack this to notes then it already autoplays 😭😭😭

It was a beautiful watch though and really insightful. Thanks guys 🙏❤️

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You can restack a quote like I did and it won’t pull the video through!

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Yeah! I figured that out eventually 😅

But I do think it will lead to auto play videos landing in our notes and I think that really is a shame. Hopefully they will listen 🤞 we don’t need another Instagram 🤦🏼‍♀️💔

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Yes that seems to chime without of people... I think Susannah Conway hit the nail on the head in our pod!

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Yes... it’s just unnecessary isn’t it... I know Substack will be listening... ✨

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