I have 2 goals for the rest of the year, the first is to get so much more personal with each newsletter, for some reason for the past 12 months i thought it would be a good idea to generalize and zoom out, as I’ve thought about it more, I think it’s actually the opposite that’s important doubling down on what makes as unique, so this will be my goal, more personalization (no spoilers)… and the second goal is to prep more in advance, this means to have a lot of drafts ready in advance, but picking and crafting the right one on the day.

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Ahh I'm always so proud of myself when I schedule. Some folks have tonnes scheduled in but usually I'm writing based on my content cal each week. I can plan in advance but less so schedule in advance...

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Here to support and cheer on your insight that paradoxically, the personal IS the universal. I don't know why that's true but it so is.

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Almost! I set a goal of 150 paid subscribers by June 21st. I’m at 148 with a few weeks to go. My June 21st goal for total subscribers is 3K, and I’m at 2,723...with an average increase of 175-200 total subscribers per month since January.

For the second half of the year, I’ve drafted a plan to provide more structure to the when/what of posting (especially for paid content). I’m moving continents in mid-June so am waiting until July to move into implementation. But even mapping it out felt so helpful and already shifted things energetically.

Appreciate your support and enthusiasm, Claire!

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That's incredible Dana - congratulations!! I love a good mapping out session as you know. I sometimes feel it's frustrating in between check marks - 1001 paid subs seems WILDLY unachievable so I don't focus on that but then it's all a journey isn't it.

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Thank you, Claire. And I know! 1001... But I try to focus on the general trajectory. It’s going in a clear direction - so it’s really just a matter of sticking with it over time (or so I tell myself!).

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Your goals inspired me! There's always something to make better of ❤️🌹

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Cheering you on, Paolo! ❤️

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Oops think I posted this in reply to a Note by mistake (I guess getting properly on top of Notes, Threads & Chat also needs to go on my list!!) Anyway here’s what I wrote…

Now I feel I’ve achieved a proper rhythm with consistent weekly blog-style updates my goals for the rest of the year are to 1) make progress on the other more evergreen posts I plan to write - and start building up a bank of those ahead of time, 2) bring my full mailing list over from Mailchimp (which feels v daunting for some reason) and 3) start to focus on growing as well as just turning up & writing.

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Talk to me about number 2?

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Well… I started reading the Substack page about importing and GDPR and opting in etc. I’ve been totally neglecting that list since I started writing on Substack but do I need to get them all to opt in before I move them? Am a bit worried I may have ‘lost’ some of them by being quiet these past few months. And then the logistics of do I write to them on Mailchimp first to explain what Substack is or just try and import and then have a dedicated imported subscribers welcome email ready to go out to then. Getting my head in a bit of a spin with it all tbh 🤦‍♀️

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Yes GDPR is a headache - what I've seen modelled is you write to them and say you are moving to Substack - they have already given you permission then you move them and in the welcome email (for imported subs) in your settings you invite them to unsubscribe. This is just my advice based on what I've seen and what I did. They have already given you permission to email them you are simply switching provider...

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A lot of the emails on my list have been manually added over the years as they’re from other platforms (crowdfunding, my film website) or just from them agreeing over email for me to add them. So I’m worried if they might flag up as an issue. But I guess the only way to know is to have a go and see. Might need to do a little sequence to warm them up again before I import them maybe. Will keep you posted…

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I hear you - you have to ‘feel’ safe and you know maybe for ease of decision making you just either a. import them and welcome them or b. email them on mailchimp and incentivise them to sign up?

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I can't make the call I'm sorry. Do you record it Claire so I can watch later?

I'm teaching my first ever class this morning. Exciting and nerve-wracking.

My goals have been around my art and getting into galleries. But I need to revisit them - be more specific and develop on my first successes.

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Yes replay will be out later on lovely.

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Jun 13Liked by Claire Venus

my goals for the rest of the year:

to reach 30 paid subs (im at 5 during this first month of launching)

to make a long post and downloadable pdf once a month for paid subs

to enjoy the writing, creating and posting

to show up once a week here to work on my substack and business

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yay! So looking forward to seeing you tomorrow Jo! ✨

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Jun 13Liked by Claire Venus

me too! xx

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I'm impressed and intimidated by all the numbers flying around. I have no idea how to think in numbers in these spaces yet but after four months on Substack I think my goals for the coming season are: 1) to contribute regularly and meaningfully to conversations happening in other's spaces, like here in Sparkle for instance. To be a good member in communities 2) to slowly develop ideas around adding a podcast to my written work 3) to post in Notes occasionally, and maybe even to develop a schedule and expectation around that too. As a way of showing up.

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Beautiful Sarah - is there an overarching thread or intention here - something you can 'feel' is working?

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I guess the overarching theme might be to "show up" in the ways that feel right. <3

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What a beautiful invitation ✨

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Hi Claire. I am new to Substack, so I am trying not to get grandiose about what I can achieve in the short term as I know it will take time to build and sustain readership. My focus for the next year is to publish essays twice a month and to work behind the scenes on my idea on an ongoing "dinner and a movie" series (movie suggestions paired with menus) that I am excited to launch, but I need to take time to plan it, probably a full year. After one year, I will check on how I am doing and reassess and set new priorities. But, for now, I am just happy to be here in this wonderful community! I love Substack.

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Consistent posting? --not a problem

hitting a milestone? --now that's a problem

earning more? --until I get traction don't know about charging

What are you looking forward to as the year progresses? --not much : ) Seriously, it seems lollipops and happiness 'stacks (you know what I'm talking about) get the most traction. That's not me, and it's too late to change now : )

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Venus

goals are:

SHORT TERM (over summer)

1. relaunch ABOUT and OFFERINGS, redesign of logo / home page.

2. write more ahead - so I've 3 or 4 weekly posts in the bag at all times

LONGER TERM (to end of year)

3. launch seasonal tune in mini courses with slow podcast interviews October this year.

4. 50% more subscribers by end of the year (920 to 1,500)

5. double paid subs (30 to 60).

6. FEEL: more connected to readers, more nourished by the writing, in flow.

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Consistent posting is my goal!

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Love that - simple, to the point. What does consistent posting look like to you Alexis?

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I think I want to post a stack weekly on Mondays and then notes more periodically.

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Lovely. Mondays are great days as people also have the rest of the week to catch up. ✨🙏

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Thank you! I like reflecting on a week and setting goals and intentions and it feels natural for this to also be a day of posting!

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Jun 3Liked by Claire Venus

I feel like now that my girls are done with school and are now on summer break, I can focus more on my goals here for Substack. I plan to write down any ideas that come to mind and then hone in and see what I can focus on for the summer months, and then what can be focused on in the autumn months so that I don’t completely overwhelm myself. You mentioned on one of your calls about working seasonally Claire, and that really stuck with me 🤗 May was a great month for me and I am just going to keep pressing on! 🩷

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Oh yes and I find it's so so important for me especially with 8 months of winter here where I am at my slowest. I am FULL of ideas Spring - Summer but more people are online autumn/ winter which is probably why it's so brilliant we are global on Substack. How's your publishing schedule going Mackenzie?

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Venus

My publishing schedule is going fine at the moment 🤗 I publish my regular post once a week and my Saturday Loves post every two to three weeks. This schedule works for me right now and feels good 😊

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That’s brilliant! I have too many ideas and too few days in the week 😂

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Ha! Totally get it 😄

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Hi Claire! I always hear folks talk about how important it is for a goal to be “actionable” — when you have a goal like “reach 25k views per month” are you cultivating steps to reach that goal specifically (rather than doing general growth oriented stuff), or rather, are you just setting that goal post and having fun watching yourself gradually move towards it? Cheers!

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Hi Courtney. Love this question. Yes I'm very clear on the actions I'm going to take and very curious of the blend of ways to get there. My approach here is very experimental and I'm very cautious not to burn out and lean into joyful growth. I talk about strategy a little in today's call and my dms are always open for more chats on strategy and growth with my Diamond Members too. How are things going here for you?

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I love that! I have a tendency to only give my goals "action" names, likely out of a fear of those things beyond my control not coming to fruition -- but when I look past those fears, imagining numbers and goalposts on the other side of horizon is so so delicious. Maybe I'll play with this more! Thank you for your generous response, by the way.

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This is why I also love a feeling goal as well as a numerical one. This last 6 months has been about deepening connection… ✨🧩🙏

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Feeling goals! How brilliant -- I think I carry many of those around with me, but naming them and writing them down must be a very powerful tool. Thank you for your insights, Claire <3

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You're so welcome. All in the joyful growth.

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