
My 3 line publication explainer - go to your writer dashboard settings page to copy and paste yours and circle back here?

"A bespoke space to help you stay creative on Substack! 🧚‍♂️

Twice monthly space holding (co-working, workshops, teaching).

Weekly posts, chats, a podcast and ALL the tools to help enhance your journey to growth on Substack in a joyful sustainable way!"

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Mine: “Insights into the human condition and how to improve it, delivered with wry humour by an award-winning novelist.”

Funnily enough I just changed it a couple of hours ago, trying to make it more reader-focused. Thoughts?

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I like what you already have and I'm still finding my way here.

You might consider flipping it a bit...

Wry insights into the human condition and a humorous take on improvement by an award-winning novelist.

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Actually the wry humour is always on the human condition and the improvement part is generally the serious part so that wouldn’t be accurate, but thank you :-).

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Ah, thank you for the mini lesson, I appreciate it.

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I recently changed my first line to a reader pain point - this is where we want to bring people in to subscribe, so I flipped it into more about the reader. I like how you include "how to improve it".

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Mine says,

Stories about growing up, ancestors, some travel and sometimes just thoughts..

( I posted in wrong place first, so it may show up somewhere else at some point..?)

Bear in mind I had no clue how to do anything when I joined SS , 6 months ago

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I think getting a sense of who *you* are and why we should read your publication is also pertinent to add. What kind of ancestors? What are you are passionate about writing about and how does your identity inform that?

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Thank you so much. You’ve given me lots to think about, mainly WHY would anyone want to read my stories. I guess the reason I write them is that I hope I can take people back to a time that no longer exists & which resonates with them..

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Nostalgia is a theme is good! :) Travel back in time with you through your essays?

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On joining substack I thought I’d write about all of these things as the fancy takes me.

1) Teenager growing up in 70”s/80’s Glasgow. stories which are from a long running body of work.

2) tales inspired by my ancestors

3) travel stories

4) life tales/ thoughts from various eras.

I realise that’s a bit much to fit into three sentences? Must I decide to choose one to focus on?

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I think focusing on time travel/nostalgia, as well as physical travel could be super interesting to hone in on and tie together your themes

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Thanks, that’s interesting. Will work on that idea. Appreciated!

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What a brilliant idea (as always Claire), I’ve just re-looked at mine and as Nia mentions I think it was too short, so have just updated to:

“Delivering weekly posts to support you in turning your house into a home.

Sharing interior trends, inspiration, colour themes and styling tips.

Plus my monthly shopping guides, where I share my favourite interior finds of the week.”

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Swap those first two lines over?

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Agree! And I now am going to follow Sonya! I could use some decor advice!

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All done, thank you for the advice 🤎

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Great. More in depth advice here - https://sparkleon.substack.com/p/a-bio-a-boiler-plate-and-a-balloon - it's really worth having a stand alone writer bio and publication explainer as often people see the two pieces of text together so we don't need to repeat any words across the two.

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All noted and taken on board 😍

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It is super clear! Maybe, you could add a subtle touch that represents a bit of the vibe that represents your style?

Someting like "Your weekly inspiration to transform your house into an aesthetic, yet serene and warm home."

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Just had a play around based on your suggestion and think I’ve landed with an introduction I’m happy with, it definitely has a more personal touch now, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

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So lovely!

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Thanks Fabienne, definitely some food for thought 😊

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I really like it now! It’s even more personal and relatable. So happy I could help ☺️

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Claire Venus

Thanks for the homework, Claire! Based on what I've read, I've been reworking mine.

"For those of us who've learned that fitting in is overrated. 🏝️ Welcome to finding freedom in the fringes and wholeness through stories, one quirky essay (and newsletter) at a time."

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Oooh Lani, this spoke to my inner weirdo immediately! I've seen you've updated the bio to lead with not fitting in... bang on. I love your graphic too. Excited to read more :)

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May 26Liked by Claire Venus

Thank you, Anna! ❤️

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Errr Lani, also now crushing on your welcome email. LOVE the photos. I’m going to do that on mine. So nice to ‘see’ your personality off the bat!

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Like it a lot! Maybe you could even start directly with:

"Fitting in is overrated. Agree? Welcome to ..."

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This is so good!

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Jun 29Liked by Claire Venus


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I agree, you can start with "Fitting in is overrated."

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Love this. Yes you could drop the first few words to just fitting in is overrated. - it is snappier. The first part is inherent.

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Mine is: Weekly musings from a new mama trying to tap into their inner mystic 🧘🏽‍♀️ Meditating. Manifesting. Parenting.

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Seems really clear and inviting to me! Except I can't envision what you mean by "manifesting" in the same way that I can understand meditation and parenting. Is there another word that might be more clear?

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Thank you! I meant manifesting in the law of attraction sense, will think about making that clearer.

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I love this, Alexandra. Specific, succinct, captivating, makes me want to take a look.

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Thanks Dana 💕

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What about "A Mama Mystic sharing insights about meditation, manifestion & parenting."?

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I love this Alexandra, so succinct. I guess for other new mums navigating their spirituality too?

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Good idea, thanks!

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I meant that that is how it comes across to me! 🙏🏻

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I am all about meditating and manifesting. I am going to go check out your pub. I love the uniqueness of this... lots of people share about meditating/manifesting. Adding the parenting angle feels fresh and inviting.

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Such a great idea Claire 🙏 it's one of the first things you do when you join and then it is easy to forget! I have updated mine once ...

Welcome to Generosity of Spirit, a space to share my slow and gentle living philosophy. Please do subscribe to join me on this gentle journey of discovery and receive my Slow Sunday Letter straight into your inbox.


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Just reading your short description made me feel inspired. Now I can't wait to read whats inside your pub!

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Oh that's so wonderful to hear 😊 welcome ! I hope you enjoy looking around 🙏

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It's clear to me!

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Thank you 🙏🙏🙏

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I love yours and often listen to your posts, this seems a v accurate representation of what you offer Emily! 💛

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Oh thank you so much 🙏 that's so lovely to hear.

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This is beautiful Emily. I feel really soft and tender, held and calm when I read this.

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Oh that makes me so happy because this is the core of everything I want to do ! 🙏🙏💗 Thank you so much

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I appreciate how gentle this is - because you mention it twice! Is that what you want for the main takeaway?

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Thank you so much. Yes, together with slow living, I think for me I know I respond better to gentle words and activities… (prone to overwhelm and anxiety over here!). I want to make my space very gentle and accessible to everyone.

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Love this idea! Mine is:

Exploring the culture, history, gastronomy and landscapes of Spain, for travellers and armchair travellers alike.

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GORGEOUS - do you write from Spain or just travel there?

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From Spain! I live in southern Spain 😊 (do you think I should include that?)

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YES! With a 📍 ?

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I love armchair travellers 🙌

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What about a little twist like:

"Join me in discovering Spain's rich culture, history, cuisine, and stunning scenery. Either by following as a curious adventurer or from the comfort of being an armchair explorer.

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I really like the “join me” beginning - sounds inviting! Great suggestions, thank you

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Would definitely put Spain towards the beginning! Maybe "Exploring Spain--the culture, food, history & landscape. Travelers (even armchair ones!), welcome!"

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Ooh great points! Thank you!

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My pleasure! I just had some friends move to Spain (they lived in Los Angeles for 40+ years). I want to visit there some day! Subscribing to you now. 🙂

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Ahh thanks a lot 🥰 I hope your friends love it here (and that you can visit!)

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Judging from their FB pics, they do! 😃

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I love this, Amy! It's very clear who it is for and I like how you include "armchair travellers" as well. Maybe you can include an invitation, e.g. "join me... " or something similar?

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Thanks so much! Great advice, second suggestion regarding “join me” or similar so definitely looking to incorporate that

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Oh i just saw that somebody has already suggested this :)

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I almost don't think you need the "travellers and armchair travellers" as they will self -select. Maybe "Discover the culture...." and then use the extra space to say a bit about you: "with a New Zealander obsessed with Spain" or something like that. The description does make me what to know who you are given that you have an English-sounding name.

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Great suggestions! Yes, I have that part in my personal bio on here but maybe it should be more upfront in the publication description

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Super clear and I love that you include armchair travellers in your invitation--that's me and that makes it tempting. <3

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Ahh great to hear! Thanks a lot 😊

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Totally clear what you’re about. Kudos.

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Thanks a lot Nancy!

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Love this initiative Claire! Here is mine:

"Health & medical researcher writing at the intersection of medicine, nutrition, longevity and public health using data (at times). Join me if you want to learn more about medicine, the world of metabolism and to reclaim your health back! 🧬"

I also recently started a second one called Meraki (after the Greek word), which I have not had enough time to write up the posts I have in mind. I've only published one about what travelling taught me! Meraki's short description is: "All about exploring life, learning and growing! Join me on the journey! :)" 🤍

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I think your first newsletter is succinct and straight forward. I'll subscribe :)

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great to have you on YMDS, Christa! a big welcome :)

second ones needs some tlc ngl... 😅

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Reclaim your health back! Yes! This will bring people in - you show credibility, what the reader will get and the result! Love it!

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Mine is: Tarot Insights for Self- Awareness & Personal Growth. Exclusive Spreads + More. Escape the Matrix. Follow Your Design.

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❤️‍🔥 bold - I LOVE it Janet... I feel like Escape the Matrix could be on that first line?

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Thank you for your feedback! 🙏

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I changed it to "Escape the Matrix. Tarot Insights for Self- Awareness & Personal Growth. Exclusive Spreads + More. Follow Your Design, Not the Herd." Thanks again for your feedback! 🙏

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That is very clear. I like what you wrote "follow your design" that offers one the space to be unique..

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Yes! Exactly! 😃

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I'm probably going to go subscribe to you now, sounds right up my alley!

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Oh how cool! Thank you! 🙏

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Janet, I like how you made it different by adding "exclusive" and "escape the matrix" and "follow your design."

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Thanks so much for your feedback, Sandra! 🙏

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"A community where online business meets holistic personal growth as a Mom! Engage inside the realms of business, motherhood, personal development, wellbeing, & beyond with Online Business Manager & Master Coach Cheniece Patrick."

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I like it! But it's also trying to do a lot.... I might drop the "as a mom" part to keep it a little simpler. What would you think about shortening the second paragraph a little bit too - like just business, motherhood and personal devleopment" - just an idea. Seems like you offer some great resources!

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Wow! And thank you so much for your insights! It's ironic... When I was developing my description, I changed it up a million times for the reasons that you indicated in your response! I also considered that my description was too long and wordy, but I struggled with how to shorten it. I like how you suggested this. And thanks for your wonderful compliment! I'm a bit biased, but I do think that I offer my readers a great collection of resources and information!

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I am sure it is!

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May 18Liked by Claire Venus

Great Idea! Mine is:

A soulful journey of resilience, learning, and life's observations, embracing a love for art, music, nature, and writing for a purposeful life. Join me in exploring simplicity, finding meaning, and nurturing our hearts with echoes of joy and wisdom.


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Hi Neha! I see no one’s given you feedback here yet so I thought I’d leave a few thoughts!

🌿your second sentence is a super clear invitation — I love the way you wove in the word “echoes” there too, echoing the echo in your publication name. So meta, so cool!

🌿I find myself getting a little lost in that first sentence — the curse of lists in online writing, I think. “Soulful journey” and “for a purposeful life” resonate the strongest for me (and I don’t think that’s just the effect of being first/last in the list, I looked at each section in the list and felt them individually). I’m betting you could simplify that list without missing out on any of the gold, just because of how solid that second sentence is.

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Jun 17Liked by Claire Venus

Thank you, Courtney! I appreciate your thoughtful feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the play on words with "echoes." I'll consider simplifying the first sentence to make it more engaging and easier to follow. Your insights are invaluable and will help me improve. Thanks again!

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My pleasure! And thank you for the follow ♥️✨

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I only have two lines 🤔 Are we talking about "short description"? Or am I looking in the wrong place?

Here is mine:

"Learning languages in a divided world. Come and follow along with my journey to learn 12 languages in 12 months"

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Great idea. Mine is

"A Substack following the trials and tribulations of an Aussie bloke trying to make the jump from a single book to a writing career."

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Swap out 'Substack' for 'publication'?

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Thanks for the suggestion. Will do.

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can you get more specific about "trials and tribulations"? Always good to move away from clichés.

I would say "newsletter" instead of publication, as a lot of people don't use Substack (95% of my subscribers)

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I think the difference between newsletter and publication is sizeable - if you see your Substack as a magazine it's a great word to use, if you see it as a space to deliver updates and news that feels more like a newsletter?

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How would you be more spercific? I don't know what to expect so I wouldn't want to put anything particular on there as it might not happen. And I quite like how "trials and tribulations" sounds thb 😅

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Or "An Aussie bloke trying to go from one book to a professional writing cateer. Trials, tribulations & victories included." 😉

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Love that!

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Thanks! (I'm an author x 5 and former editor. 😉)

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Just realized I misspelled "career". 😬 Numb fingers from carpal tunnel! 🫠

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I like this but I’d make it shorter still - “The trials and tribulations…”

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Perhaps: Join me in exploring the . . .

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Love this, Claire!

Sober Soulful: https://danaleighlyons.substack.com/

For anyone exploring their relationship to unhelpful patterns and seeking kind, kindred community. Intimate essays on addiction, sobriety, and being human from a sober Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and writer still figuring it out.

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Well, I'm already a fan of yours, Dana! I like this. I think it's great as it is. I wonder if you could shorten it a little somewhere? Could you drop "being human" for instance?

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Thank you, Serena! I'll consider it! I do like to make the point that addiction, sobriety, and the things I write about are about being human...rather than confined to recovery circles.

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I knew it was very intentional…. Just brainstorming!

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Thank you for sharing, Serena! I agree with you though: I think it could be tightened up a bit.

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Weekly chronicle about the supernatural, divination, unseen things, and weird history, from an award-winning author, empath, and diviner.

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I love your words "the supernatural, divination, unseen things, and weird history"--at once broad and specific and I feel you know your wheelhouse and what you want to do. To me, the essence feels quirky and intriguing and fun.

What I'm not clear on is who do you want to speak to? Who are you trying to reach? Who is your best audience?

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Great questions and ones I need to consider. Thank you!

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Life through the lens of a curious vegan, absurdly optimistic creative. Centeredness & Clarity through creativity in the way we see things.


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So short and clear, love it Paolo! I’m with Kate on the word absurdly. Maybe consider adding a verb to start off the second sentence such as “come explore…”, “feel…” or “discover…” that way as a reader, I know what I can “do” with the second sentence and feel more invited and connected to your words :)

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I like yours Paolo, not sure you need the ‘absurdly’ though I totally get that, I’m the same!

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I have a hard time seeing what it is that I do. Or maybe it’s just a hard time describing it. All help gratefully and graciously accepted. Here’s my (very) short description:

Inspirational writings on life and spirituality.

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How do you want your readers to feel Dan?

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Nice question! Open heart, quiet mind, smiling, ahhhh, enriched, enlightened….those are some of the things that come to mind.

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Ok lovely so can you invite them in with some of this gorgeous language in your publication explainer?

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Maybe: “Keep your heart and mind open with inspirational writings on life and spirituality.”


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I like this one a lot!

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Love this area of focus, Dan! I wonder how you could make your description more specific (even if that just means throwing in a detail or two about YOU).

I think many folks could use that same line ("Inspirational writings on life and spirituality") to describe their writing. What sets you apart? I tend to glaze over when I see vague descriptors - even if I'm interested in the topic.

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I think your critique is spot on. But I don’t know how to address it in a way that feels right to me. In my bio, I give my credentials. They include that I’m a rabbi. BUT…to the rest of the world, “rabbi” means interested in talking to Jews about Jewish stuff. And in my writing, I’m interested in talking to people about human stuff. So I’m reluctant to place “rabbi” front and center.

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I wonder whether you could bring that in somehow and make people curious to take a look. Weaving in something like: "from a rabbi who will challenge your assumptions about rabbis." That's probably not quite it, but hopefully you get my idea!

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Oh gosh, I’ve been thinking I need to rewrite mine and now I know I do. It’s just too vague and doesn’t explain what I do and what readers will get from subscribing.

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May 23Liked by Claire Venus

That's how I'm feeling about mine going through these awesome shares! So helpful thank you as always Claire!

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Loving your suggestions on others above Claire!

On my homepage’s hero post it says:

“Holding you and me to a truer, braver expression” - which is the shorter version

The full description of my publication is:

“Holding you and me to a truer, braver expression with heart-stirring stories, impassioned poetry and some loving sledgehammer real talk”

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How about "We can express ourselves more bravely. Let's do this, together, via hard conversations, impassioned poetry & heart-stirring stories."?

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May 23Liked by Claire Venus

Janet I love your feedback in this thread, it feels really to the point and like Sarina says, a call to action!

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Thank you, Kali! 🙏

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Oo feels like a call to action that’s not about me, there’s something there, thank you!

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My pleasure!

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I love this a lot for your publication Sarina, it draws me in and it feels more about doing it all together in community, which your post often elicit.

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Twice weekly writing on being a poet, travel, living with chronic illness and cPTSD. Creative Tuesday is all about my own creative process, poetry and poetry film. Letters from Japan publishes every Friday throughout the summer, exploring how Japanese philosophies can enhance our writing alongside some first hand travellers tales.

I'm never sure about this!

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I love that you’re bringing in your different passions and parts of yourself, Kathryn. I would try make it less wordy but not drop any of the topics.

I write about more than what I say in my short blurb. Are there any umbrella terms so you can put the topics into buckets. Just an idea though.

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Thank you Carmen - I appreciate your kind words x Less wordy is achievable I think!

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Too much. I wouldn’t know if I was subscribing to read about poetry, PTSD, Japan, etc. Am just not sure such a wide range of unrelated topics would fly. Possibly pick a lane, or find a way to create a cohesive message?

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It's tricky isn't it - how do you think I could rephrase it?

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Something like this? Writing weekly on being a travel-hungry writer while living with chronic illness, yet using Japanese philosophies to enhance my life and tales.

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Here's mine!

"Come dive into the depths of community care, relationships, activism and identity with insights from a fat, polyamorous, queer, disabled, neurodivergent Filipine-American community care facilitator and health care advocate."

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Claire, I'm not sure I've got mine set up properly. I'm a total newbie. I have a description that comes up under my name, but when I click the 'About' button on my publication page, I've got headings like "Why Subscribe?" and "Stay up to date" etc. I thought it was because I'm listed as a subscriber but when I tried to unsubscribe myself, it won't let me. Not sure what to do. Thanks.

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https://sparkleon.substack.com/p/so-youre-ready-to-write-your-about - a handy about page article to help!

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Here’s an article that will help and there are lots more - best viewed on home page.

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Hello lovely - if you have time you could come to class - I have one on a Friday or delve into my “Simple Substack Articles” I’ll grab the link for you. It sounds like you are in the place of where you are editing your writer bio and your about page. The place in the screen shot above is in our dashboard settings - again I have a video workshop on the settings pages. ✨✨

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Hi Claire, thanks for the information and links you've sent. I really appreciate it. 🙏🏼 Friday class sounds good. What time do you hold class? I think I've worked out how things work now. I love the Substack community but as a platform, I've found it a bit challenging, but we are getting there. Baby steps. 😁

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Thank you for this opportunity, Claire. This is my explainer:

"Helping linguists find their creative voice one visualisation at a time"

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What do you mean by visualization?

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I create texts that help you see (visualize) your inner power to overcome social media writer's block and write using your true voice. It's something similar to a meditation but with stronger focus on the visual part. Ideally, you should close your eye and listen trying to see the images with your internal eyes. Please visit my Substack, I started adding audio to make the visualizations easier for the readers 💞

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Nice and short! By linguist, do you mean writers...?

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Well, by trade I'm a translator, so my Substack is for other language-handling professionals (translators, interpreters, etc.). However, anyone struggling with social media confidence will benefit, too.

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Ah! Maybe use that! i.e. "helping language-wranglers (translators, interpreters, writers)..."

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That sounds super cool, Janet. Thanks! ❤️

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My pleasure!

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As always an incredibly creative and community focused idea! Thank you for your generosity, Claire!

Mine (that I change almost weekly):

Imagine a rule-free corner in the wellbeing space where all experiences are valid. Come explore holistic health, creativity & human connection. Find nuanced views, stories & practices to return home to Self! Occasional travel adventures included.💛

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How about "No-rules well-being, where all experiences are valid. Join me for a holistic return to Self through creatvity & connection (and the occasional travel adventure)!"

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Such a generous offer Claire. I keep tweaking mine, which currently says ‘I’m a psychotherapist sharing insights from therapy and my creative life to nurture your soul, accept yourself and find deeper meaning - with optional mental health and personal growth worksheets’

I added the last bit about worksheets to help come up in search for those phrases, not sure if that’s a good idea or not! 💛

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Oooooh, I want to know more by reading this.

Here is just a slight change to not start with "I'm..."

"Weekly wisdom from my work as a psychotherapist and my creative journey to nurture your soul, foster self-acceptance, and discover meaning - including practical tools and advisory if you are curious to go deeper."

What exactly

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Thanks for your input. I like ‘curious to go deeper’ ✨

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I love the curious to go deeper, that draws me in!

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I wonder about starting with the question:

Would you like to nurture your soul, accept yourself and find deeper meaning?

And I’m not convinced people will search for ‘worksheets’…but I could be wrong!

Love the ‘curious to go deeper’ suggestion 💛

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And yes I did take worksheets out yesterday, it sounds a bit clunky!

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Thanks, yes that’s a nice idea, thanks Sarah 🙏🏻

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A space to explore the rhythms of our creative lives and work, and get curious about what it means to connect and express ourselves through branding.

I made it succinct because it was being cut off in places. But maybe that doesn’t matter?

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I think this is lovely and succinct Sarah. It expresses the authentic feel of your work beautifully. I don’t think it needs any improvement though you could consider have more of an element of who it is for, eg small business/creatives/writers etc

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Thanks so much, Kate. I think because I mention ‘creative lives and work’ I might be just be able to get away with not mentioning creatives or business owners 🤔

It’s a tricky one, the balance between saying too much and not saying enough!

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You could even go shorter, punchier: "Exploring the creative rhythms of life & work. How do we express ourselves, connecting meaningfully, through branding? Get curious!"

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I like the idea of including a question! Thanks, Janet 😀

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Sure thing! 😃

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Just looked at your Substack and I'm glad I've found you!

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Thank you, Faith!

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May 18Liked by Claire Venus

This is helpful to revisit as I've not looked at it since day 1 on Substack. Mine doesn't answer most of the questions.:

'Parenting autistic kids and spirituality'.

I will do some work and repost!

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Here's a bigger article on it all if you have time to zoom out - it's so worth it to gain clarity for ourselves and our subs. https://sparkleon.substack.com/p/a-bio-a-boiler-plate-and-a-balloon

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May 18Liked by Claire Venus

What do you think of this?

'Stories about life as a parent carer. Sharing reflections on spirituality, challenges and joys. For parents who want to find connection, understanding and a little lift of hope'.

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Put the last line first? See what you think?

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May 18Liked by Claire Venus

'For parents and carers who want connection, understanding and a little lift of hope. Stories about searching for the sacred whilst bringing up nuerodivergent kids in a broken system'.

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What about "Sharing reflections as a parent caregiver to bring hope, connection & spiritual comfort to fellow caregivers."?

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How about "Parenting kids with Autism while navigating life's chaos through Christian spirituality."?

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Interesting idea.

Mine is,

Where Wanderlust Meets Wisdom - Exploring the adventures of self-discovery through travel, retirement and mid-life matters.

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Could you make a subtle shift to invite us in more? I had that line spring to mind; “Come for the wine, stay for the company” - or something like that - something that showcases a friendly invite for people to subscribe and stay?

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Thanks for the comment.

I have added, "Relax with a glass and join me on a journey through life's experiences."

How's that?

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What do you think? Could you add more sense of place?

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Relax with a glass and join me here on a journey through life's experiences.

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Mine is: "A weekly newsletter for those in the second half of life. Written by someone who's spent the last 30 years following the science of living a healthy lifestyle." Not enough is it?

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How do you want me to feel when I’m reading your articles/ publications Patricia?

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This is not my current one, but it is what I am about to update it to.

A loving and collaborative space to hold you and your words on your motherhood journey. I share my experiences of motherhood and being. I provide monthly practices and prompts to support mothers in weaving more intention, groundedness and being into their lives through reflection and mindfulness.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Claire Venus

Mine is currently: "Space to explore who you are, your emotions and deepen your connection with your Self. Going beyond the distractions that keep us from knowing ourselves."

I want to clarify it to something like:

"A space of intentional and loving personal growth - space for all parts of you!

Weekly space-holding through playlists, journal prompts, breathing and meditation practices, podcasts, listening circles and a supportive community to celebrate your progress

ALL the resources to support you on your journey of self discovery"

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I love your clarification, I think it is helpful to share with people what they would be getting, especially if resources like you listed are something you offer.

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"An educational hub and inner work community exploring self-development through the lens of archetypal studies and Jungian psychology."

I've swapped mine up in recent months to focus in on the community and educational aspect. In the past, I called out specific topics in case potential readers aren't familiar with the terminology (Dreams, mythology, tarot, etc).

I favored wanting to keep it short and concise, but perhaps I can add another line or two for greater clarity?

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Sounds very intriguing. Maybe you can break it into two parts so it’s easier to get the message across? I also prefer keeping it short and concise but it’s such a challenge.

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I think breaking it into two parts is a good idea. Thanks for the feedback :)

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May 18Liked by Claire Venus

Mine is: First-hand stories about creative income generation —a home for slash careerists.

Is it clear? Yes

Is it clear who is invited to subscribe? I think so...

What other details do we have to invite us in? I should probably add days I publish and whats the takeaway fro readers?

What is the essence of this publication? Making money creatively and having different income streams.

Any feedback?

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Great idea! I would love to get some feedback if it’s clear enough, I’m struggling to make it shorter, less wordy:

Get inspired, make art for play, mindfulness, and creative exploration with weekly prompts, monthly challenges + accountability 🌻 A community for more creative living for the curious and multi-passionate on a journey — not an artist? no worries!

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How do you want your readers/ community to feel Susan?

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I want them to feel connected, encouraged and inspired to create 💛

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Ok let’s journal some more on that..: a place to/ a space where/ my publication will…

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Good idea, will give it a ago…

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I’d be so interested to see what this brings up for you.

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I want them to feel connected, encouraged and inspired to create 💛

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I’ve shorten the last part: A community for the multi-passionate dreamers, seeking more creative living.

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I like the new second sentence. How about shortening it, eg, An inspiring community for multi-passionate dreamers to explore mindful, creative living.

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Hi Kate! I like that idea too, I’m going to give it a go… thank you for your feedback 🌼

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STEEPED STORIES A nurses journey into health and happiness with a sprinkle of tea and recipes for the way life should be. Join me.

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Should it be “nurses journey” “soulful journey” or just “journey”? What draws you in more?

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May 18Liked by Claire Venus

My publication explainer is: Character-driven fiction and creative nonfiction about inner journeys, identity, and society, prompting readers to reflect on their own choices, habits, and contexts. Thanks for this amazing "peer-review" space :)

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Love the idea! 💕 So here is mine:

Editorial picture-(un)perfect log of “Life in my 30s.” Join the weekly riptides of leaving tech for marine science. Courage to subscribe will unlikely unlock a 10-step mastery key, but you might get hold of a fellow comrade!

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Here's mine: "Learning to calm our minds, ease our hearts, and tune into our inner wisdom together."

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How about "Together, we can calm our minds, ease our hearts & access inner wisdom. Join me!"

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I like that! Thanks, Janet!

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Sure thing! 😃

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A Solopreneur by choice. Everyone is qualified to be a Solopreneur if they take that first step. Join me and grow with me as a Solopreneur.

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Lovely... can you unpack (no word count) what it means to you to be a solopreneur - why do it?

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Mines too short …..

“Join the discussion about self-aware leadership with thinkers from around the globe.”

I’ll review on the basis of your comments

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Tell me in your own words (no word count) what your publication offers Nia? I like your writer bio - that gives me more insight...

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Thanks. Ok, so......

Tuesday's newsletter shares top takeaways from the week's podcast episode with added extra reflection questions to help you grow your self-aware leadership skills

Monthly reflections newsletter reviews my blog, podcast and book, sharing highlights and signposting to help you grow your self-aware leadership skills

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I prefer short ones, as long as it gets the message across!

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How about "Are you a self-aware leader (or aim to be one)? Grow your skills with tips and takeaways from global thought leaders!"

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I love this thread! Mine says:

Inspiration Station

Home of the Flag Oracle, offering inspirational earth wisdom on creativity and a life well-lived. Delivered every Sunday.

any tips to make it sound more compelling?

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My one line description to Sage Sanctuary (Because Life Is Messy)

A haven for the real and raw, embracing life's paradox with grace, grit, and growth.

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Okay, I've returned after being invited to do so: I was recently given some kind coaching and applied some changes accordingly (regarding my act of repetitive, redundant language and habit of wordiness).

My description for my "Online Business Mom" publication has just changed to: "A community where online business meets holistic personal growth! Engage within the realms of business, motherhood, & personal development with exclusive access to a wealth of resources, insights, & support curated to fuel your success."

To answer my own questions:

1. Is it clear? -- Yes, I think so!

2. Is it clear who is invited to subscribe? -- Yes, I can tell that this space is for mother entrepreneurs who value professional and personal growth.

3. What other details do we have to invite us in? -- I mention that the reader will access "resources, insights, and support" designed to fuel their own success as an invitation to explore more inside.

4. What is the essence of this publication? -- "Online Business Mom" is a community space for mothers with online businesses to find enrichment and engage with a group of their kindreds who understand the lifestyle.

I also edited the language in my Substack profile bio to remove redundancy and repetition. I hope that all of this collectively appears well!

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What a lovely, generous offering this is!! Thank you for being such a visionary and space holder on Substack.

here's my short description. I've been on SS for just over 100 days, and still learning everything and tweaking as I go:

"a space for pause, to find re-enchantment and re-connection to ourselves, each other, and the more-than-human world we're all a part of. possibility and wonder are our birthright. let's remember that together."

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Try leading with… Possibility and wonder are our birthright? Then see how the rest flows from there?

Oh and You’re so welcome Sarah!

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I do like that Claire, thanks!!

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Ohhh this is a great idea! What a great thread for some feedback, for which I am OPEN to! Here's mine:

Struggling to make healthy eating easy and joyful?

Join Grow Healthier + Happier for feel-good food ideas, nutrition tips, quick recipes, and simple wellness advice to nourish your body and soul to glow from the inside out.

Now I'm going to go dive into some of the other posts here!

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This is great Melissa - you’ve done well with the character counts. I think a block of text like that could always be cut just slightly and bring your special interest out a little… lead with Kombucha lover perhaps? ✨

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Thanks for the feedback!

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Here's my short description - is this the one you meant?

Evidence of Grace: Where we address parenting teens with eating disorders, depression and anxiety through the lens of hope, authenticity and faith.

Thanks for opening up this space, Claire!

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Could you weave in where you’re writing from? Also turn your orange circle into a photo? ✨

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Hi Claire! thanks for your help. Do you mean my location? And sorry to ask a silly question but how do you change the orange circle? I haven't figured that one out yet....

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On the desktop of the right hand side you’ll see it like mine has my photo that appears here and you can edit and change it there. Yes your location - where abouts in the world you’re writing from? ✨🙏

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This is really beautiful. Just checking how your writer bio fits…

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Does anyone know a place where Substack writers can share tech issues? The bot just leads you in circles.

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Oh he’s so polite though?!! 😆 what do you need? Could you tag me in a note?

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When I turn off email notifications from those I Subscribe to I become Unsubscribed (!) This isn't what I want at all. I just want to stop emails

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You want smart notification on! It’s one button. I’ll grab the link to a how to for you as it’s easier to access on desktop. But basically it’s in your writer settings toggle the top switch and no others.

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Thanks Claire I'll do it!

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I’d love your thoughts on the following:

Mine is currently: “Small beauty noticed at the intersection of wood and water, nature and place, art and photography. Immerse yourself.”

It’s been suggested that I change it to “Fluid images and evocative writing from Scotland” which appears on my About page.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the two, thank you!

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I like that second suggestion because it grounds me in place. Where about’s in Scotland - can you give us a direction and then say - “Immerse yourself in art at the intersection of the wild elements” or play around with that. It’s about adding layers then stripping them back to make a simple clear invite I think. ❤️

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Thanks Claire, that’s really helpful both in your suggestion and the way of working: add, then subtract. It reminds me of a series of abstract images of water that I wrote around: what else can I take away? It’s a great conversation here and I’m going to work my way through as I think that each comment / response is a mini-lesson - and sometimes the rationale is easier to see when it isn’t your own writing.

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Oh you’re welcome and yes it really is. It’s have a new filter on being here in Northumberland because my new ish pals over seas find it very charming. That directly influenced me to add it to my bio in posts. Sometimes done is done enough and other times there is a deeper place we can go with the conjuring up of the invite. ✨🙏

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I though it might be interesting to throw into the conversation my thought process as I review and try to hang onto what feels important to me while grounding the description in nature and place:

Small beauty noticed.

Visual poems from a fluid place.

Fluid images and evocative writing/poetic prose from NE Scotland. Small beauty noticed… art at the intersection of wood and water.

Fluid images and evocative writing at the intersection of wood and water in NE Scotland. Small beauty noticed.

Art at the intersection of wood and water in NE Scotland. Small beauty noticed.

Art and prose at the intersection of wood and water in NE Scotland. Small beauty noticed.

Fluid images from the intersection of wood and water in NE Scotland. Small beauty noticed, tranquility shared.

Fluid images where wood meets water in NE Scotland. Small beauty noticed, tranquility shared.

Fluid images and evocative writing where wood meets water in NE Scotland. Small beauty noticed, tranquility shared.

Evocations of wood and water from NE Scotland: small beauty noticed, tranquility shared.

I may be some time… wish me luck!

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I think adding the part about Scotland helps. I want to know where the images are from.

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Thank you. I realise that I’m so close to the intimacies of this place and the abstract in image that I tend to forget that context matters.

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Mine says: Explore the world of herbal infused skincare, rituals, and self pampering. Learn how to care for your skin with love and create skincare for your skin type.

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As someone who is pretty clueless about caring for my skin I do feel drawn to the topic. I find "explore the world" overwhelms me though. I need a guide who will help me navigate that confusing and complex topic. Is that you? I think I understand your topic but I don't yet have a sense of who YOU are, the writer helpiing to guide us through. :-)

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Thanks! Do you have any suggestions on what to replace it with that would be less intimidating? My stuff is for beginners and pretty easy to follow and I don't use complicated or hard to find ingredients.

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I think it could be something as simple as "I will guide you through the world of herbal infused skincare, rituals, and self-pampering. Learn from me how to care for your skin with love and create skincare for your skin type. Beginners and all curious seekers welcome!"

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and yes I am signing up right now. :-)

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Thank you! That's so helpful. Short descriptions are difficult. I will change it as soon as I can get to my laptop.

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I think all of this is difficult because we're in the middle of the muddle, as writers. We know what we WANT to say and communicate but we have no idea how it comes across. Just the idea that you want to provide information and access as a guide in this field, rather than a commentator, reviewer etc etc is what I was looking for. <3

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Are you referencing the Short Description part? If so, here is mine.

"Come live vicariously through a middle-aged nomad traveling the US in her SUV while on a debt paydown journey. Let's build a community celebrating doing the unconventional."

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Ah this is a lovely idea, thank you Claire. Mine is,

Story & Thread. is a place to explore my love of interiors and storytelling. It explores the intersection of creativity, mothering and the living world, with a home and a garden at the heart.

Perhaps it needs to be a little more directed at subscribers? I welcome any thoughts! xx

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Hi Lindsay, if I may suggest something as neither a native speaker nor a specialist in all things substack…

I’d try avoid the word “explore” twice and maybe make it about the reader first - inviting them into your beautiful substack home before you share it’s where you explore your passions? That way I, as a reader, am pulled in more and feel like it’s about me as much as you Xx

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Dearest Carmen I very much appreciate your thoughts. I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed that I have used ‘explore’ twice (!) and yes I love the idea of inviting readers in to my idea of a storied home. In all honesty, I haven’t looked at this since I set up my publication a year ago and it shows how different things are since then —from writing solely for myself to actually connecting and being in community with others. I will shift my wording accordingly! Thank you again for your insights xx

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