I just set a timer on my phone and it took me exactly 12 minutes to jot down one side of A4. I’ll keep adding without agenda to get going. I’ve got some loose prompts I’ve written for myself.
I'm a disorganized person, but I think I'm going to have to complete the annual get rid of outgrown clothes, books, and toys to be able to find places for the new clothes, books, and toys. At least my kids are now old enough to acknowledge they have outgrown some stuff and let me get rid of it.
Next, a tentative outline, so I can aim my research more effectively.
Third, I wrote a 3500 word manifesto guiding this vision and I'm going to share it with some cheerleaders so I have some community support.
Feels so good to be coming to the new year with fresh vigour for writing. I've polished and tidied my desk and ordered a week to view diary and two new Paperblank notebooks in the Waterstones Sale - one small one to fit in my bag/pocket wherever I am and for when inspiration strikes, and a bigger one for the desk. Both have beautiful red covers - I find red such a powerful colour!
I've put a stack of tealights by my candle holder and set the diffuser away with a 'focus' blend.
We're good to go! First thing in the morning for me, and there are the Tuesday and Thursday Heartleap writing hours to keep me on task, too.
I need to have a book that I take with me for when inspiration strikes. You have just reminded me Sue. Everytime I’m out walking I have all the ideas and I’m sure I’ll remember them when I get home and I almost never do, or if I do that don’t have the same essence as in that moment. Thank you for this it’s reminded me I need to do that too ❤️✨
Hi Anna, I have the worst memory for remembering ideas - middle of the night is the worst! If no notebook, then the notes function on my phone serves well.
Ooh great questions. I have new carpet in my office, this means a lot as since we’ve moved house my own space has been in a lot of flux. Setting up everything ready for allowing this to come through and posting to start holding myself accountable. Think I’ll write on my laptop and as long as I have a formed chapter by the end of the month I’ll consider that a win. Eek exciting!
Great question. I like to work in different spots. Where the light comes in, sometimes on the sofa, sometimes in a coffee shop. I like being as portable as possible and keeping things simple. I always carry a small note book in my bag to capture a word, phrase or idea. Location freedom is one of my top 5 values.
I loosely know what goes in each chapter. Each chapter has its own topic/message that’ll lead to the next one. It might need tweaking as I go, so that everything gets joined up. How do I know when it’s done? .When what I’m endeavouring to share (story/experience/process/advice) makes sense. I’ve got a lot of Virgo in me so I’m a big tweaker. I’m learning to make progress not perfection. Otherwise I won’t get it done!
Love that. And in that process there might be space for others to read or for you to look at things in different ways - it's all possible in 12 chapters club.
I’ve actually been struggling with these questions so it was super helpful to see others thoughts around this for some inspiration. These are my current thoughts
1. To reorganise my writing room. I’ve just added a tide clock so I know when I can go for my walks which are so important for my own creativity. I also need to realign my alter with the new year. I add my word of the year, faith statement and intention around it as my point of focus.
2. It’s going to be post it central over the next week so I can make a plan for how I’m committing to the 12 chapters.
3. I’m definitely finding a mini notebook to take out with me when I need it.
4. In January, I’m hoping to write 1,000 words, have an outline and a plan for my writing. Easing in.
Excellent prompt, Claire. For me, the right condition is finding enough time amongst other commitments. I've worked hard over Christmas to get ahead on my usual Wednesday posts to create a whole free Saturday each month to work on the book— I cannot wait ☺️
What do the 'right' and 'best' conditions look like to you?
I have a study and a desk with a monitor at home, but I'm finding that I tend to only spend time in there when I'm at my 'day job' as a director of a children's charity. But, I do like the big monitor, because I'm blind as a bat, so maybe I need to spend more time in there...
Will you write in your notebook or online?
When I wrote my doctoral thesis, I discovered my writing preference. I like to go straight into writing 'the thing'. Other students wrote and then paired back, but I tend to like writing what I need to write and then refining.
How do you want to start?
I write from the outside in. I need a structure to start with and once I have that, the rest is about 'filling it in'! My book is going to be an exploration / deep dive into my self-aware leadership compass, which is already built in my first book.
Perhaps post it notes feel less intimidating than a blank page?
I like to get my structure straight on to my page. I use Trello occasionally, but I like to be efficient and prefer not to have to transfer things from one place to another and write things out twice, which just feels like double-handling. I use Trello to help me sort out the structure
Do you have a 2025 calendar - will you write everyday or choose a day to retreat and write?
I don't plan to write every day. I work full time and my experience has been that writing on the weekend is the only real opportunity to write and get in to flow. Although, I am planning to work condensed hours in 2025, so I will have 1 week-day, every other week when I can dedicate to writing (unless I'm already booked up to do other work - and so far I'd only have 1 additional day as well as Saturday and Sunday available to write)
Do you have a word count you are hoping for this month?
Not really. It's more about pinning that structure down and getting it right. I also want to be clear about the content. Do I just want to write about the 9 directions of the compass, or will I write reflection questions, or examples of the direction (behaviour) in practice, or workbook type exercises..... I'm not there just yet with the added value!
I tend to write notes, quotes, ideas daily as inspiration comes up. I then sit down at least once per week to properly write. With snacks of course! I have a 2025 wall calendar as I am a busy gal who is naturally disorganised but responds well to organisational tools! I like to plan so I can juggle everything I choose to juggle. I will be scheduling in regular writing days and then sprinkling in bonus days too. Who knows, this may change at certain times of the year! I may end up writing daily! I love working in my dining room where I also have a beautiful vintage bookshelf/bureau along with a stunning dining room table. I love working in that space. Tomorrow I'm going to give it all a spruce up, make sure my notebooks are in order, my Mac charger to hand, post it notes stacked. With my words of the year banners hung. I've also had a little look at some writing retreats I may like to incorporate into my year, to learn and inspire. My goal for January is decide where I am going to start, make initial notes and produce an outline so I can begin to research. I'd like to work on the first chapter explaining the why of this book?
Ooo yes an anchoring word of the year. Mine is radiant. I'm excited.... yes so good to explain the why. I had a dream for my anthology and my late friend told me - 'write the book that makes people not sad'.
I've set myself up a 12 Chapters Club section on my notion planner. I've got each chapter already set up in separate pages with a little framework in each (just general summary notes I can fill in to find my direction before getting into the writing) ... I figured ... I'd just write ✍️ easy right ?! No, but honestly I think my game plan, is to write directly into notion ... Let it be messy, make no sense, be disjointed ... Just each month get as much down as possible and at the turn of the month ... Down tools. Close the page and move onto the next chapter... and so on and so forth... It feels like less pressure and my main goal is to get as many words out of my head as possible... This is my plan going in ... We'll see if it sticks !
I think there are a few things I’ll need to start writing. I have a rough chapter outline, but I want to brainstorm more of the content under each. For me, it works to have big sheets of paper and just jot down any words/ideas free-flow. Then use post-its to group ideas and rearrange as needed. I get inspiration while out walking in the woods too, so save notes on my phone.
For writing, I prefer my MacBook Air (super-light and easier to chop and change than in a notebook), but for journaling I hand write (but got a reMarkable for Christmas that’s the best of both worlds!) And I love writing in cafes or parks.
I also feel the urge for a big declutter this weekend to clear my physical and mental space for creating. And sleep! 😆
Oh and I’ve also been doing Beth Kempton’s Winter Writing Sanctuary which has been fun to use my brain a bit differently from my typical essays. Perhaps that’ll spark some inspiration too!
I feel you on the decluttering, Holly! I've been slowly plucking away at my own stuff for the past week. It's feeling so much better already.
Reading your comment prompted me to put something else on my list—a new bag to carry my laptop in. I like to write in cafes too, and it would be nice to have something to tote my computer along with me since my old one broke 😭
I managed to plow through one room at the weekend Kaitlyn and felt great afterwards! Then ran out of steam, but I guess if I can tackle one room at a time I'll be done by mid-Feb 😆 I hope you find a bag you love! I ended up buying a canoeing wet-bag recently as it's always raining in Brussels and I got tired of ending up with soggy IT and notebooks. Not so glam but very practical!
Yay!!!! Way to go clearing out the one room. I think you might be onto something by taking it one room at a time. Also love the wet-bag idea, especially if it's always raining! I still haven't found the right bad for me just yet, but I'm hopeful!
I'm taking out a big sheet of paper and lots of coloured post-it notes, to try out some ideas for outlines, juggle things around, and see if I can find a loose structure to get me started 😃
Great idea, I’m going to straighten up my office - it is where I prefer to write. I keep a binder with all of my notes, and then use the computer when I start writing. It would be good if I could get better at writing in different places, but my office is my sanctuary and it’s a place that is comfortable and puts me into the right mindset for writing.
Writing first thing in the morning would be ideal, because at the end of the day my brain ready for a break since I work an outside FT job. I don’t have a word count, I’m specifically focusing on writing a proposal for my non-fiction book.
This is a very good place to start as I've been frustrated for the last few weeks that I don't have a place to write /work on the computer. My art table is in the corner of the dining room and sometimes doubles up - if I clear the paint etc off. But then I don't paint! My boyfriend is usually set up in the dining table with his laptop! I usually work from the sofa which has been good when my chronic condition isn't great, but I want a dedicated space. So currently I'm thinking I might get a folding table for the living room or bedroom.
I do usually start by scribbling ideas in notebooks as they pop up or to get things flowing, then move to the computer.
I don't have a routine-yet, for this or my substack/new business, very much dependent on my health/energy but I want to get into more of a routine even if just short bursts.
Yes there are some great ones. I'm writing right now with a cushion on my lap on the sofa but ikea have some much better options - even for your bed too. Let's make it happen!
Since much of my writing has been tarot/metaphysical heavy in 2024, I want to tip the scales to fit my short story project in, all creative fiction writing. I am more a weekend writer, as that is when I seem to have the concentration. I work a full time day job from home with awesome hours, so I can also sneak in editing or light writing if I am not busy.
My desk is in good order, I just worked on that part. I organized my displayed vs under the desk tarot cards. I need these as my writing tools.
My first order of business is to finish a short story that is halfway done. I never finished it and it is an amazing cosmic horror twilight zone story based on The Chariot tarot card.
After that, probably next month, scour my writing idea notebooks for the next story. I have enough ideas written down, along with my short story plan, to keep me busy for a while.
I think for me creating the best conditions means lowering my expectations. Things like being fine with a shitty first draft, writing just 1,000 words a week instead of 5,000, and so on. I'm prone to perfectionism and making my projects too big and ambitious - and then never completing them at all.
Such good questions. Maybe as it's 12 Chapters, I'll try and work on it for 12 minutes everyday.
Beautiful - when? When in the day works?
I just set a timer on my phone and it took me exactly 12 minutes to jot down one side of A4. I’ll keep adding without agenda to get going. I’ve got some loose prompts I’ve written for myself.
I love this idea so much! It's doable! I think I will attempt this as well. Thanks for sharing.
Cool. Let me know how you get on.
What a fab idea! I love this, Amy! Though I'd be playing catch-up since I haven't written anything as yet ...
I'd recommend it. I've been putting a timer on my phone for 12 minutes. It's interesting to see what it unlocks and at least you've done something.
Yes, and 12 minutes is so doable!
It so is.
I'm a disorganized person, but I think I'm going to have to complete the annual get rid of outgrown clothes, books, and toys to be able to find places for the new clothes, books, and toys. At least my kids are now old enough to acknowledge they have outgrown some stuff and let me get rid of it.
Next, a tentative outline, so I can aim my research more effectively.
Third, I wrote a 3500 word manifesto guiding this vision and I'm going to share it with some cheerleaders so I have some community support.
Oh I'd love to read that Amy!
I’d love to share it! it’s a very drafty draft, but if you don’t mind that, I’ll email it to you.
I really want to declutter this weekend! I feel much more spacious and free when everything is organised.
I've been decluttering, too! It feels so much better already (even though I've got a ways to go).
I'm feeling that urge to declutter too Amy, creating space for something new 😄
Made it through one kids room this morning :)
Feels so good to be coming to the new year with fresh vigour for writing. I've polished and tidied my desk and ordered a week to view diary and two new Paperblank notebooks in the Waterstones Sale - one small one to fit in my bag/pocket wherever I am and for when inspiration strikes, and a bigger one for the desk. Both have beautiful red covers - I find red such a powerful colour!
I've put a stack of tealights by my candle holder and set the diffuser away with a 'focus' blend.
We're good to go! First thing in the morning for me, and there are the Tuesday and Thursday Heartleap writing hours to keep me on task, too.
Heartleap is such a gift - I struggle to make them but will get a couple in for Jan to do this work with you. Those notebooks sound lush Sue!!
Yeah, difficult timing with the school run. As for the notebooks - helps to have a daughter who has Waterstones staff discount 🤣
I need to have a book that I take with me for when inspiration strikes. You have just reminded me Sue. Everytime I’m out walking I have all the ideas and I’m sure I’ll remember them when I get home and I almost never do, or if I do that don’t have the same essence as in that moment. Thank you for this it’s reminded me I need to do that too ❤️✨
I use the notes function on my phone as I find inspiration often strikes when I’m out walking :)
Hi Anna, I have the worst memory for remembering ideas - middle of the night is the worst! If no notebook, then the notes function on my phone serves well.
Ohh this sounds lovely, Sue.
Ooh great questions. I have new carpet in my office, this means a lot as since we’ve moved house my own space has been in a lot of flux. Setting up everything ready for allowing this to come through and posting to start holding myself accountable. Think I’ll write on my laptop and as long as I have a formed chapter by the end of the month I’ll consider that a win. Eek exciting!
One chapter for the WIN! Yes and even if parts of it are sketchy don't worry as we have edit prompts coming later in the year.
Yeah, that is lovely to know Claire.
I love this Louise, I feel like when you’re space is right everything else falls into place doesn’t it? Excited for you! ✨
Thank you so much Anna, having a sacred space to work in is really important to me and definitely impacts what I do.
Great question. I like to work in different spots. Where the light comes in, sometimes on the sofa, sometimes in a coffee shop. I like being as portable as possible and keeping things simple. I always carry a small note book in my bag to capture a word, phrase or idea. Location freedom is one of my top 5 values.
Location freedom - YES! How will you know when your first chapter is done?
I loosely know what goes in each chapter. Each chapter has its own topic/message that’ll lead to the next one. It might need tweaking as I go, so that everything gets joined up. How do I know when it’s done? .When what I’m endeavouring to share (story/experience/process/advice) makes sense. I’ve got a lot of Virgo in me so I’m a big tweaker. I’m learning to make progress not perfection. Otherwise I won’t get it done!
Love that. And in that process there might be space for others to read or for you to look at things in different ways - it's all possible in 12 chapters club.
I’ve actually been struggling with these questions so it was super helpful to see others thoughts around this for some inspiration. These are my current thoughts
1. To reorganise my writing room. I’ve just added a tide clock so I know when I can go for my walks which are so important for my own creativity. I also need to realign my alter with the new year. I add my word of the year, faith statement and intention around it as my point of focus.
2. It’s going to be post it central over the next week so I can make a plan for how I’m committing to the 12 chapters.
3. I’m definitely finding a mini notebook to take out with me when I need it.
4. In January, I’m hoping to write 1,000 words, have an outline and a plan for my writing. Easing in.
So so excited for everyone! ✨✨
Community is so important and motivating isn't it? I do find my writing group good for sitting and doing the work I wouldn't ordinarily do.
So so important. The communities on here especially x
Excellent prompt, Claire. For me, the right condition is finding enough time amongst other commitments. I've worked hard over Christmas to get ahead on my usual Wednesday posts to create a whole free Saturday each month to work on the book— I cannot wait ☺️
Aww love this Jana. Do you write at home?
Well, this is exciting! Here we go!!
What do the 'right' and 'best' conditions look like to you?
I have a study and a desk with a monitor at home, but I'm finding that I tend to only spend time in there when I'm at my 'day job' as a director of a children's charity. But, I do like the big monitor, because I'm blind as a bat, so maybe I need to spend more time in there...
Will you write in your notebook or online?
When I wrote my doctoral thesis, I discovered my writing preference. I like to go straight into writing 'the thing'. Other students wrote and then paired back, but I tend to like writing what I need to write and then refining.
How do you want to start?
I write from the outside in. I need a structure to start with and once I have that, the rest is about 'filling it in'! My book is going to be an exploration / deep dive into my self-aware leadership compass, which is already built in my first book.
Perhaps post it notes feel less intimidating than a blank page?
I like to get my structure straight on to my page. I use Trello occasionally, but I like to be efficient and prefer not to have to transfer things from one place to another and write things out twice, which just feels like double-handling. I use Trello to help me sort out the structure
Do you have a 2025 calendar - will you write everyday or choose a day to retreat and write?
I don't plan to write every day. I work full time and my experience has been that writing on the weekend is the only real opportunity to write and get in to flow. Although, I am planning to work condensed hours in 2025, so I will have 1 week-day, every other week when I can dedicate to writing (unless I'm already booked up to do other work - and so far I'd only have 1 additional day as well as Saturday and Sunday available to write)
Do you have a word count you are hoping for this month?
Not really. It's more about pinning that structure down and getting it right. I also want to be clear about the content. Do I just want to write about the 9 directions of the compass, or will I write reflection questions, or examples of the direction (behaviour) in practice, or workbook type exercises..... I'm not there just yet with the added value!
I'll start pinning things down this weekend!
Brilliant - keep going - we're with you every step of the way!!
I tend to write notes, quotes, ideas daily as inspiration comes up. I then sit down at least once per week to properly write. With snacks of course! I have a 2025 wall calendar as I am a busy gal who is naturally disorganised but responds well to organisational tools! I like to plan so I can juggle everything I choose to juggle. I will be scheduling in regular writing days and then sprinkling in bonus days too. Who knows, this may change at certain times of the year! I may end up writing daily! I love working in my dining room where I also have a beautiful vintage bookshelf/bureau along with a stunning dining room table. I love working in that space. Tomorrow I'm going to give it all a spruce up, make sure my notebooks are in order, my Mac charger to hand, post it notes stacked. With my words of the year banners hung. I've also had a little look at some writing retreats I may like to incorporate into my year, to learn and inspire. My goal for January is decide where I am going to start, make initial notes and produce an outline so I can begin to research. I'd like to work on the first chapter explaining the why of this book?
Ooo yes an anchoring word of the year. Mine is radiant. I'm excited.... yes so good to explain the why. I had a dream for my anthology and my late friend told me - 'write the book that makes people not sad'.
Oh Yes!!! That’s the Way!
Love this Meg
I've set myself up a 12 Chapters Club section on my notion planner. I've got each chapter already set up in separate pages with a little framework in each (just general summary notes I can fill in to find my direction before getting into the writing) ... I figured ... I'd just write ✍️ easy right ?! No, but honestly I think my game plan, is to write directly into notion ... Let it be messy, make no sense, be disjointed ... Just each month get as much down as possible and at the turn of the month ... Down tools. Close the page and move onto the next chapter... and so on and so forth... It feels like less pressure and my main goal is to get as many words out of my head as possible... This is my plan going in ... We'll see if it sticks !
Using notion is a great plan Emily. I’m using my CC substack and then google docs.
Sounds like a good plan too. Do you know anything about scrivener ? I've been pondering buying it this year...
oh might try too-not really got into Notion yet!
There's a learning curve for sure but I'm so glad I persevered ... I use it for absolutely everything now !!!!
I think there are a few things I’ll need to start writing. I have a rough chapter outline, but I want to brainstorm more of the content under each. For me, it works to have big sheets of paper and just jot down any words/ideas free-flow. Then use post-its to group ideas and rearrange as needed. I get inspiration while out walking in the woods too, so save notes on my phone.
For writing, I prefer my MacBook Air (super-light and easier to chop and change than in a notebook), but for journaling I hand write (but got a reMarkable for Christmas that’s the best of both worlds!) And I love writing in cafes or parks.
I also feel the urge for a big declutter this weekend to clear my physical and mental space for creating. And sleep! 😆
Oh and I’ve also been doing Beth Kempton’s Winter Writing Sanctuary which has been fun to use my brain a bit differently from my typical essays. Perhaps that’ll spark some inspiration too!
I feel you on the decluttering, Holly! I've been slowly plucking away at my own stuff for the past week. It's feeling so much better already.
Reading your comment prompted me to put something else on my list—a new bag to carry my laptop in. I like to write in cafes too, and it would be nice to have something to tote my computer along with me since my old one broke 😭
I managed to plow through one room at the weekend Kaitlyn and felt great afterwards! Then ran out of steam, but I guess if I can tackle one room at a time I'll be done by mid-Feb 😆 I hope you find a bag you love! I ended up buying a canoeing wet-bag recently as it's always raining in Brussels and I got tired of ending up with soggy IT and notebooks. Not so glam but very practical!
Yay!!!! Way to go clearing out the one room. I think you might be onto something by taking it one room at a time. Also love the wet-bag idea, especially if it's always raining! I still haven't found the right bad for me just yet, but I'm hopeful!
I'm taking out a big sheet of paper and lots of coloured post-it notes, to try out some ideas for outlines, juggle things around, and see if I can find a loose structure to get me started 😃
My kind of plan!
Yeah post-it notes all the way, the wall above my desk is where I stick them to give the narrative plot.
Yes Vicki! This is definitely the way I’m going to go! I feel like I need the moveable nature of a post it. And a time line to visualise it all.
Great idea, I’m going to straighten up my office - it is where I prefer to write. I keep a binder with all of my notes, and then use the computer when I start writing. It would be good if I could get better at writing in different places, but my office is my sanctuary and it’s a place that is comfortable and puts me into the right mindset for writing.
Writing first thing in the morning would be ideal, because at the end of the day my brain ready for a break since I work an outside FT job. I don’t have a word count, I’m specifically focusing on writing a proposal for my non-fiction book.
Beautiful so in the mornings, would you write each day or say 5 out of 7?
Hi Claire, I will shoot for 5 out of 7. But if I can do more, I for sure will.
Gorgeous - I’m wondering whether I should make us a writing days tick chart…
That's a great idea!
This is a very good place to start as I've been frustrated for the last few weeks that I don't have a place to write /work on the computer. My art table is in the corner of the dining room and sometimes doubles up - if I clear the paint etc off. But then I don't paint! My boyfriend is usually set up in the dining table with his laptop! I usually work from the sofa which has been good when my chronic condition isn't great, but I want a dedicated space. So currently I'm thinking I might get a folding table for the living room or bedroom.
I do usually start by scribbling ideas in notebooks as they pop up or to get things flowing, then move to the computer.
I don't have a routine-yet, for this or my substack/new business, very much dependent on my health/energy but I want to get into more of a routine even if just short bursts.
Yes there are some great ones. I'm writing right now with a cushion on my lap on the sofa but ikea have some much better options - even for your bed too. Let's make it happen!
Since much of my writing has been tarot/metaphysical heavy in 2024, I want to tip the scales to fit my short story project in, all creative fiction writing. I am more a weekend writer, as that is when I seem to have the concentration. I work a full time day job from home with awesome hours, so I can also sneak in editing or light writing if I am not busy.
My desk is in good order, I just worked on that part. I organized my displayed vs under the desk tarot cards. I need these as my writing tools.
My first order of business is to finish a short story that is halfway done. I never finished it and it is an amazing cosmic horror twilight zone story based on The Chariot tarot card.
After that, probably next month, scour my writing idea notebooks for the next story. I have enough ideas written down, along with my short story plan, to keep me busy for a while.
Brilliant Erica - thanks for sharing and for being here.
I think for me creating the best conditions means lowering my expectations. Things like being fine with a shitty first draft, writing just 1,000 words a week instead of 5,000, and so on. I'm prone to perfectionism and making my projects too big and ambitious - and then never completing them at all.