Love these "non hacks" (I dislike the words hack and hustle, they out my teeth on edge 😬, so not sure why I used it in this sentence 🤔) Claire, thank you. I've subscribed to this new publication and I'm taking it all in, slowly of course.

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haha Debs me too - let's get it all in the bin and just create and support each other's work - Substack have got the rest figured out and actually the wild thing in it all is our society has been getting so obsessed with vanity metrics we've forgotten what's important.

My friend has a HUGE instagram platform and honestly it's been wild to see how people think they can treat him because of it - I don't think virality is anything we should aim for - success comes in lots of forms and living a life on line needs to be handled with more care by us creators and by those we invite into our space. Thanks for being here and being ever supportive. Cx

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Slow, steady and harmonious, as nature does. ❤️

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

Great tips Claire. Welcome to your new Substack! *pops cork of a fizzy bottle of elderflower*

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Oh thank-you Satya and for being here - you know I still have the syrup I made in the fridge - it's SO sugary I'm not sure what to do with it - maybe I need to mix it with champagne? 😉

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Having a niche and having a non-niche aren't mutually exclusive of course, although finding the time and energy can be challenging! I started my substack in order to express myself more broadly, but I've still retained the niche websites and newsletters.

Congratulations on having an article published in a print mag, whenever that was. In my opinion there is nothing quite like it, not least because it means an editor thought the piece was good enough to take up the space.

Thanks for the links in yr article, Claire, and good fortune with this new newsletter.

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Ah the mag! It’s called Tyne to Tweed! It’s a tourism mag. The other was The Positive Wellbeing Magazine for Mums. 🌸

Terry - I’m reading your first sentence again and wondering what you mean - so a niche is something to have?

Like this publication is niche because it’s all about Substack but my main pub isn’t because it’s an extension of me?

As you can tell my neurodivergent brain has always struggled with the niche thing! When I had a brief spell on TikTok I liked to watch power washing videos - niche yes, satisfying and a waste of time also yes! 😆

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I intend to write about niche/non-niche on my Substack, the one you don't subscribe to 😢 but what you said is sort of right I think. I only subscribed to your other one yesterday (I thought I already was), but from what I've seen so far it looks pretty wide-ranging and non-niche.

As a contrast, and to exemplify what I mean, I have a website that is for teachers of computing and related stuff. So the only articles I publish on it are ones concerned with computing in schools. Even if I have a really interesting story to relate, if it has nothing to do with tech in schools it won't appear there. Thus it is highly specialised, and therefore niche.

But, like Walt Whitman, I contain multitudes, and having a highly niche website/newsletter is good for several reasons, but I felt it was cramping my style. Thus on my Substack newsletter I write about anything and everything, although I suppose if I had to nail it down to a niche I'd say it was all concerned with a love of language and a willingness to experiment.

Does that clarify what I meant, Claire? Sorry if my original comment was abstruse.

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Yay for your new Substack Claire! 🎉🎉

I do love your Friday emails, and putting them in a dedicated space is a great idea.

And these tips are definitely thought-provoking, particularly when it comes to readers recognising our work. How will our Substacks stand out and be remembered? Also, the part about having a niche is interesting. I worry often as I don't have a niche and wonder if that could detract people or make people less interested. But I write what I want to write and if I shoe-horned myself into a niche, I might not enjoy being here as much.

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Yes and you know for you I feel like your bright vibrant colours shine through - I know about your van life, how your walking your path on our beautiful planet - I feel like your content is aspirational and soothing - escapist for me when I sometimes feel 'in the thick of it' with mum life and caring for Dave.

I feel like niche was really for socials where our brains are massively distracted and we needed to 'hook' people instantly - although 'good' advice - it never worked for me - I'm too much of a multi-hyphenate and even my IRL friends often say they 'can't keep up' with what I'm up to - I'm still not sure what that means but I know it's not my 'job' to share our lives vlog style - it's my heart centred work to co-create and share process with lots of invites to pause along the way. Actually over a cup of tea I'm just super happy talking about what we see right in front of us.

THANK-YOU for being here and for being so lush. 💜

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Thank you Claire, I really appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you can find some escapism through my writing ☺️

That's a really good point about the niche aspect. I suppose with this we don't need to necessarily hook people instantly and we can play the long game. I've recently been looking into the concept of delayed gratification and I think that has a big part to play here for most of us.

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I'm loving the shoe horn analogy, Lyndsay! In fact, your whole last sentence above is perfect. *chef's kiss*

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May 25Liked by Claire Venus

Thanks for your helpful insights and sparkly encouragement Claire - much appreciated!

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You’re so so welcome!

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Hello Claire. I saw a post from from @SatyaRobyn about your helping her to CLAR-ify (sounds like Claire, lol) her Substack voice via an audio audit. How might one go about requesting this service from you for our Substacks, as a one-time service? Mmerikani.substack.com. I sought to put my goals on my About page for readers. Thank you, Mmerikani.

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Aw hi yes of course - all the details are here Mmerikani - https://www.creativelyconscious.co.uk/substack-classes

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Oh you are just so generous Claire. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, for sharing what works for you, for sharing other peoples work, for sharing your tips, for sharing so GENEROUSLY


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Thank you for sharing these tips. I have been on Substack for a few months now and love the platform. Found lots of lovely writers to follow, but wondering how to grow my subscribers…People can subscribe for free as at the moment as I am just finding my feet and thinking about what I have to offer paid subscribers in the future. Articles like yours really do help. 🙏💜

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Aw I’m so glad!! I think I connected with you on YouTube? I just started there this year! ✨✨🥰

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Oh fab! Thank you Claire…I really enjoy creating my YouTube videos and getting better! I have a new one premiering this Friday at 6.45pm. Thank you for your support 💜🙏

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I feel such high hopes for transitioning and sharing on this platform and I'm excited to follow along on your publication and the resources you share. Thank you!

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Aww Hi Kaitlyn, tell me more? Welcome!! Let me know if I can help! ✨💕

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It feels like there is real reciprocity on this platform, something that feels very important to me, and one of the big reasons I'm transitioning away from other social spaces. It also feels like I can really grow a community here through my writing. A place to share in the journey, really. I've been on here just a couple of months and feels like I have a good idea of the platform now, and ready to give it my full energy. So I will be diving more into your space!

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There really is. I’ve been here since April ‘22 and I’ve learnt so much and been around for some big changes and some big names but the spirit of generosity has stayed the same. Just beautiful. Will look forward to more connects. ✨💕🙏

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I love this, and likewise!

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Hi Claire! Thanks so much for the kind words and shoutout for Beyond. For some reason, I only just received notification. Much appreciated! And such good advice!

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You’re so welcome ✨💕

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Love all the tips you share here, so invaluable for a Substack newbie 🤎

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Oh thanks Sonya!! How’s Substack going for you? ✨

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I’m just about finding my way, the tips from incredible writers like yourself are just invaluable!

Just need to try and grow my community as hoping this platform is going to bring back what Instagram used to be back in the day when people wanted to interact rather than getting hung up on “going viral” 🤦🏻‍♀️

Looking forward to getting to know you better 😊

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Oh so helpful! It would seem I’m tracking pretty well, so that’s encouraging 🤎

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Oh it’s SO like that here Sonya. So refreshing! I’ve been here since April ‘22 and it just gets better and more generous!

Our audiences are mostly writers too so naturally very supportive and Substack helps with discoverability in a myriad of ways. I have a pdf check list if you’re looking to try and feel like you can tick a few things off in your set up. I’ll link it incase interesting to your practise and showing up here. ✨💖

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Oh that’s so lovely of you Claire, thank you for such a lovey welcome 😊

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Great piece Claire! Definitely some food for thought in terms of curating Substack for you and what you want to express to readers. Also the button tip is a relief for me because I was worried that putting a few in a post would be off putting / pressure readers into subscribing? I'm gradually working my way through Sparkle on Substack :)

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Thanks Ayleigh! So I’ve used it and seen it used in different ways and I also subscribe to my own email so I can receive it that way as that helps me see how folks see it. Some people put buttons throughout and others put them at the bottom in a little stack of subscribe, share, etc.... I think we can play around to find out style and what works. Substack make it pretty easy to subscribe but off Substack it’s NOT so easy to get people to hit that button!! 💖✨✍️

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I just found you this evening, Claire and made my way to your posts.

I've saved this one to refer to as so much good stuff in it.

I blogged on Wordpress for 6 years and decided to come here as I thought it would give me the impetus I'd lost a bit. Substack is so intuitive to use. I have a social enterprise that I'm also writing about on here.

I'm a bit tired of social. I think that's what sucked the life out of me for a while.

I love your idea of an introductory voice note so going to have a think about that one 💭

Thanks for the great tips.

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Welcome Sharon. I LOVE hearing from people who have had blogging experience especially from the “old blogging” days as it seems so generous and supportive - kinda like Substack is I think? ✨🫖

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Yes that’s what I’m hoping for & the more I dig in here it seems very much like it.

I loved the early days of my blog.

But then Insta took over & seemed like no one could even be bothered to leave it to read anymore. I love a twirling dress 👗 reel but only so much 😬

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Instagram had us hook line and sinker. I can’t tell you one thing I read but I was very entertained and spellbound by the aesthetic!! ✨✨😆

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It’s definitely a love hate relationship but seems to be getting more vacuous especially if you post anything serious. I posted about todays post from here this evening and got about 4 likes but if I was twirling around in a dress in a slow mo reel everyone would love it. I’ve just grown out of it. Will still post I think but have more time away from it 🙂

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I am new here. I posted my first newsletter on July 26th, so I am learning to navigate the platform, so your newsletter is much welcome! On top of the Substack team pieces of advice, I find great to have access to newsletter like yours because it shows the different ways you can use the platform as a user. It's also nice to read what people's trials and tribulations are as you can learn from them, and it's only because newsletters like yours exist that people feel confident talking about their strong and improving points.

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Ahh thanks so much for your kind words Emmanuelle! Yes I feel the same I get very inspired by other people’s newsletters! ✨🫖

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So generous of you to share these knowledges, Claire! I always admire you for the way you interact with other readers and writers. And I love how this one isn't just about saying what other "tips and how-to's" says. 🙏

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Thanks Tatiana! I’ve not seen many tips here but I’m always interested... I think for the most part people with “big” platforms brought people over but I now growth has come in many forms from book deals to in person meet ups - it’s such a lovely supportive place to write and create! ✨🫖

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Such a great read! I’m still finding my way around here so it’s exciting to learn from other multi-passionate creatives like you share their experience. I just published my first art prompt post and feeling a fresh of creative energy to keep sharing my passion for travel, photography though my focus is on growing a community to inspire other people to make art again or create more for the joy.

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Ahh I love the energy of that first share!! What brought you to Substack? ✨✨🫖

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You are so kind, thank you for sharing again!!

My frustration with Instagram and social media led me here. I've wanted to start a newsletter for the longest time, but lacked the motivation to stick with it. Also, I've been working on building a community/membership, and while it hasn’t been a success...I believe this platform is the perfect fit to share my artwork and inspire others in a very visual and creative way 🌸

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Ohh the membership option here works soooo well! I have a toolkit coming out in autumn to help but honestly if you observe how others have done it you’ll see how easy Substack make it for us. ✨✨🤸✨

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Oh the toolkit sounds intriguing I must say! And I have been observing how others do it but it would be nice to see it from a creative’s perspectives ;)

I was wondering will your co-working session give people a change to ask questions, get feedback or just co-working on something together?

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Yes so the idea is we all share one thing we’d like to tighten up and work on at the start, go through some of the back office of Substack together - try and fix/ do/ work on something then come back together so around 20/20/20 minutes on each. Then end with q&a s if anyone still needs help which I can answer there and then or weave into a podcast or post! Is that clearer? Thanks for asking I agree co working is often just that - head down and work where as I guess mine is more collaborative working? Will amend my post!!

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