This is so timely Claire. I’m launching my first ever podcast series here on 25th August (all going well!)

Substack has definitely made it so easy to get started and learning that it’s a hosting platform is even better!

I still need to connect to Google podcasts but it was easy enough to get it set up on the others.

Feeling nervous about putting my actual voice out there but hopefully it will go ok 😅

It’s done and scheduled so here we go 😳

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Ahh that’s so exciting Linn! How many have you recorded? Substack even give you the stats of who is listening on which platform - so interesting to know! 🤓

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Oh that’s great to know. I’ve pre recorded 10. Five solo & 5 guest ones. The guest recording ones was probably the most fun part of the process.

But a good bit of work with editing, graphics & uploading.

I’m thinking that when these roll out I won’t send much else to my list. Maybe 1-2 articles too but I don’t want to put too much into people’s inboxes.

For season two I think I’ll go fortnightly and I’ll start to record some of those soon.

I email my list once a week so I’ll try and keep that rhythm if possible 😅

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That’s such a lot of work well done!! I have 2 guest ones done and more incoming. My solo Substack episodes I tend to do on the day or a couple of days before so it’s all topical and current... I have one coming out this weekend! ✨✨ 🎙️ I’ve not sorted the artwork for it yet... I’m just going to leave that until I’m ready to pull the RSS feed through to other platforms.

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Linn this is fantastic, and I agree, guest recordings often give me happy shivers. For what it's worth I agree about not sending much in addition to the podcast, because the beauty with Substack is you can add lots of the text to the podcast release itself. x

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Can I ask about data? 🤓My podcast is on Apple and on Substack it shows views from there, but when I go to Apple there aren’t any????

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Ooo I'm not sure - so you mean you can see people are listening to it on apple in your substack dashboard?

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Yes, that’s what it shows…..maybe it’s because it’s an RSS feed, said like I know what I’m talking about!

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Haha right?? I’ll ask Laura if she knows...

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Fabulous Linn, I’ll have to check it out.

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Thanks Claire! I have a question. When you have guests, do you have a conversation with them first, then the podcast or just get to know them through their submission and do the podcast. I'd prefer to have a conversation, but I know that peoples time is precious.

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Bizarrely I felt like I wanted to voice note you about this!! 🥰

I have so so much to say on this question!! What are your thoughts on it?

I always have a chat before pressing record on the podcast with someone, talk through the overview and give them permission to go off tangent! I explain how it will work and when it will go out, ask how they are.

I actually think voice notes via whatsapp really helped Laura and I with Company of Two as we’ve not met IRL yet and we can talk for HOURS so we had to get clear on the best/ most relevant stuff to share. We recorded a pod where I was a little off and we haven’t and might not share it... we just feel like what we would record now would be waaaaay better!

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I think as long as there is a bit of prior interaction, I’ve been on peoples podcasts and in their groups where I feel like I don’t really know them at all. I like to feel like I’ve got some sort of relationship with people, rather than like a one night stand where it would be awkward to speak to them afterwards! 😂

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I’d prefer to have at least a little conversation and plan to when I start interviewing migraine warriors for mine on Warrior Within. I was interviewed by one the other day and we started chatting but were chatting about the podcast subject so we got down to recording straight away! But I def felt more at ease not jumping immediately in.

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So so true!!

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Thats what I was thinking. I’ve done the same when I’ve been on other peoples, but think I’d like to get to know people a bit first.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023Author

I would say as-well I guested on one and she kept the video off but I thought it would be nice to at least say hello first... maybe giving people an option? My guest posts also go on YouTube so we do video on!

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Oooh I find that’s a bit strange if you’re the host!!

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Yeah it was my first ever podcast so staring at a black screen instead of having a video convo was hard!

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I would definitely have a conversation first, even if it's brief. It's also worth checking if there's anything off limits and conversely anything they're really keen to share or, let's be honest, promote! x

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Great tip because I often have multiple things to promote and it makes me focus!

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I was just talking with someone this morning about my ongoing (for the past 3 years!) interest in creating a podcast. I keep seeing the option on Substack and wondering if I should just go for it. In reading this, I think I might! Thank you for sharing more details and encouraging me to maybe just do it!?

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Go for it! It’s very straightforward. And it was very easy to connect from Substack to the podcast platforms.

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Did you have bother with Spotify?

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Yes, I’ve connected it to Apple, Spotify & Stitcher and will add it to Google podcasts too. It was a pretty easy process. Just copy & paste the RSS feed link ☺️

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I should have mentioned that I changed the default substack email to my usual gmail instead. I read someone had issues with accessing their substack email. (I don't know where that inbox lives?!) but it was easy to just change the email in the box.

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Aw Lauren that’s exactly what this post is for. Honestly there are a thousand and one ways to talk ourselves out of it but when I showed up just to share my voice from a place of curiosity only GOOD things happened! I still feel nervous sharing that very first voice note because it felt a massive thing to do but now it feels easy-ish and I’m only like 15 podcasts in?! I would really recommend reading How to Own the Room by Viv Groskop or listening to her speak about this stuff - she changed everything for me! I read it at least 5 years ago... sometimes things just take time! The time is the perfect time and we have SO much time. ✨✨🎙️✨✨

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I love reading and this sounds like a great resource. I think I’m less-so nervous about hearing myself - I’m pretty active in sending voice notes and facilitating audio courses - and more so nervous about not finding time regularly to keep up with the consistently of podcasting. I keep noodling on different approaches to find something that might work for me!

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Thanks for sharing that, Claire! Do you script your podcasts? For some reason I can’t wrap my head around talking without having a direction. And I’m not sure an outline would get me there. I have so many questions..

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Accidentally deleted my comment above 😂 was trying to edit to say that I found it easy to set myself a deadline of a Friday and find time through the week to sit down and record then schedule. I guess it depends how your brain is with that BIG project feeling?

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Solo episodes - no for my voice notes I show up and talk with an 11 min cup off, for my Stay Creative on Substack I have 3 key points to talk round. I’ve also read posts and expanded my points in audio and used audio from my YouTube tutorials as podcast uploads here. I’ve been in a real experimental phase! 🤹🤓

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Thank you so much, Claire! This is full of so much useful information. I've been quietly thinking about starting one within my Substack but it feels so overwhelming, so I haven't really considered it (mostly having to talk and not knowing what to say, as writing always comes much easier for me) but I love how you've made it so approachable here. Thanks again!

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My written voice feels different and I will say “more together and articulate” than my spoken voice but there’s a passion and a myriad of emotions in my spoken voice that feel so so true to where I am in life... I wonder what happens when you listen to that call more intently for a while! I for one would love to listen to your voice! ✨🎙️🙏

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So much to say on this! I'm so PROUD of you @claire venus (can't seem to "tag" you) and this is such a brilliant article: well done love, I've saved it. Hope you don't mind but if I can help answer any questions as your co-host on CoT I will xx

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Yes please!!! You can’t tag on comments only on Notes and in Posts love xx

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ooooh you are my guru xx

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Claire thank you so much for sharing such valuable 'how tos.' I'm such a newbie on substack and this kind of article is valuable to me. Thank you.

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You’re so so welcome! If you want to upload the audio of your zoom interviews as a podcast series that would be a BRILLIANT start and so so easy to do!

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Super handy advice, Claire! I’m enjoying doing a bit of Substack planning tonight and you’ve got me giddy about my podcast. It’s not launching until next year but always great to have hints and tips to help me nudge things along 🤗

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Definitely and actually Substack have just launched transcript services for free so I think I’ll switch up my process!! Can’t wait to get going with mine!! Will look forward to yours in 2024! Not got anything else in the diary 😂 ✨✨⭕️✨✨

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My podcast at the moment is just an alternative way to publish an audio version of my written posts. I'm finding that reading my work aloud helps me fine-tune the writing. Going forward I'll be making the written and audio versions in tandem.

I'm working on my setup. I do use a microphone, interface, and digital audio work station software. I'm working on improving the acoustics. I'm fortunate to have a friend who is a recording engineer and has given me some good tips.

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Sounds great John! I’m so looking forward to putting out my edited content with lovely music! ✨✨🎙️

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I'm learning a lot as I go about for example checking the episode notes before publishing, using Spotify for podcasters, refreshing your feed, etc. When I have a few, I'll put them out there.

You've definitely hit a rich vein here. I think podcasts are a great way to expand and diversify an audience.

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Perfect - I’m all for that gentle way to grow.

I’m really enjoying cast magic and the way it distills the topic of our conversations! AI but make it helpful!

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Thanks for that tip - I'll check it out!

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This is so helpful, Claire! I’ve often wondered about a podcast here on S&C but, as you know from our voice notes, there are often too many things going on in the background for me to have the silence needed to record. Unless I did short episodes? A maximum of 10-15 minutes while baby naps might be better! You’ve definitely given me some food for thought with this post, thanks for sharing, as always, such a wonderfully generous post 🤍

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My voice notes here are just 11 minutes and I wonder if finding calm in the background noise can be part of it - it won’t be like that forever - we are taking our audience on a journey here I think / hope? ✨

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I've been thinking about this today, especially as baby has been such hard work these last few days, but I know it won't last.

I think it'd be part of the appeal really. If I can find 5 or 10 minutes a day to be calm and record a voice note, then others can too. It certainly is keeping it real 😅

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So very helpful. Thank you Claire.

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Just love how you share Claire 💛 I don’t know if I would ever consider podcasting as a host, it sounds terrifying! I’ve loved being a guest a few times, feel safer and having a clear framework to chat within and a lovely host to bounce off, makes it less scary. I find listening to podcasts so valuable and it’s like a different level on Substack being able to join in the beautiful conversations in the comments with the hosts and guests. It’s just a bit magical! And thank you for the mention 💛 I always get a little lift when I see some of my little pictures out there 🥰

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Well you’d be welcome to come chat with me on Sparkle about your journey here! Laura and I never planned to build a Substack community we were just going to record four episodes together but Substack makes us think differently doesn’t it. More like anything’s possible! ✨💖

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deletedAug 10, 2023Liked by Claire Venus
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You’re welcome!! Have you tried reading your words as a bonus for subs? You can also insert audio into the post OR set up a whole podcast section too...

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