Substack used to be such a lonely place a few years ago so glad it’s turned into a flourishing diverse garden 🌱

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Yes! Thanks Carmel - I think the power of the network has propelled our creativity?

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Yes yes yes 🙌

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Hi Claire. I've filled in the survey. 😊

As others have mentioned I had to do it through substack on a browser not through the app but it worked there.

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Great yea that happened when I did one for Elin! ✨🙏✨

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Thank you for all this extremely helpful information! And- Survey completed! :-)

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Thanks Vanessa - such a wealth of info coming through! ✨✨

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My biggest take away is to keep experimenting on Substack - and let go of the outcome. Thanks for all these useful inks too!✨💛

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That’s it Kate… there’s a beautiful structure to what’s possible but it’s all possible outside of that too. ✨❤️⭕️🗺️

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Oh Claire you are speaking directly to my heART and this really was the post I needed to read before I make my return from a little break. Thank you… and thank you for highlighting my meditations… it feels edgy to be doing something a little different and I often wonder if it’s ‘working’ but I also know it what excites me to create so thank you for the signal for my MG sacral to respond to that YES I am here for creative rebellion and my own path! So grateful to you. Xxx

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It's so brave and inspiring when you reflect on your first post from a place of growth and kindness rather than shame and criticism (as we tend to do). I started my clueless Substack journey with your YouTube videos! Thank you for this space 🩷

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Ooo interesting - so you were embedding them Aleks? Yes I have to be kind - my intention was and is pure and the way I have honed my writing since I'm so proud of...

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Oh yes! :-) I think I sold my soul to Substack when I watched your video about setting up your Substack design. Your publication, Creatively Conscious, looked so beautiful with the personal pictures, thoughtful colours, fonts, and theme/layout. It just made me think - I want my Substack to look JUST LIKE THAT. Now... How can I do that? 😅

"and the way I have honed my writing since I'm so proud of..." - and you should be! 🩷

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🥰 aww this is so sweet. And thank you ✨❣️

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Argh I’m away this weekend and don’t seem to have updated classes for March. I’ll see if I can tune in from Malaga! Hope you had an amazing time in Scotland xxx

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So that calender link when you click it you can download all the times to your phone...

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This though: Use this guy; ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He is my favorite little dude and he's so outdated and sad, but I still love him.

I started on Substack in October with the goal of publishing once a week. I used my Substack as a way to force myself back into writing after a 10 year hiatus and massive imposter syndrome that crippled forward progress. I didn't want to charge because my writing is so rusty, but still feel immense pressure to do so. Now as I explore creative outlets outside of Substack, my passion is waning for the platform and my weekly publishing commitment. Do you have any advice?

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Ha he's so great!!! Oo great question Heather - I am so glad you've come back to your creativity. So for me, once creativity is unlocked so too is flow and then we find ourselves seeking out lots of ways to express what we feel on the inside... you are safe to test and adjust what feels good to you here... does that help? ✨

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It does help! I'm exploring different fiction and craft avenues but that means my newsletter goals are getting dusty. Appreciate your time!

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Right and so you can start new sections for each of your projects too. You’re super welcome. ✨✨

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Thank you. Perfect timing.

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Oh really? ✨✨✨🥚✨✨✨

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Yeah, I just spent two days in stuck mode, being unsatisfied and unkind to what was coming out onto the page and this article made me remember...I'm doing this because I enjoy it, I'm fashioning and forming words that express things I have felt or witnessed. It's OK for that to be a process, no need for perfection or comparison. There's no one telling my story, with my voice from my perspective so if I suddenly and irrationally stop posting and refuse to share there'll be a me shaped hole in substack that no one else can fill. So I'll keep on going and as I do, my writing will improve and so will by ability to do so without harsh self judgement (i meam it might still be there but i won't give it as much credence). That's the maths your article brought me too 🤯🤭💖

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Mar 1Liked by Claire Venus

This is a great reminder to keep it simple, and only use those elements of Substack that make sense to us as individual writers.

Notion is great, by the way. What other software do you use? I write in Google Docs - it copies almost everything straight into a post (not footnotes though.)

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Oh yes I’m loving notion Ian! Yes google docs but only when I need to share. I still use word and excel as I just feel so familiar with them. Calendly for appointments and podia for my online course and webinar stuff…

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Mar 1Liked by Claire Venus

Always inspired by you Claire!

Also, I filled out your survey! ✨😘

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Oh thank you - I am just figuring them out - think they will be very handy for me actually. Thanks so much for your support and lovely presence Mackenzie. ✨

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I loved reading this Claire, so inspiring and such great ideas! Most of all I loved the reminder about the freedom of creativity here and the possibility of experimenting and leaning into what feels good. Thank you also for including mention of my ATELIER series, some lovely ones to come soon xx

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You're so welcome - love your work Lyndsay my fellow projector pal. ✨

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Projector magic xx

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Thank you for all these ideas and journal prompts Claire!

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You’re super welcome Holly! Such a long post I didn’t know whether it was ever going to come out but wanted to support Leyla’s raffle. ✨✨

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Feb 29Liked by Claire Venus

I'm also trying to buy the masterclass but it wants a password that I don't have.

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Hmm that’s not right I’ll take a look sorry Faith! And thanks!

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Feb 29Liked by Claire Venus

So much ❤️❤️❤️

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🌀 ✨

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I'm finding myself stretching a bit, still finding my place a few days shy of six months in.

When I've followed my creative intuition, here, it isn't always met with growth -- but *I* always grow. And to me, FOR me, that's the greatest metric of all. I've gotten a little sideways at times, looking too often around at "what works" instead of listening to those nudges within, letting everything else fall away.

Last week and this, I challenged myself, quietly, to share outside my own limitations. To share a short (short) piece of fiction. To share a poem. To share photos of art I'm making that's not exactly skilled but beautiful in its own way. It's not cohesive, by any means, but its honest and true and I hope, adding something beautiful to the world or at least the small portion of it glancing at what I share.

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This sounds so beautiful - could I share your words Kristine?

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