I love the term “Substack Enthusiast”! You have helped so many of us Claire, thank you for your generosity! 🤗💕

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It’s defo my special interest 😆✨🙏 you’re so so welcome!

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Claire Venus

I really like your ideas on generosity and how supportive this is. As ever we’ll written and helpful. 😁

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I really like your writer profile pic Jon! That’s made me smile!

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A couple of things came to me while reading through all this.

The generosity piece I wholeheartedly agree with and at the same time I find it sometimes deflates me. I have up and down health and energy. I have overgiven all my life and am well on my way to not doing that any more but there is a need to replenish my reservoir as well as do the stuff that lights me up and right now that's writing on Substack. I love it.

I find 'notes' can be a bit overwhelming and I am aware of the addictive element of it just like any social media. I share other people's stuff quite a bit.

I am wondering how others here navigate being generous with honouring their own needs?

Are you doing one to one work at the moment Claire? I clicked a link for that a few days ago and it said it was closed.

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Hi Karen! I did close it as I have a business programme opening in Nov - let me send you the link.


Depending on how big the programme gets I might open up one to ones again in Jan otherwise it will be Spring.

I highly recommend Sarah Fay for Substack one to one work too.

I have a Substack planner coming out for how we can plan our month on Substack to address this very issue - I’m super excited about it...

I know the energy is a lot to hold but please know you are already more than enough. We can all shape and style our space and time here as we see fit. ✨✨🙏

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Thanks Claire. I will take a look at that and maybe your planner. Although I never stick to plans! I have tried all sorts of time management ways over the years and the only thing that seems to work is writing lists at the beginning of the week then doing something every day depending on my mood and energy levels. Otherwise it's draining and I can't be assed!

I was thinking of Sarah Fay also but she told me off for posting the wrong thing in the chat the other day. She's quite strict! felt like my old English teacher from schooll... Ha ha... But yes I think I will do that. she's great! xx

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She's is strict! She does cut through the noise of Substack though... she's very strategic.... For what it's worth I think you are doing brilliantly Karen - can you make the call Thurs? I'll make time for a couple questions at the end. 💕

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Thanks Claire. Not sure if I'll make it Thursday as it's always my busiest day but I will if I can. XX

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The recording will be there for you! ✨😉

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Hi Claire what a lovely idea, I can't seem to tag them either I have two subscribers who have just set up and i'm sure would love this - hello@beckygracetherapy.co.uk jordan@jmtalkingtherapy.co.uk

Thank you !

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Thanks so much Sarah I am screen shotting to add them knowing there must be an easier way!!! 🤷🏽‍♀️

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That sounds like me working my way through all this ! Thank you so much they are both just getting all set up and I know they will find your work and videos really helpful !

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Oh perfect - next coffee and creativity sesh on zoom is 31st Aug. You might not be able to tag them because they haven't yet set up their writer tag... ✨ that's in their writer settings rather than dashboard settings - where we change our profile pic and bio!

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Yes please - I would love to gift this to my friend Jacky The Therapeutic Poet - I can’t work out how to tag her in notes!! X

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She might not have her writer handle turned on yet?

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Yes you can just email me her email address Emma and let her know it’s coming? ✨✨

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It’s Contact@jackypower.com

Thank you so much 🙏

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Sent her 3 months - will you let her know Emma? ✨✨

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I have done, thank you so much lovely 💕

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Thanks love xx

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yes, please. Can I add linda@lindacurtis.co.uk

You are so generous. Thank you so much.

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You certainly can!!

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This is fantastic! Thank you

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Let me know if you want me to add a friend for you Suzy! It’s free for 3 months!

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Great nuggets of advice as always Claire, I am soaking it all up like a sparkly sponge! 🧽

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Such a generous offer, Claire! 🤍

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Yes very inspired by my recent coaching session with Leonie Dawson! Thanks Sophie! I think it’s helpful to be transparent about our intentions as we learn and grow our businesses! ✨👩🏽‍💻✨

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