Hi, if your new here. I’m Claire and I co-authored the very first Substack book How to Build a World Class Substack. I’ve been building here for since 2022 and my message is always to ‘stay creative on Substack’.
Here you’ll find tips, tutorials and experiments along with my membership.
This weekend, my blended mastermind and membership 💎Diamond Membership is re-open and on sale. If you want advanced Substack support and a small group cohort to stay accountable to. You are most welcome. More here. If you want access to me for Substack course corrects, an audit and regular dm chats this is the membership for you. I’m so excited to welcome you! ✨
Hi Sparklers,
It’s been SO utterly gorgeous to spend time with you inside of your visions, values and goals this month. I wanted to start a collaboration thread as much magic comes from connection here. I know some of you are new and some of you are feeling a little bewildered by change as we gear up for more energetic shifts on Substack.
I’m here to say NONE of it matters, you have time, you have space. Substack give us the tech, the tools, the community building assets, the ability to be paid.
All we have to do is build, experiment, collaborate and observe…
Are you with me?
Sparkle on Substack is a cosy community for readers and members who want to master their Substack experience, build community and readership soulfully, joyfully and sustainably. It’s a burn out free zone!
There is lots of choose from here but it’s set up as a choose your own adventure. There’s nothing to ‘do’. That said, if you want to introduce yourself in the comments and connect for collabs this year, go ahead… There are almost 10,000 of you here and it’s my hope that I can still offer these FREE for all experiences to be of service to the community who support me.
Here’s how it works…
1. Introduce yourself and your Substack url below
2. Tell us what type of connection you’re looking for. Would you like to explore a specific topic, invite guests to your podcast, ask a question for some one with more experience to answer? Perhaps you’d also like to build your IG audience or find a creative to interview to inspire your readers?
3. Tick share to Notes if you want to so other’s find the post too.
4. Circle back in a few hours/ early next week and see what connections you make.
This post will be OPEN for the whole year.
We’re here for you. I’m your biggest cheerleader already.
Let’s Sparkle on Substack!
PS - If you’re new to Substack, head to my Start Here page. If you are looking for something specific, the a-z has you covered. Thanks for being here. This post is free so feel free to share it.
PPS - I’m hosting a FREE class next week on how Substack fits with your Creative Eco-System. Sign up here. Anyone who signs up now will get access to the replay but the class will be a charged for class after that.
Example - Hi, I'm Claire and I write Creatively Conscious - https://creativelyconscious.substack.com - I love to interview creatives who are living life on their terms with a whole heart. I'm launching a short podcast series later in the year about generosity of spirit online. It will be 6 episodes and I'd love three of those to have guests. If you read my work and you're keen, you can email support@creativelyconscious.co.uk or reply here.
Hi, I’m David, and I share heartfelt and often nostalgic reflections on living slowly, simply, and in tune with the seasons over on Rediscover · Reconnect · Re-Emerge https://alifemorecreative.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile. I’m particularly looking for more participants for my Slow Spotlights series over on the A Life More Creative website, for example, https://www.alifemorecreative.co.uk/journal/slow-spotlight-helen-izzard-interior-design The series ‘interviews' people about how they embrace slow, simple and seasonal living in their lives and/or businesses.